
Disclaimer: Opinions my own.


I joined tech because I wanted to make the world a better place.


I’m sure a lot of other people joined for similar reasons too. Tech is the one field that consistently revolutionizes the world every few years.

我敢肯定,很多其他人也是出于类似原因加入的。 技术是每几年不断革新世界的领域。

From personal computers to the Internet, to data centers and cellphones — tech has brought about an exponential change in the last few decades that almost makes 300k years of (modern) human history seem like a picnic. Amazing, right?

从个人计算机到互联网,再到数据中心和手机,在过去的几十年中,技术带来了指数级的变化,几乎使30万年的(现代)人类历史变成了一场野餐。 太好了吧?

But every day, I am more disillusioned.


Despite teeming with intelligence, tech workers seem to be too short-sighted. The solution to problem A creates problems B, C, and D.

尽管充满了智力,但是技术工作者似乎太短视了。 问题A的解决方案会产生问题B,C和D。

But who cares, I guess, because #unicorn #IPO.

但我猜谁会在乎,因为#unicorn #IPO。

我们正在建造一些很酷的东西,而忽略了后果。 (We’re building cool things with disregard for the consequences.)

I hypothesize it’s because we’re far removed from the results of our work.


As a defense contractor, you don’t have to watch your code power the drones that raze villages and bomb people.


As a robotics engineer, you don’t have to talk to the people your robots put out of work.


It’s not like you wanted other countries to use your platform to sway elections. It’s not your business how others use your facial recognition technology.

并不是说您希望其他国家使用您的平台来影响选举。 别人如何使用您的面部识别技术与您无关。

After all, you just build things. “Not my fault,” you say as you continue coding.

毕竟,您只是构建东西。 在继续编码时,您说:“不是我的错。”

But this is the mentality that’s slowly unraveling our world.


You built facial recognition technology for security, but now it’s being used to profile people and spy on them.


You made algorithms to generate new, realistic data. But now it’s being used to fake video footage.

您制定了算法来生成新的真实数据。 但是现在,它已被用于伪造视频录像。

You created tools to cut down trees more quickly — and now we face deforestation issues.


You created blockchain technology to put privacy and power back into the hands of the people — and criminals.


Your team created one of the biggest social networks in the world to connect people, but now it’s used to propagate pseudoscience and even encourage violence.


You made a platform for people to share cool pictures and videos, but people are now doing completely idiotic things to get more views and attention — consuming foods they haven’t purchased, touching outlets, pouring boiling water on themselves.


You created fancy VST plugins to put orchestras at the fingertips of artists and musicians — while demand and support for real orchestras declined.


You created state-of-the-art health care systems, and yet deaths from treatable conditions are on the rise.


Tech workers are passionate and outspoken about affordable housing — yet our companies gentrify every city we open offices in and drive out non-tech workers.


It took extreme protesting to dissuade you from building a censored search engine for an oppressive government. And someone else has probably taken your place.

采取了极端的抗议行动,劝阻您不要为受压迫的政府建立经过审查的搜索引擎。 而其他人可能已经取代了您。

We’ve created online learning platforms to make education more affordable and accessible than ever. Yet somehow, anti-science grows. Conspiracy theories are gaining traction.

我们创建了在线学习平台,以使教育比以往任何时候都更经济实惠和更容易获得。 然而,反科学在不断发展。 阴谋论正在受到关注。

People have broken down complex societal issues into hashtags and memes — shareable with a single click without any accountability or consequences even when they’re complete lies.


Tweets dictate foreign policy.


The number of poor people grows despite technological advances.


Many of us joined the tech industry to make the world a better place, but the irony is that we’re slowly destroying it.


我可能会逃跑。 (I could run away.)

I’ve thought about switching professions. How else can I earn money with my skills?

我考虑过换职业。 我还能通过我的技能来赚钱吗?

I love teaching. Could I become a teacher? But they’re paying for school supplies out-of-pocket, forgoing paychecks over the summer, and being forced to open despite the pandemic. Nah, I don’t love it that much.

我喜欢教学。 我可以当老师吗? 但是他们是自掏腰包支付学校用品的费用,在夏天放弃了薪水,尽管发生了大流行,他们也被迫开放。 不,我不喜欢那么多。

I love music. Maybe I can become a musician? But I don’t love the musician’s salary. Or really, the generally stagnant wages for most jobs.

我爱音乐。 也许我可以成为一名音乐家? 但是我不喜欢音乐家的薪水。 或实际上,大多数工作的工资普遍停滞不前。

I love gaming. Could I stream? But I don’t love having emasculated teenage boys calling me “pussy” online and saying that they fucked my mom.

我喜欢游戏。 我可以串流吗? 但 我不喜欢having弱的十几岁的男孩在网上称我为“猫”,并说他们操了我妈妈。

I’ve thought about just dropping everything and hiding in the countryside in a foreign country. Maybe I could open a food cart and make food for a living. I like cooking.

我曾想过要丢掉所有东西,然后藏在国外的乡下。 也许我可以打开餐车来谋生。 我喜欢做饭。

But the world keeps spinning whether or not I’m there. I don’t want to be that one guy who comes back and finds that the world has left him behind.

但是无论我是否在世界都在旋转。 我不想成为那个回来发现世界已经把他抛在后面的家伙。

I don’t want to become one of many people like our current older generations — lost and confused in this world that’s changing too rapidly for us to adjust.


“但是你也不从事技术工作吗?” 你批评。 (“But don’t you work in tech, too?” you criticize.)

I have skills in tech, so tech is what I do.


I, like many others, face the choice between feeding the tech behemoth and living comfortably with our excellent salaries and benefits — or basking in moral superiority while never being able to afford a house.


So I feel the Tech Worker Blues.


I’m frustrated about feeding the system, but I can’t deny the convenience of having a nice, consistent paycheck even amidst a pandemic.


I hate giving the richest man in the world more money, but damn it’s nice to get same-day or two-day delivery on any product I want.


I hate monopolies that stifle competition, but it’s really easy nowadays to purchase and discover PC games. There are lots of good TV shows available on one platform. I can find good content from millions of creators on a single website.

我讨厌垄断会扼杀竞争,但是如今购买和发现PC游戏真的很容易。 在一个平台上有很多不错的电视节目。 我可以在一个网站上找到数百万创作者的精彩内容。

It seems like the natural outcome of anything is a monopoly. Everyone wants to start “the next big thing,” not “another little thing.” And we have no choice but to feed the machine — or create our own — if we want to live that life we always dreamed of.

似乎任何事物的自然结果都是垄断。 每个人都希望开始“一件大事”,而不是“另一个小东西。” 如果我们想过我们一直梦always以求的生活,我们别无选择,只能给机器喂食或创建自己的机器。

So I feel the Tech Worker Blues.


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/the-tech-worker-blues-95daca2aee99




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