这个报错的原因是再Ondestory 里调用了单例,或者创建了对象。退出的时候导致的错误。



unity 报错 Some objects were not cleaned up when closing the scene. 原因与方案相关推荐

  1. Some objects were not cleaned up when closing the scene.

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  5. Unity报错Unsupported D3D format 0x58

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  6. Unity 报错之 Scope was not disposed, You should use the ‘using‘ keyword or manually call Dispose.

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  7. VS2019附加到Unity报错 未能完成操作,未指定的错误

    问题:Visual Studio2019 附加到Unity 报错未能完成操作,未指定的错误.编译也没有失败都成功了. 解决方法:在Unity工程中看是不是生成了.vsconfig文件,把这个删除后,再 ...

  8. Unity 报错之 The same field name is serialized multiple times in the class or its parent class.

    Unity 报错之 The same field name is serialized multiple times in the class or its parent class. Unity 报 ...

  9. Unity报错 CS0619: ‘GUITexture‘ is obsolete的解决办法

    unity加载旧版本的项目报错:Unity报错Assets\Standard Assets\Utility\ForcedReset.cs(6,27): error CS0619: 'GUITextur ...

  10. tolua unity 报错_Unity3D热更新之LuaFramework篇[01]--从零开始

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