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BlackBerry Developer Evangelist (based in China)



Research In Motion (RIM), a global leader in wireless innovation, revolutionized the mobile industry with the introduction of the BlackBerry® solution in 1999. Today, BlackBerry products and services are used by millions of customers around the world to stay connected to the people and content that matter most throughout their day. Founded in 1984 and based in Waterloo, Ontario, RIM operates offices in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Latin America. RIM is listed on the NASDAQ Stock Market (NASDAQ: RIMM) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: RIM). For more information, visitwww.rim.com or www.blackberry.com.

The Developer Evangelist drives developer platform adoption and ensures developer satisfaction with BlackBerry 10 and BlackBerry OS tools and platform technologies through BlackBerry led events, community engagement, developing relationships with community leaders, and direct account engagement with customers, including running onsite technical programs with key developer partners. This is a highly technical role with the mission of educating, engaging and inspiring the broad community of developers and fostering critical mass adoption of the BlackBerry 10 and BlackBerry OS tools and platform technologies. The Developer Evangelist leads by example and invests heavily in cultivating productive, influential partners and community leaders.

The successful candidate's responsibilities will include:
  • Driving satisfaction with the existing tools and platform technologies and driving adoption of next generation mobile, Tablet OS, and web technologies by having a high level of engagement with the regional developer community through speaking events, and having an outward voice by having a strong social media presence.
  • Driving satisfaction with the existing tools and platform technologies through public engagements, blog posts, sample code and articles to assist the larger developer community better understand how to successfully adopt and use the tools and platform technologies.
  • Driving adoption of next generation mobile, Tablet OS, and web technologies.
  • Supporting RIM-driven events such as DevCon and Developer Days.
  • Running deep technical engagements with top application developer partners to drive successful adoption of BlackBerry 10 mobile platform in support of key RIM product launches.
  • Engaging the broad developer and architect communities in partnership with community leaders.
  • Engaging with the broad developer and architect audience through online channels.
  • Support the development relations team by advocating for the development related needs of our developer communities.


  • 5-10 years of software development experience, deep mobile development acumen, outstanding presentation experience, and persuasive communication skills.
  • Demonstrated passion for sharing their enthusiasm and technical knowledge with the wider developer community.
  • Comfort with Public Speaking at events.
  • Bachelor's or Master's degree in computer science preferred or equivalent experience.
  • Expertise in QNX or Linux preferred, and at least one of development tools, languages and frameworks including C/C++,Qt, Flash/AIR, or HTML5 required.
  • Passion for technology with solid knowledge of mobile developer requirements and knowledge of competitive offerings including iOS, Android, and/or Windows Phone required.
If you're driven to take wireless technologies to the next level, it's time you join the team at RIM. We offer a challenging environment that fosters creativity and rewards excellence. Employees also have use of our award winning BlackBerry! 
© 2012 Research In Motion Limited.  All rights reserved.  BlackBerry®, RIM®, Research In Motion®, SureType®, SurePress™ and related trademarks, names and logos are the property of Research In Motion Limited and are registered and/or used in the U.S. and countries around the world.      


: Research & Development

Primary Location

: China-Shanghai


: Full-time

Hire Type*

: Experienced (Regular)


: Yes, 50% of the time


: Not Available

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