
课后 参考答案

unit 1

〖Ex. 1〗根据课文内容,回答以下问题:

1) It is primarily responsible for executing instructions.

2) Through the monitor.

3) All processors, memory modules, plug-in cards, daughterboards, or peripheral devices

can be plugged in those sockets.

4) The binary system is used.

5) Through clever formatting.

6) They are similar to each other. ROM only cannot be altered and does not lose its contents

when power is removed.

7) “Mouses”

8) Floppy disks can be removed from their drives and hard disks can’t.

9) Because it is faster than many types of parallel port.

10) I/O Port.

〖Ex. 2〗根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)

英 文 解 释 词 汇

1) A processor whose elements have been 1) CPU

miniaturized into one or a few integrated circuits.

It is usually used in PC.

2) The main board of a computer, usually containing 2) motherbosard

the circuitry for the central processing unit,

keyboard, and monitor and often having slots for

accepting additional circuitry.

3) A unit of a computer that preserves data for retrieval. 3) memory

4) A hand-held, button-activated input device that 4) mouse

when rolled along a flat surface directs an

indicator to move correspondingly about a computer

screen, allowing the operator to move the indicator

freely, as to select operations or manipulate text

or graphics.

5) A set of keys, as on a computer terminal, word 5) keyboard

processor, typewriter.

6) A connection point for a peripheral device. 6) port

7) A machine code telling a computer to perform a 7) instruction

particular operation.

8) The information or image displayed at a given 8) screen

time on a monitor, display, or video terminal:

9) An input device, sometimes part of a standard 9) keypad

typewriter keyboard, consisting of a s


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