
This book is the story of how we think about our people, what we’ve learned over the past fifteen years, and what you can do to put people first and transform how you live and lead.

这本书是讲了过去十五年我们所学到的对于人的思考的故事, 关于如何做可以以人为本并影响你的生活和领导方式

Why Google’s Rules Will Work for You

She argued that the model exemplified by places like Google—what I’ll call a “high-freedom” approach where employees are given great latitude—was the way of the future. Top-down, hierarchical, command-and-control models of management—“low-freedom” environments—would soon fade away.

她认为, 以谷歌为例的模式 ------ 我称之为“高度自由”的方法, 即给予员工很大的自由度是未来的发展方向. 自上而下, 分层, 指挥和控制的管理模式 ------ "低自由度" 环境很快就会消失

The most talented people on the planet are increasingly physically mobile, increasingly connected through technology, and importantly—increasingly discoverable by employers. This global cadre want to be in high-freedom companies, and talent will flow to those companies. And leaders who build the right kind of environments will be magnets for the most talented people on the planet.

地球上最有才华的人身体上的流动性越来越强, 通过科技联系越来越紧密, 重要的是越来越容易被雇主发现. 这些全球骨干希望进入高度自由的公司, 人才将流向这些公司. 而营造合适环境的领导者将成为全世界最有才华的人的磁石.

Becoming a Founder

One of my hopes in writing this book is that anyone reading it starts thinking of themselves as a founder. Maybe not of an entire company, but the founder of a team, a family, a culture. The fundamental lesson from Google’s experience is that you must first choose whether you want to be a founder or an employee. It’s not a question of literal ownership. It’s a question of attitude

我写这本书的一个希望是, 任何一个读这本书的人都会开始把自己当成一个创始人. 也许不是整个公司的创始人, 而是一个团队, 一个家庭, 一种文化的创始人. 从谷歌的经验中得到的基本教训是, 你必须首先选择自己是想成为创始人还是员工. 这不是文字所有权的问题. 这是一个态度问题

Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast

If you give people freedom, they will amaze you

如果提供给人们自由, 他们会给你惊喜

To understand that, you have to explorethe three defining aspects of our culture: mission, transparency, and voice.

Mission: We all want our work to matter. Nothing is a more powerful motivator than to know that you are making a difference in the world.

Transparency: And giving them more context about what is happening (and how and why) will enable them to do their jobs more effectively and contribute in ways a top-down manager couldn’t anticipate.

Voice: All of us want control over our destinies

为了理解这个, 你必须理解文化的三个方面: 使命, 透明度和话语权. 使命: 我们都希望我们的工作有意义, 没有什么比知道你正在改变世界更强大的动力了. 透明度: 给他们更多关于发生了什么 (以及如何和为什么发生) 的背景知识, 将使他们能够更有效地完成工作, 并以自上而下的管理者无法预料的方式做出贡献. 话语权: 我们都想控制自己的命运

Lake Wobegon, Where All the New Hires Are Above Average

How can you tell if you have found someone exceptional? My simple rule of thumb—and the second big change to make in how you hire—is: “Only hire people who are better than you.”

你怎么知道你是否找到了一个与众不同的人? 我简单的经验法则, 以及在招聘方式上要做的第二大改变是: "只招聘比你优秀的人."

In addition to being willing to take longer, to wait for someone better than you, you also need managers to give up power when it comes to hiring.

除了愿意花更长的时间等待比你更好的人之外, 你还需要管理者在招聘时放弃权力.

The lesson of “The Talent Myth” was not “Don’t hire smart people.” It was “Don’t hire exclusively for smarts.” Sound advice. Superb hiring isn’t just about recruiting the biggest name, top salesperson, or cleverest engineer. It’s about finding the very best people who will be successful in the context of your organization, and who will make everyone around them more successful.

"人才神话" 的教训不是 "不要雇佣聪明人", 而是 "不要只为聪明人而雇佣人", 这是一个合理的建议. 优秀的招聘不仅仅是招聘大牌, 顶级销售人员或最聪明的工程师, 它是关于找到最优秀的将在您的组织环境中取得成功人, 并且能够使周围的每个人都更成功.

Searching for the Best

‘Work from Aarhus, start a new office for Google, build great things.’ We hired the entire team and it’s this group that built the JavaScript engine in Chrome.”

在 Aarhus 继续开展工作, Google 在当地的地方搭建办公室, 做伟大的事情, 我们雇佣了整个团队, 正是这个团队用 Chrome 构建了 JavaScript 引擎

Get the best referrals by being excruciatingly specific in describing what you’re looking for.


Make recruiting part of everyone’s job.


Don’t be afraid to try crazy things to get the attention of the best people.


Don’t Trust Your Gut

combining behavioral and situational structured interviews with assessments of cognitive ability, conscientiousness, and leadership.

将面试者的过往行为和针对预定情况的处理过程与认知能力, 责任心和领导力的评估相结合进行评估

It’s always worth investing time to make sure they feel good at the end of it, because they will tell other people about their experience—and because it’s the right way to treat people.

花时间确保他们在面试结束时感觉良好总是值得的, 因为他们会告诉别人他们的面试经历, 更因为这是正确的待人方式。

General Cognitive Ability. Not surprisingly, we want smart people who can learn and adapt to new situations. Remember that this is about understanding how candidates have solved hard problems in real life and how they learn, not checking GPAs and SATs.

一般认知能力. 不足为奇的是, 我们需要能够学习和适应新环境的聪明人. 记住, 这是关于了解考生如何解决现实生活中的难题, 以及他们如何学习, 而不是检查学习分数

Leadership. We have a strong bias against leaders who champion themselves: people who use “I” far more than “we” and focus exclusively on what they accomplished, rather than how.

领导力. 我们对那些鼓吹自己的领导人有强烈的偏见: 那些使用 '我' 的人远远多于使用 "我们" 的人, 他们只关注自己完成了什么, 而不是如何完成

“Googleyness.” We want people who will thrive at Google. This isn’t a neatly defined box, but includes attributes like enjoying fun (who doesn’t?), a certain dose of intellectual humility (it’s hard to learn if you can’t admit that you might be wrong), a strong measure of conscientiousness (we want owners, not employees), comfort with ambiguity (we don’t know how our business will evolve, and navigating Google internally requires dealing with a lot of ambiguity), and evidence that you’ve taken some courageous or interesting paths in your life.

"Googleyness" 我们需要的是那些在Google工作的人. 这不是一个明确定义的框, 但包括一些属性, 比如享受乐趣 (谁不呢?), 一定程度的智力谦逊 (如果你不能承认自己可能错了, 那就很难学习), 强烈的责任感 (我们想要的是所有者, 而不是雇员), 接受不确定性 (我们不知道我们的业务将如何发展, 在谷歌内部导航需要处理很多不确定的问题), 证明你在生活中走了一些勇敢或有趣的道路

Role-Related Knowledge. By far the least important attribute we screen for is whether someone actually knows anything about the job they are taking on.

角色相关知识. 到目前为止, 我们筛选出的最不重要的属性是是否有人真正了解他们所从事的工作

It sends a strong signal to candidates about Google being nonhierarchical, and it also helps prevent cronyism, where managers hire their old buddies for their new teams. We find that the best candidates leave subordinates feeling inspired or excited to learn from them.

它向候选人发出了一个强烈的信号, 即谷歌是非等级制的, 这也有助于防止任人唯亲, 即管理者为他们的新团队雇佣他们的老朋友. 我们发现, 最好的候选人会让下属感到从他们身上感到兴奋并且想向他学习

In most organizations, you join and then have to prove yourself. At Google, there’s such faith in the quality of the hiring process that people join and on their first day are trusted and full members of their teams.

在大多数组织中, 你加入后必须证明自己. 在谷歌, 人们对招聘过程的质量充满信心, 他们加入后第一天就成为了团队中值得信任的正式成员

Let the Inmates Run the Asylum

Take power from your managers and trust your people to run things

剥夺管理者的权力, 信任大家一起来做事情

Make decisions based on data, not based on managers’opinions

根据数据做决定, 不要根据管理员的观点

The use of 20 percent time has waxed and waned over the years, humming along at about 10 percent utilization when we last measured it. In some ways, the idea of 20 percent time is more important than the reality of it. It operates somewhat outside the lines of formal management oversight, and always will, because the most talented and creative people can’t be forced to work.

20% 的时间利用率在过去的几年里有增无减, 当我们最后一次测量它时, 它的利用率大约为10%. 在某些方面, 百分之二十的时间观念比现实更重要. 它的运作有点脱离了正式管理层的监督, 而且永远都会, 因为最有才华和创造力的人不能被迫工作.

Eliminate status symbols.


Find ways for people to shape their work and the company.


Improve performance by focusing on personal growth instead of ratings and rewards

Set goals correctly. Gather peer feedback. Use a calibration process to finalize ratings.Split rewards conversations from development conversations.

正确设定目标, 收集同级别同事的反馈, 使用校准过程确定额定值, 将奖励对话与发展对话分开

The biggest opportunities lie in your absolute worst and best employees

  1. Be a good coach.
  2. Empower the team and do not micromanage.
  3. Express interest/concern for team members’ success and personal well-being.
  4. Be very productive/results-oriented.
  5. Be a good communicator—listen and share information.
  6. Help the team with career development.
  7. Have a clear vision/strategy for the team.
  8. Have important technical skills that help advise the team.
  1. 做个好教练

  2. 赋予团队权力, 而不是微观管理

  3. 对团队成员的成功和个人幸福感表示兴趣/关注

  4. 非常有成效/结果导向

  5. 善于沟通, 倾听和分享信息

  6. 帮助团队进行职业发展

  7. 为团队制定清晰的愿景/战略

  8. 具备重要的技术技能, 为团队提供建议

Help those in need.

2/7/1 其中 1 的同学如果直接开除, 需要新增新人的招聘培养成本, 团队内也会因为这个制度导致互相不正当竞争

Building a Learning Institution

You learn the best when you learn the least, Ericsson refers to this as deliberate practice: intentional repetitions of similar, small tasks with immediate feedback, correction, and experimentation.It’s a better investment to deliver less content and have people retain it, than it is to deliver more hours of “learning” that is quickly forgotten.

学得最少, 学得最好, 爱立信将此称为刻意练习: 有意识地重复类似的小任务, 并立即反馈, 纠正和纠正实验. 它提供更少的内容并让人们保留它是一种更好的投资, 而不是提供更多时间的 "学习", 很快就会被遗忘.

Build your faculty from within, because individual performance scales linearly, while teaching scales geometrically

让团队内部人培养团队的能力, 因为个人的表现是线性效果的, 而教学(如果他把知识分享给大家)是几何效果的

Pay Unfairly

Pay unfairly. Your best people are better than you think, and worth more than you pay them, Fairness in pay does not mean everyone at the same job level is paid the same or within 20 percent of one another.

支付不公平. 你最优秀的员工比你想象的要好, 而且比你给他们的薪水更值钱, 薪酬公平并不意味着同一职位的每个人的薪酬都相同或相差不到20%

Celebrate accomplishment, not compensation. We recognize publicly through experiential awards and reward privately through substantial differentiation in bonus and stock. And Googlers are happier as a result.

庆祝成就, 而不是补偿. 我们通过体验奖励公开奖励, 通过奖金和股票的实质性差异私下奖励. 谷歌人因此更快乐

Make it easy to spread the love. Allowing people to reward one another facilitates a culture of recognition and service, and is a way to show employees that they should be thinking like owners rather than serfs

让爱易于传播. 允许人们互相奖励有助于形成一种认可和服务的文化, 是向员工表明他们应该像主人而不是农奴一样思考的一种方式

Reward thoughtful failure.While incentives and goals matter, the act of considered risk-taking itself needs to be rewarded, especially in the face of failure. Otherwise, people simply won’t take risks.A year or two after Wave, Jeff Huber was running our Ads engineering team. He had a policy that any notable bug or mistake would be discussed at his team meeting in a “What did we learn?” session. He wanted to make sure that bad news was shared as openly as good news, so that he and his leaders were never blind to what was really happening and to reinforce the importance of learning from mistakes. In one session, a mortified engineer confessed, “Jeff, I screwed up a line of code and it cost us a million dollars in revenue.” After leading the team through the postmortem and fixes, Jeff concluded, “Did we get more than a million dollars in learning out of this?” “Yes.” “Then get back to work.”

体贴的奖励失败. 虽然激励和目标很重要, 经过深思熟虑的冒险行为本身需要得到奖励, 尤其是在面对失败时. 否则, 人们就不会冒险了.在Wave之后的一两年, Jeff Huber管理着我们的广告工程团队. 他有一个政策, 任何明显的缺陷或错误都会在他的团队会议上以 "我们学到了什么"?" 开始会话. 他希望确保坏消息能像好消息一样公开地被分享, 这样他和他的领导人就不会对真正发生的事情视而不见, 并强调从错误中吸取教训的重要性. 在一次会议上, 一位羞愧的工程师坦言: "杰夫, 我把一行代码搞糟了, 花了我们一百万美元的收入", 在带领团队完成了验尸和修复工作后, 杰夫总结道: "我们从中学到了一百万美元吗?" "是的." ”那就回去工作吧"

The Best Things in Life Are Free (or Almost Free)

Encouraging efficiency in your professional and personal lives,A community that spans Google and beyond,Fueling innovation,Find ways to say yes,Be there when your people most need you

在你的职业和个人生活中鼓励效率, 一个跨越谷歌和其他领域的社区, 鼓励创新, 想办法说 "是", 在你的人民最需要你的时候出现

Nudge… a Lot

Have a role-and-responsibilities discussion.Match your Noogler with a peer buddy.Help your Noogler build a social network.Set up onboarding check-ins once a month for your Noogler’s first six months.Encourage open dialogue.

与新人开展角色和责任讨论. 给新人安排一个对应的同学, 帮助新人建立了一个社交网络. 前六个月每个月做一次记录, 鼓励公开对话

It’s Not All Rainbows and Unicorns, Google’s biggest people mistakes and what you can do to avoid them

Any idea carried to an extreme becomes foolishness. “Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man’s nose begins,” Innovation thrives on creativity and experimentation, but it also requires thoughtful pruning.

任何思想发展到极端都是愚蠢的. "你挥舞手臂的权利就止于对方鼻子的起点", 创新源于创造力和实验, 但也需要深思熟虑的修剪


All it takes is a belief that people are fundamentally good—and enoughcourage to treat your people like owners instead of machines. Machines do their jobs; owners do whatever is needed to make their companies and teams successful.

所有这一切都需要一个信念, 即人们从根本上是好的, 并且有足够的勇气把你的人民当作拥有者而不是机器. 机器做他们的工作; 所有者做任何需要使他们的公司和团队成功的事情.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

你要别人怎样待你, 你就怎样待他们

Remember too that you don’t just want to assess the candidate. You want them to fall in love with you.

也要记住, 你不只是想评估候选人. 你想让他们爱上你

If you have facts,present them and we’ll use them. But if you have opinions, we’re gonna usemine

如果你有事实, 把它们呈现出来, 我们就用它们. 但如果你有意见, 我们就用我的

the best way to learn is to teach


Work hard, but don’t show off.


Note that being below average isn’t bad. It’s just the math. As the datashow, exceptional contributors perform at a level so far above that of most,that they are able to pull the average up well past the median.

注意, 低于平均水平并不坏. 只是数学的问题. 数据显示, 优秀贡献者的表现远远高于大多数贡献者, 他们能够将平均值拉高到中位数以上

These are smart kids, but in life they are going to hit walls once in a while. It’s vital they master geometry, algebra one, and algebra two, but it’s just as important that they respond to failure by trying again instead of giving up

他们是聪明的孩子, 但在生活中, 他们会偶尔碰壁. 他们掌握几何学, 代数一和代数二是非常重要的, 但同样重要的是, 他们对失败的反应是再试一次, 而不是放弃

The question is not what management system is required to change the nature of man, but rather what is required to change the nature of work.

问题不在于需要什么样的管理制度来改变人的本性, 而在于需要什么样的管理制度来改变工作的本性


当然啦, 我感觉看到这的读者也不多啦, 我为什么要读这本书呢, 因为一鸣要提拔我做 CTO 管理团队(上面留的春节作业), 我不知道大家看了上面的内容会感觉怎么样, 会不会感觉都是鸡汤, 卵用没有, 这样的公司在哪呢.

同为打工人, 我确实有一点点不同的理解, 我之前对企业文化这种东西感觉太大太虚了, 没啥用, 后来我经历了福报厂和舞蹈厂两个大的公司, 确实感觉到了文化上根本的不同.

比如福报厂是等级分明的, title 挂在聊天软件上(后来这点改了), 招聘是招聘实用的人, 最好有相关的工作经验, 严格 271 绩效分配(后来这点好像也改了), 绩效评估也和其他人关系不大, 主要看 leader, 不提供免费三餐零食下午茶等小福利, 分工相对清晰, 个人的甚至团队的可替换性强, 对于故障是零容忍, 严格评级并有一定的公开惩罚机制

舞蹈厂和本文的情况很多重叠的观念不一一赘述, 主要有几个例子吧, 比如层级严格保密, 免费的三餐零食, 构建随时反馈协助团队内外互相反馈, 绩效评估必须要有 360 度评估, 对于故障是隐秘纰漏的, 对事不对人.

我本人并不能区分这二种制度的优缺点, 因为在不同的业务下可能就是不同的制度会更好, 比如电商和金融就是适合第一种, 比如福报厂和粪(坟)厂都是这种, 但是抖音这种要是也这样, 大家工作都不开心能做出什么开心的产品.

但是我感觉个人来讲, Google 的这种制度下工作的人肯定会更开心一些, 毕竟谁也不想成为一个机器零件,应该 都想发挥个人的作用构建更美好的生活.WX:

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    欢迎关注方志朋的博客,回复"666"获面试宝典 最近读到了一位在 Google 工作10年+的"老"工程师关于技术.管理和职场生涯的感悟. 我看完后觉得很有收获 ...

  8. Google工作10年的职场感悟

    源|电子发烧友网.程序厨 哈喽大家好,今天坐地铁读到了一位在 Google 工作10年+的"老"工程师关于技术.管理和职场生涯的感悟. 我看完后觉得很有收获,因此在这里也分享给大家 ...

  9. 谷歌数字图书馆_如何在没有联系的情况下找到6位数字的工作-提示使我获得了Google和其他技术巨头的工作机会...

    谷歌数字图书馆 Shortly after college, I began chasing something many people want but few ever get: a job th ...

  10. Google的系统工程师(SA)如何工作

    由于Google的服务已经集群化,系统工程师并不大量接触硬件比如做安装服务器等事情.另外大部分工作也已经自动化了,比如架设LDAP, 负载均衡等.对照而言,国内目前大部分互联网公司SA仍然要做大量重复 ...


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