
银联进件教程.zip - 蓝奏云文件大小:3.6 M|https://ch-h-cn.lanzoum.com/i3t0D0cydsfi


Preparation: cloud pay cash register APP into a need to invite code, the distributors before to merchants into pieces, should be first in unionpay background, organization management, sales management, new salesman account - automatically generate invite code is convenient in use.

A, into pieces to get all the information ready before, midway don't quit!

Second, unlicensed small micro merchant name: merchants underline the owner id name such as merchants _ zhang SAN

Three, licensed ordinary merchant named: license of full name, not much, a lot of words, no typos!

Four, D + 1 to zhang merchants, for the moment, don't upload the merchant agreement!

Five, the license must be the unity of three certificates and licenses, do not need to upload the organization code certificate!

Six, merchant credit card must be the kind of cash card, account information must be completely correct.

Seven, all kinds of main body needs into different pieces of information, please refer to the following before into a file to provide the required information!!!!!!

Step one: business registration

Registration method one: under the condition of no brand mall - > application download flash pay the cashier - > click on the register into the cloud

Registration method 2: mark card case - merchants or business people with WeChat or pay treasure to sweep code card qr code into pieces

Two ways into pieces to agree to a deal, will appear below the interface into pieces to fill in information of merchants

Different ways: one in after the success of the business registration, need merchant login cloud swept with the home page top right corner flash pay the cashier code CARDS can be used only binding code; Second, the way in which merchants can be directly use after registration code


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