什么是闭包,“This is a notion out of the Lisp world that says if you define an anonymous function in a particular lexical context, it pretends to run in that context even when it's called outside of the context.”【2】。在面向对象的语言里面,“A closure is a callable object that retains information from the scope in which it was created. From this definition, you can see that an inner class is an object-oriented closure, because it doesn’t just contain each piece of information from the outer-class object ("the scope in which it was created"), but it automatically holds a reference back to the whole outer-class object, where it has permission to manipulate all the members, even private ones.”【3】


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;{my $inc = 10;sub incr {print "$inc\n";$inc++;}


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;sub make_incr {my $inc = shift;return sub { print "$inc\n"; $inc++ };
}my $c1 = make_incr(10);
my $c2 = make_incr(20);$c1->();


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;sub exclaim {my $prefix = shift;return sub { print "$prefix $_[0]!\n" };
}my $batman = exclaim('Indeed');
my $robin  = exclaim('Holy');$robin->('Mackerel');    # prints: Holy Mackerel!
$batman->('Robin');      # prints: Indeed Robin!

那么闭包有什么作用呢?以下摘自“Learning Perl Objects, References & Modules”的第6章【1】:

用法一 在subroutine中返回subroutine的引用,通常作为回调函数:

use File::Find;sub create_find_callbacks_that_sum_the_size {my $total_size = 0;return ( sub { $total_size += -s if -f }, sub { return $total_size } );
}my ( $count_em, $get_results ) = create_find_callbacks_that_sum_the_size();find( $count_em, "bin" );my $total_size = &$get_results();print "total size of bin is $total_size \n";


用法二  使用闭环变量作为输入,用作函数生成器,来生成不同的函数指针:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;sub print_bigger_than {my $minimum_size = shift;return sub { print "$File::Find::name/n" if -f and -s >= $minimum_size };
}my $bigger_than_1024 = print_bigger_than(1024);
find( $bigger_than_1024, "bin" );


用法三 作为静态局部变量使用,提供了c语言静态局部变量的功能:

BEGIN {my $countdown = 10;sub count_down { $countdown-- }sub count_remaining { $countdown }

这里用到了关键字BEGIN. BEGIN的作用就是,当perl编译完这段代码之后,停止当前编译,然后直接进入运行阶段,执行BEGIN块内部的代码.然后再回到编译状态, 继续编译剩余的代码. 这就保证了无论BEGIN块位于程序中的哪个位置,在调用count_down之前,$countdown被确保初始化为10.

最后附上一个相当cool的例子,来在“Perl Best Practices”:

# Generate a new sorting routine whose name is the string in $sub_name
# and which sorts on keys extracted by the subroutine referred to by $key_sub_ref
sub make_sorter {my ( $sub_name, $key_sub_ref ) = @_;# Create a new anonymous subroutine that implements the sort...my $sort_sub_ref = sub {# Sort using the Schwartzian transform...return map { $_->[0] }                # 3. Return original valuesort     { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] }    # 2. Compare keysmap { [ $_, $key_sub_ref->() ] }    # 1. Extract key, cache with value@_;                                 # 0. Perform sort on full arg list};# Install the new anonymous sub into the caller's namespaceuse Sub::Installer;caller->install_sub( $sub_name, $sort_sub_ref );return;
}# and then...
make_sorter( sort_sha => sub { sha512($_) } );
make_sorter( sort_ids => sub { /^ID:(\d+)/ } );
make_sorter( sort_len => sub { length } );# and later...
@names_shortest_first = sort_len(@names);
@names_digested_first = sort_sha(@names);
@names_identity_first = sort_ids(@names);


  1. http://blog.csdn.net/mac_philips/article/details/6058946
  2. http://unlser1.unl.csi.cuny.edu/faqs/perl-faq/Q3.14.html
  3. Think in Java, 4th
  4. http://www.itworld.com/nl/perl/08302001/
  5. http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/perl/advprog/ch04_03.htm


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