1, create new project "test8_method"

$ cd ~/project
$ mkdir test8_method
$ cd test8_method
$ touch method.go

2,add following lines in “method.go”

package mainimport ("fmt"
)type Book struct {author stringpublish uint64
}type Bus struct {startStation stringterminalStation string
}type Number intfunc (book Book) printInfo() {fmt.Println("Book", book)
}func (bus Bus) printInfo() {fmt.Println("Bus:", bus)
func (bus *Bus) printInfoP() {fmt.Println("BusP:", bus)
func (bus Bus) changeInfo() {bus.startStation = "Unseo" // this line will not change bus.startStation when return
func (bus *Bus) changeInfoP() {bus.startStation = "Unseo" // this line will change bus.startStation when return
}func (n Number) selfAdd() (r Number) {r = n + 1return
}func main() {// TEST 1, methodvar _book = Book{"Henry David Thoreau", 1854}var _bus = Bus{"Souel", "Incheon"}var _n = Number(3)_book.printInfo()_bus.printInfo()fmt.Println(_n.selfAdd())// TEST 2, method and pointervar _busP = &Bus{"Incheon", "Souel"}fmt.Println("_bus:", _bus)fmt.Println("_busP:", _busP)_bus.printInfo()_busP.printInfo()_bus.printInfoP()_busP.printInfoP()_bus.changeInfo()_busP.changeInfo()fmt.Println("_bus:", _bus)fmt.Println("_busP:", _busP)_bus.changeInfoP()_busP.changeInfoP()fmt.Println("_bus:", _bus)fmt.Println("_busP:", _busP)

3, run “method.go”

go run method.go

you should get result like this:

Book {Henry David Thoreau 1854}
Bus: {Souel Incheon}
_bus: {Souel Incheon}
_busP: &{Incheon Souel}
Bus: {Souel Incheon}
Bus: {Incheon Souel}
BusP: &{Souel Incheon}
BusP: &{Incheon Souel}
_bus: {Souel Incheon}
_busP: &{Incheon Souel}
_bus: {Unseo Incheon}
_busP: &{Unseo Souel}

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