iphone 隐藏底部

By default, on an iPhone 6/6 Plus or 6S/6S Plus, photos for your contacts are displayed in the Messages app. If you don’t want to see those photos, though, you can hide them with a simple setting.

默认情况下,在iPhone 6/6 Plus或6S / 6S Plus上,联系人的照片显示在“消息”应用程序中。 但是,如果您不想看到这些照片,可以通过简单的设置将其隐藏。

There are various reasons for hiding the photos in Messages. Maybe you don’t have photos for many of your contacts, and you don’t want to see the default silhouette. Or, maybe you just want more screen real estate devoted to the messages, so you can see more of each message in the list. In any case, we’ll show where to find the setting to hide the photos in Messages.

在“消息”中隐藏照片有多种原因。 也许您没有很多联系人的照片,也不想看到默认轮廓。 或者,也许您只是想为消息分配更多的屏幕空间,以便可以在列表中看到更多的消息。 无论如何,我们都会显示在哪里可以找到在“消息”中隐藏照片的设置。

To begin, tap “Settings” on the Home screen.


On the Settings screen, tap “Messages”.


Tap the “Show Contact Photos” slider button on the Messages screen to turn off the option.


The slider button will turn white when the option is off.


Now, you won’t see any photos next to the contact names in the Messages app.


Note that this procedure only applies to the iPhone 6/6 Plus and 6S/6S Plus, as they are the only iPhones that can show contact photos in the Messages app.

请注意,此过程仅适用于iPhone 6/6 Plus和6S / 6S Plus,因为它们是唯一可以在“消息”应用程序中显示联系人照片的iPhone。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/253036/how-to-hide-contact-photos-in-messages-on-the-iphone/

iphone 隐藏底部

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