
a:hello. good morning
b:good morning Ms.Dell.I'm Jonathan Smith
a:NIce to meet you
b:yes.you as well
a:We're glad you could come.
b:Yes.we've been trying to set up this meeting for a month.
a:Would you like coffee or tea?
b:Neither,but thank you
a:Well,let's get started.
b:yes,we've met today to discuss our company partnership.

Negotiating Job Benefits

a:we'd like to offer you the job.
b:That's great news
a:yes,here's your information pocket.
b:Is my benefits information in here?
a:Yes,and we thought about your request for health insurance.
b:What did you decide?
a:We feel that a fair solution would be health insurance for you and not for your spouse.
b:What if we have children? Will they have insurance?
a:Thay can have insurance until they are 18.
b:that's acceptable

Business partners

a:what do you think of the Canadian university?
b:Do you mean about their proposal?
a:Yeah,they want to send twelve students to our company as interns.
b:I think it's a good idea.
a:they want us to find them apartments and money for food.
b:what? I'm afraid that we cannot accept those conditions.
a:That's what I told him.
b:Did you find a solution?
a:not yet.
b:suggest that we can host six interns.

negotiating a sale

a:thanks for telling me about your product.
b:No problem.It's been my pleasure.
a:Before I go,can we discuss the discount?
b:Of course,W'd offer you free shipping for purchases of 100 dollars or more.
a:Could you deliver it to my office?
b:Yes,that's possible.
a:how long will it take?
b:Three to five business days
a:Can  you put that on my account?
b:yes,and we'll send your company an invoice next week.

negotiating a merger

a:As I understand it,  your offer is two million dollars.
b:yes,we'll offer you two million dollars for your company.
a:please correct me if I'm wrong,but I understand you won't keep any of our staff.
b:That's true.We'll start with new people.
a:I'm sorry,but we cannot accept those conditions.
b:I don't think you are in a position to argue.your company is failing.
a:many of our staff have been working here for twenty years or more.
b:This will be a hard process for everyone.
a:they have so much company knowledge.you can't replace that.
b:You know ,that's a good point.we will review the staff before we make a decision to let them go.

negotiating a promotion

a:Thanks again for  agreeing to meet today. I really appreciate your taking the time during your lunch.
b:Okay,well,let's get started. I'd like to get back to work as soon as possible.
a:Greet.Okay,well,would you like to go first?
b:Oh,no,you go first.After all,you're the one who asked to meet with me.
a:Very well.First of all I want you to know you've had to make hard business choices.
b:You're right,It's been a hard year.
a:But I've worked hard for your company for six years and I've never received a raise.
b:What are you trying to say.
a:I'd like a raise.


a:Look,We're running out of time here and I've barely had a bite of my lunch.
b:I know.and we have a lot of work to get done this afternoon.
a:Well,I guess we'll have to settle this another time.
b:Actually,I'd really like to get this settled today.I know how busy you are.
a:Well,we're not getting anywhere.
b:Please stay for a few more minutes,so we can make a decision.
a:And what if I don't?Are you going to quit?
b:This should only take a few more minutes.
a:Fine.you can have a promotion to manager,but no raise.
b:I think you and I both know that the raise is more important to me than the title itself.

Wrapping up

a:You know most people wouldn't even think about giving you a promotion.
b:You've said before that experience means more to you than education.
a:I suppose you're going to remind me you've worked here for six years.
b:Six years without a raise.
a:You don't need to remind me.
b:Look,I'd be willing to accept 22 dollars an hour if you agree to review my salary in the fall.
a:Fine,I guess that's fair.
b:Great,I won't disappoint you.
a:Fine fine.Let's wrap this up.
b:Okay,Let's shake on it.


a:Susan,do you have a minute?
b:Yes,of course Matt.What's up?
a:I'm looking at your proposal.I want to ask you a few questions.
b:Go ahead.
a:Could I ask you want you mean by offering a 50 percent discount to the Jones company?
b:I Worked out a deal with them.They will give our company free software training.
a:I think we should consider a different solution.
b:I've already agree to do this with them.I can't change it.
a:We can't offer this.
b:Fine.I'll have a meeting with Chris and see what he thinks before i call the Jones Company.

asking an opinion

a:Chirs,I need your help.
a:Matt and I had a disagreement.
b:About the Jones Company?
a:Yes,he thinks I offered them too much.What do you think about the matter?
b:I see what Matt means,but on the other hand,you said they'll give us free training.
a:Yes,for all of our employees.
b:The main problem as we see it is who's in charge of the account:you or Matt?
a:Matt has the last word.
b:Then you'll have to compromise with him and probably change your offer with the Jones Company.

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