Windows 10 provides the Windows Settings in order to configure different settings of the Windows 10. Windows Settings features are provided with Windows 10 and did not provide for Windows 7, Windows 8, etc.

Windows 10提供Windows Settings以配置Windows 10的不同设置。Windows10提供Windows设置功能,而Windows 7,Windows 8等不提供。

Windows Settings on Windows

Windows Settings can be used for the following configuration of the Windows 10 operating system.

Windows设置可用于Windows 10操作系统的以下配置。

  • System系统
  • Devices设备
  • Phone电话
  • Network&Internet网络与互联网
  • Personalization个性化
  • Apps应用
  • Accounts帐目
  • Time&Language时间和语言
  • Gaming赌博
  • Ease of Access四通八达的交通网络
  • CortanaCortana
  • Privacy隐私
  • Update & Security更新与安全

使用键盘快捷键打开设置(Open Settings with Keyboard Shortcut)

The easiest and most practical way to open Settings window on Windows 10 is using keyboard shortcut. WIN+I is used to open Settings window.

在Windows 10上打开“设置”窗口的最简单,最实用的方法是使用键盘快捷键。 WIN+I用于打开“设置”窗口。


通过开始菜单打开设置 (Open Settings Via Start Menu)

Another easy way to open Settings window is using the Start Menu . When we open start menu on the left side above the shutdown button the Settings window icon is located. We can open the Settings window by clicking to it.

打开“设置”窗口的另一种简便方法是使用“ Start Menu 。 当我们在“关闭”按钮上方左侧打开“开始”菜单时,位于“设置”窗口图标。 我们可以通过单击打开“设置”窗口。

Open Settings Via Start Menu

通过搜索菜单打开设置(Open Settings Via Search Menu)

Alternatively we can open the Settings window via the Search Menu . We will just type the settings to the search and the Settings app will be listed like below.

或者,我们可以通过“ Search Menu ”打开“设置”窗口。 我们只需要在搜索中键入设置,“设置”应用将如下所示。

Open Settings Via Search Menu

通过文件资源管理器打开设置(Open Settings Via File Explorer)

File Explorer also provides a quick launch icon to open Settings window. Settings icon is located on the header part of the file explorer. If it is not shown use the left corner down arrow to open this header part.

File Explorer还提供了一个快速启动图标来打开“设置”窗口。 设置图标位于文件浏览器的标题部分。 如果未显示,请使用左上角的向下箭头打开此标题部分。

Open Settings Via File Explorer

通过快速链接菜单打开设置(Open Settings Via Quick Link Menu)

Quick Link menu provides easy and quick access to the Windows operating system related applications like Setting, Power Options, Event Viewer, Disk Management etc. We can use the quick link menu in order to open Settings on Windows 10. We will use WIN+X keyboard shortcut in order to open Quick Link menu where we will click to the settings like below.

Quick Link菜单提供了对Windows操作系统相关应用程序(例如设置,电源选项,事件查看器,磁盘管理等)的轻松快速访问。我们可以使用快速链接菜单来在Windows 10上打开设置。我们将使用WIN+X键盘快捷键,以便打开“快速链接”菜单,在该菜单中,我们将单击以下设置。


Open Settings Via Quick Link Menu

通过操作中心打开设置(Open Settings Via Action Center)

Windows provides the Action Center in order to get notifications easily and take easy actions for different things like Tablet Mode, Airplane Mode, Location Service, Screen snip, Projection and Settings. We can open Action Center from the right bottom corner like below. The we will click to the All settings to open Settings window.

Windows提供了Action Center ,以便轻松获取通知并针对平板电脑模式,飞行模式,位置服务,屏幕截图,投影和设置等不同内容轻松执行操作。 我们可以从右下角打开操作中心,如下所示。 我们将单击“ All settings以打开“设置”窗口。

Open Settings Via Action Center

通过运行打开设置(Open Settings Via Run )

Windows Run is used to run different commands, shortcuts easily without opening different menus. We will open the Run Window with the WIN+R keyboard shortcut and then put the ms-settings: command to the run menu to execute.

Windows运行用于运行不同的命令,快捷方式,而无需打开不同的菜单。 我们将使用WIN+R键盘快捷键打开“ Run Window ,然后将ms-settings:命令放入运行菜单以执行。


Open Settings Via Run

通过MS-DOS命令行打开设置(Open Settings Via MS-DOS Command Line)

MS-DOS or cmd.exe provides an execution environment for different commands. We can use the ms-settings command in order to open the Settings window from the ms-dos command line.

MS-DOScmd.exe为不同的命令提供了执行环境。 我们可以使用ms-settings命令来从ms-dos命令行打开“设置”窗口。

start ms-settings:

Open Settings Via MS-DOS Command Line

通过PowerShell命令行打开设置(Open Settings Via PowerShell Command Line)

PowerShell is another command line terminal that can be used to open the Settings window. Powershell is very similar with MS-DOS to open the Settings window. We will type the command start ms-settings: like below.

PowerShell是另一个命令行终端,可用于打开“设置”窗口。 Powershell与MS-DOS打开设置窗口非常相似。 我们将键入以下命令start ms-settings: :。

Open Settings Via PowerShell Command Line

系统配置(System Configuration)

System Configuration is mainly used to configure Display, Sound, Notifications, Power, Storage, Remote Desktop etc.

System Configuration主要用于配置显示,声音,通知,电源,存储,远程桌面等。

System Configuration

设备配置(Devices Configuration)

Devices Configuration menu provides Bluetooth, Printer, scanner, mouse, typing, usb and auto play related settings.

Devices Configuration菜单提供了蓝牙,打印机,扫描仪,鼠标,键入,USB和自动播放相关的设置。

Devices Configuration

电话配置(Phone Configuration)

Phone Configuration menu provides connecting Android and iPhone into the computer for getting notifications and accessing messages and files.

Phone Configuration菜单,可以将Android和iPhone连接到计算机中,以获取通知以及访问消息和文件。

Phone Configuration

网络和互联网配置(Network&Internet Configuration)

Network&Internet Configuration menu is used for network status, Ethernet, dial-up,VPN, Data usage and Proxy settings.

Network&Internet Configuration菜单用于网络状态,以太网,拨号,VPN,数据使用和代理设置。

Network&Internet Configuration

个性化设置(Personalization Settings)

Personalization Setting windows are used to make some personalizations like configuring desktop background, colors, lock screen, themes, fonts, start menu, and taskbar.

Personalization Setting窗口用于进行一些个性Personalization Setting例如配置桌面背景,颜色,锁定屏幕,主题,字体,开始菜单和任务栏。

Personalization Settings

应用配置(Apps Configuration)

Apps Configuration can be used to configure apps and their features, default apps, offline maps, apps for web site, video playback and startup configuration.

Apps Configuration可用于配置应用程序及其功能,默认应用程序,脱机地图,网站应用程序,视频播放和启动配置。

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LEARN MORE  How To Disable Cortana on Windows 10?

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了解更多如何在Windows 10上禁用Cortana?

帐户设定 (Accounts Setting)

Accounts Setting can be used to configure user information, email and app counts, signing options, family goup and sync configuration.

Accounts Setting可用于配置用户信息,电子邮件和应用计数,签名选项,家庭组和同步配置。

时间和语言设置 (Time&Language Setting)

Time&Language Setting is used to change and configure date, time information, region and language with the speech.

Time&Language Setting用于更改和配置语音的日期,时间信息,区域和语言。

Time&Language Setting

游戏设定(Gaming Setting)

Gaming Setting is used to configure game bar, game DVR, broadcasting, game mode, Trueplay and Xbox networking.

Gaming Setting用于配置游戏栏,游戏DVR,广播,游戏模式,Trueplay和Xbox网络。

Gaming Setting

轻松访问设置(Ease Of Access Setting)

Ease Of Access Setting is used to configure some accessability features for disabled peoples like display, cursor and pointer size, magnifier, color filters, high contrast, narrator, audio, closed captions, speed, keyboard, mouse and eye control.

Ease Of Access Setting用于为残疾人士配置一些可访问性功能,例如显示,光标和指针大小,放大镜,彩色滤光片,高对比度,解说员,音频,隐藏式字幕,速度,键盘,鼠标和眼睛控制。

Ease Of Access Setting

Cortana设定(Cortana Setting)

Cortana Setting can be used to change different settings or Cortona like permissions, history, multiple device usage etc.

Cortana Setting可用于更改不同的设置或Cortona,例如权限,历史记录,多设备使用情况等。

Cortana Setting

隐私设置(Privacy Setting)

Privacy Setting is used to control user privacy related settings like speech, activity history, location, camera, microphone, notifications, call history email, documents etc.

Privacy Setting用于控制与用户隐私相关的设置,例如语音,活动历史记录,位置,摄像头,麦克风,通知,通话记录电子邮件,文档等。

更新和安全设置 (Update and Security Setting)

Update and Security Setting is used to get updates and secure the operating system. Following actions can be take with the Update and Security Setting window.

Update and Security Setting用于获取更新和保护操作系统。 可以在“更新和安全设置”窗口中执行以下操作。

  • Windows UpdateWindows更新
  • Windows Security Windows安全性
  • Backup后备
  • Troubleshoot疑难排解
  • Recovery复苏
  • Activation激活
  • Find my device查找我的设备
  • Developer Settings开发人员设定
  • Windows Insider Program Windows Insider程序

Update and Security Setting


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