
If you hang out on the fringes of the Internet you may have seen very smart people losing their minds over something called GPT-3.


GPT-3 is an artificially intelligent platform that uses information scraped from the Internet to create incredibly human-like conversations, stories, designs and so much more. It’s cool, it’s creepy and it will change the world.

GPT-3是一个人工智能平台,它使用从Internet抓取的信息来创建令人难以置信的类似于人类的对话,故事,设计等等。 这很酷,令人毛骨悚然,它将改变世界。

Billionaire Chris Sacca is one of those who had his mind blown. Sacca was an early investor in companies like Twitter, Uber and Instagram so he knows a thing or two about game changers. This was his take.

亿万富翁克里斯·萨卡(Chris Sacca)就是其中之一。 萨卡(Sacca)是Twitter,Uber和Instagram等公司的早期投资者,因此他对改变游戏规则的知识只有两点。 这是他的看法。

“I remember when and where I was when I played Pong the first time. Same for my first Google query. Like those massive leaps forward, I’ll never forget my first time using GPT-3. Every bit of the hype is deserved.”

“我记得我第一次打Pong的时间和地点。 我的第一个Google查询也是如此。 就像那些巨大的飞跃一样, 我永远不会忘记我第一次使用GPT-3 。 炒作应有尽有。”

Now look carefully at what he said next.


“This is not hyperbole or pastebait. I actually think GPT-3 could change everything, and I’m confident we will see massive economic, educational, and scientific shifts within the next 5–10 years as a direct result of this technology.”

“这不是夸张或诱饵。 我实际上认为GPT-3可以改变一切 ,并且我相信,由于这项技术的直接结果,我们将在未来5-10年内看到巨大的经济,教育和科学变革。”

Actually, Sacca didn’t say that second part. That’s what GPT-3 came up with when Sacca submitted his quote to GPT-3 and prompted it to say more. Could you tell the difference?

实际上,萨卡没有说第二部分。 这就是Sacca向GPT-3提交报价时促使GPT-3提出的,并促使其多说。 你能说出区别吗?

Ghandi, meet Genghis


For a layman to really appreciate GPT-3 it really helps to skim through the blogs and Twitter feeds of beta-testers (because GPT-3 isn’t available to the public yet) and see for yourself. Here are some examples we found.

对于那些真正喜欢GPT-3的外行来说,它确实有助于浏览Beta测试人员的博客和Twitter提要(因为GPT-3尚未向公众提供)并亲自看看。 这是我们发现的一些例子。

One tester asked GPT-3 to create a conversation between Ghandi and Genghis Khan. This is what it said, within seconds:

一位测试人员要求GPT-3在甘地和成吉思汗之间建立对话。 这就是它所说的 ,在几秒钟内:

“War is not the answer,” says Ghandi. “The death of one person can not be justified by the fall of another. The cycle must stop.”

“战争不是答案,”甘迪说。 “一个人之死不能以另一个人的倒塌为理由。 该循环必须停止。”

“Bah,” says Genghis. “Are you woman? The weak prefer diplomacy to warfare. It is obvious you have never been in a real battle. When the sword taketh away, it giveth even more. You cannot afford to be weak. Only the strong survive.”

“巴哈,”成吉斯说。 “你是女人吗? 弱者更喜欢外交而不是战争。 很明显,您从未参加过真正的战斗。 当剑被拿走时,它会带来更多。 你承受不起软弱。 只有强者才能生存。”

And their conversation goes on like this for several paragraphs.


Another tester asked GPT-3 to rewrite text from Harry Potter in the style of other writers like Ernest Hemingway, Jane Austen and Arthur Conan Doyle. They’re creepily good.

另一位测试人员要求GPT-3以其他作家(如欧内斯特·海明威,简·奥斯丁和亚瑟·柯南·道尔)的风格重写哈利·波特的文字。 他们很棒。

By Ernest Hemingway:

欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway):

“It was a cold day on Privet Drive. A child cried. Harry felt nothing. He was dryer than dust. He had been silent too long. He had not felt love. He had scarcely felt hate. Yet the Dementor’s Kiss killed nothing. Death didn’t leave him less dead than he had been a second before. It wasn’t about living or dying really. It wasn’t about death. It was about the Dark Lord, his creator, his engenderer. He was not resurected. He was created again.”

“在Privet Drive上,天气很冷。 一个孩子哭了。 哈利什么都没感觉。 他比灰尘还干。 他沉默了太久了。 他没有感到爱。 他几乎没有仇恨的感觉。 然而,摄魂怪之吻并没有杀死任何人。 死亡并没有使他比前一世死亡少。 这与生活或死亡无关。 这与死亡无关。 这是关于黑暗之王,他的创造者,他的创造者。 他没有复活。 他又被创造了。”

By Jane Austen:


“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a broken Harry is in want of a book. This he knows to his cost; pressing that wretched nose against the window of a bookstore in Diagon Alley the last thing before he goes into hiding for several years, where upon, he goes straight to Azkaban.”

“一个公认的真理是,一个破碎的哈利缺少一本书。 他为此付出了代价。 将那可悲的鼻子按在对角巷一家书店的窗户上,这是他藏匿数年之前的最后一件事,从那以后,他直奔阿兹卡班。

Email, websites, balance sheets and more


So how does GPT-3 work? For starters it has analyzed almost a trillion words on the Internet. When it receives a question or request, it looks for patterns in all this data that allow it to make a best guess of what words should follow the question or request. It has no understanding of what these words mean — it’s not intelligent — it’s just really good at matching patterns.

那么GPT-3如何工作? 首先,它已经分析了互联网上近一万亿个单词。 当它收到一个问题或请求时,它将在所有这些数据中寻找模式,以使其能够最好地猜测在该问题或请求之后应该包含哪些单词。 它不了解这些词的含义-它不是智能的-只是非常擅长匹配模式。

And I mean really good. One company is already figuring out how GPT-3 can be used to instantly reply to long and complicated emails while mimicking your style of writing so no one is the wiser. A great example of how this works is here.

我的意思是非常好。 一家公司已经在弄清楚如何使用GPT-3来即时回复冗长而复杂的电子邮件,同时模仿您的写作风格,因此没有人比这更明智。 这是一个很好的例子。

Another tester decided to see what GPT-3 could do with dense and often incomprehensible legal documents. It could do a lot, it turns out. With just a couple examples to train on, GPT-3 started turning legalese into very clear and concise language.

另一位测试人员决定查看GPT-3如何处理密集且通常难以理解的法律文件。 事实证明, 它可以做很多事情。 仅需训练几个示例,GPT-3就开始将法律术语变成非常清晰简洁的语言。

And there’s so much more. Web designers are noticing that GPT-3 is able to create web pages with just a few simple text instructions. For example, when someone asked GPT-3 to create a page with a search box and a subscribe button that looks like a watermelon, that’s exactly what you get. In seconds.

还有更多。 Web设计人员注意到GPT-3能够仅用几个简单的文本指令创建网页。 例如,当有人要求GPT-3创建一个带有搜索框和一个看起来像西瓜的订阅按钮的页面时,这就是您所得到的。 马上。

Another tester taught GPT-3 to turn simple text instructions into very sharp-looking balance sheets. Instantly. Another configured GPT-3 to scan ingredient labels on food packaging and tell him if the contents were healthy.

另一位测试员教GPT-3将简单的文本说明变成了非常清晰的资产负债表 。 即刻。 另一人配置了GPT-3,可以扫描食品包装上的成分标签,并告诉他内容是否健康。

In bad hands


There are so many great examples that promise to make our lives easier. But as with any amazing new tool, bad people are going to do bad things.

有许多伟大的例子有望使我们的生活更轻松。 但是,就像使用任何令人惊奇的新工具一样,坏人也会做坏事。

SEO, for example, might change overnight. Currently, Google search favors long-form content when it calculates its rankings. But if GPT-3 can churn out thousands of long-form stories within seconds, what does that mean for people trying to find the best results for their search?

例如,SEO可能会在一夜之间发生变化。 当前,Google搜索在计算排名时会偏爱长格式的内容。 但是,如果GPT-3可以在几秒钟内制作出数千篇长篇故事,那对于试图寻找最佳搜索结果的人们意味着什么呢?

Disinformation will get worse as GPT-3 can produce very convincing arguments using fake inputs. And how will schools prevent students from using GPT-3 to write their essays? If it can replicate the style of Austen or Hemingway, it’s not going to have a problem with the style of student John Smith in Ms. McCurdle’s grade 11 history class.

由于GPT-3可以使用伪造的输入产生令人信服的论点,因此虚假信息会变得更糟。 学校将如何防止学生使用GPT-3撰写论文? 如果它可以复制奥斯丁或海明威的风格,那么麦考德女士11年级历史课程的学生约翰·史密斯的风格就不会有问题。

The ramifications here are quite frightening.


It’s not perfect


But before any writers, teachers, content creators and web designers are overcome with despair and decide to jump off a cliff, relax, the beta-testers are also finding that GPT-3 has significant limitations.


Sometimes it sounds quite stupid. Consider this example.

有时听起来很愚蠢。 考虑这个例子 。

Q. Which is heavier, a toaster or a pencil?


A. A pencil is heavier than a toaster.


A human immediately sees this as nonsense. But GPT-3 got it wrong because it couldn’t find a comparison on the Internet for a toaster and a pencil. Worse, it didn’t skip the question or say it didn’t know.

人类立即将其视为无稽之谈。 但是GPT-3弄错了,因为它在互联网上找不到烤面包机和铅笔的比较。 更糟糕的是,它没有跳过问题或说不知道。

GPT-3 also has problems sustaining long and cohesive narratives. Because it uses one chunk of text to find the next chunk of text that is then used to find another piece of text, it often drifts away from the initial point.

GPT-3在维持冗长而连贯的叙述方面也存在问题。 因为它使用一个文本块来查找下一个文本块,然后再使用该文本块来查找另一个文本,所以它通常会偏离初始点。

Some testers who have spent a lot of time with GPT-3 are also saying they are learning to spot text generated by the AI. It’s not something they can put their finger on. The human brain is just really good at spotting content not written by a human. For now anyway.

一些在GPT-3上花费了很多时间的测试人员还说,他们正在学习发现AI生成的文本。 他们不能指责这件事。 人脑真的很擅长发现非人为书写的内容。 无论如何现在。

The future


GPT-3 was created by OpenAI, an artificial intelligence lab established by founders including Elon Musk and Sam Altman, to ensure AI will benefit humanity. Some form of GPT-3 is expected to be free or low-cost when it’s finally made available to the public.

GPT-3由OpenAI创建,OpenAI是一个由埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)和萨姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman)等创始人建立的人工智能实验室,目的是确保AI造福人类。 当某种形式的GPT-3最终向公众开放时,它将会是免费或低成本的。

When it does launch, many jobs held by humans today will be threatened by GPT-3’s ability to generate an incredible amount of text about almost any subject, as well as it’s prowess with website design and spreadsheets.


But some skills will become more important. Let’s look at a few.

但是一些技能将变得更加重要。 让我们来看一些。

  • Editing — As we’ve seen, GPT-3 often generates text that is incoherent or just wrong. The ability to sift and shape rough copy into highly polished final drafts will be a valued skill that differentiates the good users of GPT-3 from the bad.

    编辑-如我们所见,GPT-3经常生成不连贯或错误的文本。 将粗略的副本筛选和成形为高度修饰的最终草案的能力将是一项宝贵的技能,可以区分GPT-3的良好用户和不良的用户。

  • Asking the right questions — The quality of the information you get on the Internet today is usually dependent on how you search. For example, if a student is asked to write an essay about lions, they’re not going to get something unique if they ask ‘What is a lion?’ But if the student asks ‘Are there any lions outside of Africa?’ they will get material about a small population of Asiatic lions still hanging on in the Gir forest of India. The ability to ask a great question will be much more important than knowing the answer because GPT-3 will usually have that answer.

    提出正确的问题 -您今天在Internet上获得的信息的质量通常取决于您的搜索方式。 例如,如果要求学生写一篇有关狮子的文章,那么如果他们问“什么是狮子? “但是如果学生问'非洲以外有狮子吗?' 他们将获得有关仍挂在印度吉尔森林中的一小撮亚洲狮的资料。 提出问题的能力比知道答案重要得多,因为GPT-3通常会获得答案。

  • Creating new information — GPT-3 cannot create new information. It only recreates information it finds on the Internet. So original content like interviews and surveys become more valuable, as does new ways of comparing information. For example, we saw GPT-3 stumble when asked to compare a toaster with a pencil because this comparison hadn’t been made on the Internet before.

    创建新信息 -GPT-3无法创建新信息。 它只会重新创建在Internet上找到的信息。 因此,诸如访谈和调查之类的原始内容以及比较信息的新方法也变得更加有价值。 例如,当我们要求将烤面包机和铅笔进行比较时,我们看到GPT-3迷迷糊糊,因为以前没有在Internet上进行过这种比较。

  • Authenticity. This is already gaining importance in a world flooded with information. People want to connect with other people and brands in ways that feel authentic and intimate. While GPT-3 will do a much better job at faking this authenticity, it’s likely that consumers and people in general will just become hungrier for the real thing, and that’s something only a real person can do.

    真实性 。 在这个充满信息的世界中,这已经变得越来越重要。 人们希望以真实可信的方式与其他人和品牌建立联系。 虽然GPT-3在伪造这种真实性方面会做得更好,但消费者和普通大众可能只会对真品产生渴望,而这只是一个真人可以做的事情。

As GPT-3 continues to be tested there will be new discoveries — and new concerns. Some will be amazing and some will be frightening. But it’s really just the beginning.

随着GPT-3的继续测试,将会有新发现和新问题。 有些会令人惊叹,有些会令人恐惧。 但这仅仅是个开始。

While GPT-3 uses 175 billion parameters to generate answers it finds on the Internet, people are already talking about new versions using over 1 trillion parameters.

尽管GPT-3使用1750亿个参数来生成它在Internet上找到的答案,但人们已经在谈论使用超过1万亿个参数的新版本 。

And when that time comes we won’t be laughing at its mistakes with toasters and pencils. It just might be laughing at us.

当那个时候到来时,我们不会因为烤面包机和铅笔而笑它的错误。 它可能只是在嘲笑我们。

翻译自: https://medium.com/descripter/game-changer-or-game-over-get-ready-for-gpt-3-3b67f39ee643




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