Windows supports multiple accounts on the same device. If someone forgets to sign out of their account, their profile still runs processes and consumes resources in the background. Here’s how you can sign out other users on the same computer.

Windows在同一设备上支持多个帐户。 如果有人忘记退出帐户,则其个人资料仍会运行进程并在后台消耗资源。 您可以通过以下方法在同一台计算机上注销其他用户。

如何注销其他用户 (How to Sign Out Other Users)

When a user locks their account, the computer returns to the sign in screen but leaves their account signed in and running all their programs and processes in the background. This could be problematic for other people using the computer. You can sign out other users either with Task Manager or the Command Prompt, and we’ll walk you through both methods.

当用户锁定其帐户时,计算机将返回登录屏幕,但保留其帐户处于登录状态,并在后台运行所有程序和进程。 对于其他使用计算机的人来说,这可能是个问题。 您可以使用任务管理器或命令提示符退出其他用户,我们将向您介绍这两种方法。

Note: To sign another user out of your device you must be using an account with administrator privileges.


使用任务管理器 (Using Task Manager)

Open up Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc, then click the “Users” tab at the top of the window.

通过按Ctrl + Shift + Esc打开任务管理器,然后单击窗口顶部的“用户”选项卡。

Select the user you want to sign out, and then click “Sign Out” at the bottom of the window.


Alternatively, right-click on the user and then click “Sign Off” on the context menu.


A prompt lets you know that any unsaved data on the user’s account could be lost if you proceed. Only proceed if you know they won’t lose any data. Click “Sign Out User.”

提示提示您,如果继续操作,用户帐户上所有未保存的数据都可能丢失。 仅当您知道他们不会丢失任何数据时,才继续进行。 点击“退出用户”。

使用命令提示符 (Using Command Prompt)

Open an elevated Command Prompt window by hitting Start, typing “cmd” into the search box, right-clicking the result, and then clicking “Run As Administrator.”

通过单击开始,在搜索框中键入“ cmd”,右键单击结果,然后单击“以管理员身份运行”,以打开提升的命令提示符窗口。

At the prompt, type the following command to identify the users currently signed into the device:


query session

Each user has an ID associated with it. Here, Mark is the user we are signing out and his ID is “4.”

每个用户都有一个与之关联的ID。 在这里,Mark是我们要注销的用户,其ID为“ 4”。

Next, type the following command, but replace “ID” with the user’s ID from the previous command:

接下来,键入以下命令,但将“ ID”替换为上一个命令中的用户ID:

logoff ID

So, to sign out Mark from our previous example, we’d type logoff 4 .

因此,要从上一个示例中logoff 4 Mark,我们将输入logoff 4

Command Prompt doesn’t give you any alert or confirmation that the user has been signed out, but rerunning the first command shows you that the user is no longer listed.


Signing a user out this way has the same risks of losing all unsaved data they may have been working on; Command Prompt just doesn’t warn you before running these commands. Make sure any user you sign out has saved all their work before you blindly terminate their session.

以这种方式注销用户具有丢失可能一直在使用的所有未保存数据的风险。 运行这些命令之前,命令提示符不会发出警告。 在您盲目终止会话之前,请确保您注销的所有用户都保存了所有工作。


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