触摸屏编程 C-more Micro

Programming Software



Welcome to the AutomationDirect.com

C-more Micro-Graphic Programming Software.  This

HMI programming software is a user friendly tool designed to allow

quick programming of C-more Micro-Graphic Panel.

This software includes graphics and an interface

program for use with Windows® XP Home, Windows XP Professional, and

Windows 2000 (SP4) operating systems.

The simple operation of this software allows

users to quickly develop operational control screens for the C-more

Micro-Graphic panels.  This online help is

designed to provide information regarding this software, available

tools, and tutorials used to get acquainted with the software


It is highly recommended that users read all the

introduction information before using this software.

This information includes details on warnings,

compatible drivers, technical support and other important

information.  In addition

Welcome to the C-more Micro Programming


Version 3.00 Build 0.0 (27 October 2010)


This document describes some of what's new in this release of the

C-more Micro

Programming Software. It also includes known issues as well as


information for the documentation provided with this software. The


in this file and in the Help system is more up-to-date than that in

the manual.


1. Welcome

2. Getting Started

3. What's New?

4. Known Issues

5. Technical Support Procedures.

6. Documentation Changes.

7. Help File Changes.

8. Known Problems and Conditions.

9. Uninstalling the C-more Micro Programming


10. Contact Technical Support

Part 1: Welcome

AutomationDirect.com would thank you for using the

C-more Micro Programming

Software. We have loaded many powerful and exciting features to the

New C-more

Micro software; however we know that our customers sometimes have

great ideas

for features. Please feel free to give us input on the C-more Micro


line and you may even request features that you feel would add more

value to

the software for your application

Part 2: Getting Started

See the C-more Micro Programming Software

Installation Guide for help on

installing the software on your PC. Also, see the Hardware Quick


guide that comes with every panel. You can find the same

information in

the C-more Micro help files by selecting the Getting Started item

under the

Help menu of the C-more Micro Programming Software


Part 3: What's New?

2/7/2011 version 3.01 Build 0.0

Bug Fixes

1. Simulator tag list is not created when the windows decimal

separator is a comma instead of a period

2. Simulator changes numeric display to incorrect value after

changing adjacent register value

3. P3000 driver does not correctly handle multiple block


10/27/2010 Version 3.00 Build 0.0

New features

1. Support for EA1-T4CL.

2. New system fonts: 4x6, 8x32, 8x64, 16x32, 16x64 and 32x64

3. Add of 'Range' option for'Increment/Decrement Value'


4. Add 'Auto Increment or Decrement' feature for

'Increment/Decrement Value' object.














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