In this lesson you will learn to talk about what happened. 在本课中,您将学习如何谈论发生的事情。


# four “W” one “H”

Where  在哪里

What  干什么

Who    谁

Why  为什么

How  怎么样

词汇(Key Word )


Where were you last night at 8:00 pm?

Who was with you?

What were you doing?

Where were you? 你在哪里?

I was at a part. 我参加了一个聚会

What time was the part? 聚会是什么时候?

It was  from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm  它是从晚上7点到9点

Who was with you?你和谁在一起?

My co-workers. 我的同事。

Why were they there?  他们为什么在那里?

It was a birthday party。

How was the party?  这个聚会怎么样?

It wasn't interesting. 没什么意思。

was  wasn't                  I、he/she、Loki、It

were  weren't               you、we、they

It was late at night.It was cold and wet outside.The wind was strong.


I was in my house, worried. I heard a knock at my door. I answered the door.


It was my friend, julia. She was wet. She came into my apartment.


I gave her a towel. She dried herself.I was not worried anymore because she was safe and sound.


late at night  深夜

# Use   Where...?  What...?  Who...? When...?  Why...? ask some questions。

Where were you at night? 晚上你在哪?

When was it?  什么时候?

How was the weather ?  天气怎么样?

Was the wind strong?  风很大吗?

What happened?发生什么事了?

Why were you worried?   你为什么担心?

Who came in house?  谁进到了你家?

What did the writer give her? 作家给了她什么?


# Describe below picture, think sentences。

The picture was taken in  1980.

There are two old man at door。

His name was Lin,Her name was Fei。they were coupled。

The man held old radio,they were careful listened to radio。“Welcome to Meten early bus for English ”

So, I think "People old in life , study is not stop"


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