Are you an iPod owner but not a fan of using iTunes to sync your music library? Today we take a look at using the fully customizable Foobar2000 to work with your iPod.

您是iPod的所有者,但不是使用iTunes同步音乐库的粉丝吗? 今天,我们来看看如何使用完全可自定义的Foobar2000与iPod搭配使用。

If you’re looking for an alternative to iTunes that is fully customizable and will work with your iPod, Foobar2000 is a great choice. By adding a couple components we can get it to work with your iPod, and have it automatically convert FLAC and other file formats to ones that will work with the iPod.

如果您正在寻找完全可定制且可与iPod配合使用的iTunes替代品,那么Foobar2000是一个不错的选择。 通过添加几个组件,我们可以使其与iPod一起使用,并使它自动将FLAC和其他文件格式转换为可以与iPod一起使用的格式。

For this article we are using Foobar2000 1.0.3 with an iPod Touch 32GB with iOS 4.0

在本文中,我们将Foobar2000 1.0.3与iPod Touch 32GB和iOS 4.0结合使用

Install Foobar2000


If you don’t already have it, you’ll need to download and install the latest version of the free Foobar2000 audio player (link below). The latest stable version is 1.0.3…you can do this with older versions as well if you want to. Installation is straight-forward and you can go with the Standard Full install.

如果尚未安装,则需要下载并安装最新版本的免费Foobar2000音频播放器(下面的链接)。 最新的稳定版本是1.0.3。如果需要,您也可以使用较旧的版本。 安装简单明了,您可以选择标准完整安装。

Once it’s installed you can use components to customize it however you like. For more check out our article on customizing Foobar2000.

安装后,您可以根据需要使用组件自定义它。 有关更多信息,请查看有关定制Foobar2000的文章。

Install iPod Manager Component

安装iPod Manager组件

After you have Foobar2000 setup, we want to make it work with our iPod. Download the iPod Manager component (link below). The current version supports with iOS 4 on your iPod Touch but not the iPhone 4. Unzip foo_dop.dll to C:\Program Files\Foobar2000\Components.

设置Foobar2000后,我们要使其与iPod一起使用。 下载iPod Manager组件(下面的链接)。 当前版本在iPod Touch上支持iOS 4,但在iPhone 4上不支持。将foo_dop.dll解压缩到C:\ Program Files \ Foobar2000 \ Components。

Install Nero AAC Encoder

安装Nero AAC编码器

Next we need to download and install the free Nero AAC Encoder (link below). Unzip the file and go into the win32 folder and copy neroAacEnc.exe into C:\Program Files\Foobar2000.

接下来,我们需要下载并安装免费的Nero AAC编码器(下面的链接)。 解压缩该文件,进入win32文件夹,然后将neroAacEnc.exe复制到C:\ Program Files \ Foobar2000。

Using Your iPod with Foobar2000


You can customize how the iPod will read the metadata and more by going to File \ Preferences…

您可以转到File \ Preferences…,自定义iPod如何读取元数据及更多内容。

Then expand Tools and select iPod Manager.

然后展开“工具”,然后选择“ iPod管理器”。

Now you can change various settings such as the Database, iPod Features, bitrate of converted files…and more.


If you’re using an iPod Touch or iPhone make sure to go to the Mobile Devices tab and check Enable mobile device support then restart Foobar2000.

如果您使用的是iPod Touch或iPhone,请确保进入“移动设备”选项卡并选中“ 启用移动设备支持”,然后重新启动Foobar2000。

Add individual songs or Albums


You might not want to load your entire library to your iPod and can add individual albums or songs. Select the album or songs you want to put on your iPod, right-click and select iPod \ Send to iPod from the context menu.

您可能不希望将整个音乐库加载到iPod,而可以添加单个专辑或歌曲。 选择要放在iPod上的专辑或歌曲,右键单击并从上下文菜单中选择iPod \“发送到iPod”。

Your music will be processed and added to your iPod including the meta data and cover art.


The files we are sending to the iPod are in FLAC format, so they will be encoded so the iPod can play them.


Now go to your iPod music folder and you’ll have the album you transferred from Foobar2000 included as well as the cover art.


You can also sync your music with your iPod. In Foobar2000 click on File \ iPod \ Synchronise…

您还可以将音乐与iPod同步。 在Foobar2000中,单击文件\ iPod \同步…

Now you can go ahead and sync your entire Media Library or just select playlists.


Note: If you only want to sync specific playlists, uncheck Media library and select the ones you want to sync. Otherwise your entire library will be synced up.

注意:如果只想同步特定的播放列表,请取消选中媒体库,然后选择要同步的播放列表。 否则,整个库将被同步。

Just like with adding an album to the iPod, you’ll see the progress screens while everything is synchronized. The amount of time it takes will depend on the amount of songs your adding and how many need to be encoded for the iPod to use.

就像将专辑添加到iPod一样,您将在同步所有内容时看到进度屏幕。 花费的时间将取决于您添加的歌曲的数量,以及需要编码多少才能使用iPod。

There is also the ability to send specific playlists to the iPod. Click on File \ iPod \ Send Playlists.

还可以将特定的播放列表发送到iPod。 单击文件\ iPod \发送播放列表。

Now select the Playlist you want to add to the iPod.


There you go! Now disconnect your iPod and enjoy your favorite tracks.

你去! 现在,断开iPod的连接,欣赏自己喜欢的曲目。

To get the details about your iPod or iPhone, in Foobar2000 click File \ iPod \ Properties.

要获取有关iPod或iPhone的详细信息,请在Foobar2000中单击“文件\ iPod \属性”。

This will provide detailed info about your device.




If you want an alternative to iTunes that is faster, fully customizable, and geekier in general…Foobar2000 will allow you to fully utilize your iPod. The cool thing about this is if you have file formats in Foobar2000 that an iPod can’t play, FLAC for example, will be quickly converted before added to the iPod. The conversion process is surprisingly fast, and the quality is very good. We took a look at the basic functions, but there’s a lot of customization you can do including how metadata is displayed, bitrate conversion, ReplayGain and more.

如果您想使用iTunes更快,完全可自定义且更一般的iTunes替代品,Foobar2000将使您可以充分利用iPod。 很棒的事情是,如果您在Foobar2000中拥有iPod无法播放的文件格式(例如FLAC),将在添加到iPod之前对其进行快速转换。 转换过程出奇地快,并且质量非常好。 我们介绍了基本功能,但是您可以做很多自定义操作,包括如何显示元数据,比特率转换,ReplayGain等。

What is your take? Are you a fan of Foobar2000 and use it with your iPod or iPhone? Leave a comment and let us know.

你拿什么 您是否是Foobar2000的粉丝,并将其与iPod或iPhone一起使用? 发表评论,让我们知道。

Download Foobar2000


Download iPod Manager Component

下载iPod Manager组件

Download Nero AAC Codec

下载Nero AAC编解码器



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