HDU 5976 Detachment(拆分)

Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)


Problem Description - 题目描述

  In a highly developed alien society, the habitats are almost infinite dimensional space.
  In the history of this planet,there is an old puzzle.
  You have a line segment with x units’ length representing one dimension.The line segment can be split into a number of small line segments: a1,a2, … (x= a1+a2+…) assigned to different dimensions. And then, the multidimensional space has been established. Now there are two requirements for this space:
    1.Two different small line segments cannot be equal ( ai≠aj when i≠j).
    2.Make this multidimensional space size s as large as possible (s= a1∗a2*...).Note that it allows to keep one dimension.That's to say, the number of ai can be only one.
  Now can you solve this question and find the maximum size of the space?(For the final number is too large,your answer will be modulo 10^9+7)

你有一条长x个单位长度的线段表示一个维度。这条线段可以被拆分为若干小线段:a1,a2, … (x= a1+a2+…)并分配为不同的维度。然后,多维空间就建立起来了。现在,这个空间有两个限制:
1.两个不同的小线段不能相等( ai≠aj when i≠j)。
2.多维空间的大小s要尽可能大(s= a1∗a2*...)。注意,各维度只能保持一种。也就是说,ai的值必须唯一。


Input - 输入
  The first line is an integer T,meaning the number of test cases.
  Then T lines follow. Each line contains one integer x.
  1≤T≤10^6, 1≤x≤10^9

1≤T≤10^6, 1≤x≤10^9


Output - 输出

  Maximum s you can get modulo 10^9+7. Note that we wants to be greatest product before modulo 10^9+7.



Sample Input - 输入样例


Sample Output - 输出样例






  最后遇到(a % mod)/(b % mod)的时候需要用逆元。

  把(a/b)%mod转化为(a * inv b)%mod 不嫌弃速度的话可以用费马小定理:

    mod为质数时,inv a = a^(mod - 2)


代码 C++

 1 #include <cstdio>
 2 #include <algorithm>
 3 #define mod 1000000007
 4 #define mx 44722
 5 __int64 mul[mx] = { 1 }, sum[mx];
 6 __int64 qMod(__int64 a, int n){
 7     __int64 opt = 1;
 8     while (n){
 9         if (n & 1) opt = (opt*a) % mod;
10         n >>= 1;
11         a = (a*a) % mod;
12     }
13     return opt;
14 }
15 __int64 lr(int l, int r){//[l, r]
16     return (mul[r] * qMod(mul[l - 1], mod - 2)) % mod;
17 }
18 void rdy(){
19     int i, j;
20     for (i = 1, j = 2; i < mx; ++i, ++j){
21         sum[i] = j + sum[i - 1];
22         mul[i] = (j * mul[i - 1]) % mod;
23     }
24 }
25 int main(){
26     rdy();
27     int t, len, w, l, r;
28     __int64 x, opt;
29     scanf("%d", &t);
30     while (t--){
31         scanf("%I64d", &x);
32         if (x < 5) opt = x;
33         else{
34             len = std::upper_bound(sum, sum + mx, x) - sum - 1;
35             r = len + (x - sum[len]) / len;
36             w = (x - sum[len]) % len;
37             opt = lr(r - len + 1, r - w);
38             if (w) opt *= lr(r + 2 - w, r + 1), opt %= mod;
39         }
40         printf("%I64d\n", opt);
41     }
42     return 0;
43 }


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