
(1) 掌握线程同步的概念及实现技术;

(2) 线程综合编程练习




l 在Elipse环境下调试教材651页程序14-7,结合程序运行结果理解程序;

l 掌握利用锁对象和条件对象实现的多线程同步技术。

package synch;/*** This program shows how multiple threads can safely access a data structure.* * @version 1.31 2015-06-21* @author Cay Horstmann*/
public class SynchBankTest {public static final int NACCOUNTS = 100;public static final double INITIAL_BALANCE = 1000;public static final double MAX_AMOUNT = 1000;public static final int DELAY = 10;public static void main(String[] args) {Bank bank = new Bank(NACCOUNTS, INITIAL_BALANCE);for (int i = 0; i < NACCOUNTS; i++) {int fromAccount = i;Runnable r = () -> {try {while (true) {int toAccount = (int) (bank.size() * Math.random());double amount = MAX_AMOUNT * Math.random();bank.transfer(fromAccount, toAccount, amount);Thread.sleep((int) (DELAY * Math.random()));// 在指定的毫秒数内让当前正在执行的线程休眠
                    }} catch (InterruptedException e) {}};Thread t = new Thread(r);// 分配新的 Thread 对象t.start();// 开始线程

package synch;import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.*;/*** A bank with a number of bank accounts that uses locks for serializing access.* * @version 1.30 2004-08-01* @author Cay Horstmann*/
public class Bank {private final double[] accounts;private Lock bankLock;private Condition sufficientFunds;/*** Constructs the bank.* * @param n*            the number of accounts* @param initialBalance*            the initial balance for each account*/public Bank(int n, double initialBalance) {accounts = new double[n];Arrays.fill(accounts, initialBalance);bankLock = new ReentrantLock();sufficientFunds = bankLock.newCondition();}/*** Transfers money from one account to another.* * @param from*            the account to transfer from* @param to*            the account to transfer to* @param amount*            the amount to transfer*/public void transfer(int from, int to, double amount) throws InterruptedException {bankLock.lock();// 加锁try {while (accounts[from] < amount)sufficientFunds.await();// 锁对象的条件对象System.out.print(Thread.currentThread());// 返回对当前正在执行的线程对象的引用accounts[from] -= amount;System.out.printf(" %10.2f from %d to %d", amount, from, to);accounts[to] += amount;System.out.printf(" Total Balance: %10.2f%n", getTotalBalance());sufficientFunds.signalAll();// 唤醒所有等待线程} finally {bankLock.unlock();// 解锁
        }}/*** Gets the sum of all account balances.* * @return the total balance*/public double getTotalBalance() {bankLock.lock();// 加锁try {double sum = 0;for (double a : accounts)sum += a;return sum;} finally {bankLock.unlock();// 解锁
        }}/*** Gets the number of accounts in the bank.* * @return the number of accounts*/public int size() {return accounts.length;}


l 在Elipse环境下调试教材655页程序14-8,结合程序运行结果理解程序;

l 掌握synchronized在多线程同步中的应用。

package synch2;/*** This program shows how multiple threads can safely access a data structure,* using synchronized methods.* * @version 1.31 2015-06-21* @author Cay Horstmann*/
public class SynchBankTest2 {public static final int NACCOUNTS = 100;public static final double INITIAL_BALANCE = 1000;public static final double MAX_AMOUNT = 1000;public static final int DELAY = 10;public static void main(String[] args) {Bank bank = new Bank(NACCOUNTS, INITIAL_BALANCE);for (int i = 0; i < NACCOUNTS; i++) {int fromAccount = i;Runnable r = () -> {try {while (true) {int toAccount = (int) (bank.size() * Math.random());double amount = MAX_AMOUNT * Math.random();bank.transfer(fromAccount, toAccount, amount);Thread.sleep((int) (DELAY * Math.random()));// 在指定的毫秒数内让当前正在执行的线程休眠
                    }} catch (InterruptedException e) {}};Thread t = new Thread(r);// 分配新的 Thread 对象t.start();// 使线程开始执行

package synch2;import java.util.*;/*** A bank with a number of bank accounts that uses synchronization primitives.* * @version 1.30 2004-08-01* @author Cay Horstmann*/
public class Bank {private final double[] accounts;/*** Constructs the bank.* * @param n*            the number of accounts* @param initialBalance*            the initial balance for each account*/public Bank(int n, double initialBalance) {accounts = new double[n];Arrays.fill(accounts, initialBalance);}/*** Transfers money from one account to another.* * @param from*            the account to transfer from* @param to*            the account to transfer to* @param amount*            the amount to transfer*/public synchronized void transfer(int from, int to, double amount) throws InterruptedException {while (accounts[from] < amount)wait();// 添加一个线程到等待集中System.out.print(Thread.currentThread());// 返回对当前正在执行的线程对象的引用accounts[from] -= amount;System.out.printf(" %10.2f from %d to %d", amount, from, to);accounts[to] += amount;System.out.printf(" Total Balance: %10.2f%n", getTotalBalance());notifyAll();// 解除等待线程的阻塞状态
    }/*** Gets the sum of all account balances.* * @return the total balance*/public synchronized double getTotalBalance() {double sum = 0;for (double a : accounts)sum += a;return sum;}/*** Gets the number of accounts in the bank.* * @return the number of accounts*/public int size() {return accounts.length;}


l 在Elipse环境下运行以下程序,结合程序运行结果分析程序存在问题;

l 尝试解决程序中存在问题。

class Cbank


private static int s=2000;

public   static void sub(int m)


int temp=s;


try {



catch (InterruptedException e)  {              }





class Customer extends Thread


public void run()


for( int i=1; i<=4; i++)




public class Thread3


public static void main(String args[])


Customer customer1 = new Customer();

Customer customer2 = new Customer();






class Cbank {private static int s = 2000;public synchronized static void sub(int m) {int temp = s;temp = temp - m;try {Thread.sleep((int) (1000 * Math.random()));} catch (InterruptedException e) {}s = temp;System.out.println("s=" + s);}
}class Customer extends Thread {public void run() {for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)Cbank.sub(100);}
}public class Thread3 {public static void main(String args[]) {Customer customer1 = new Customer();Customer customer2 = new Customer();customer1.start();customer2.start();}

实验2 编程练习












public class Demo {public static void main(String[] args) {Mythread mythread = new Mythread();Thread t1 = new Thread(mythread);Thread t2 = new Thread(mythread);Thread t3 = new Thread(mythread);t1.start();t2.start();t3.start();}
}class Mythread implements Runnable {int t = 1;boolean flag = true;@Overridepublic void run() {// TODO Auto-generated method stubwhile (flag) {try {Thread.sleep(500);} catch (Exception e) {// TODO: handle exception
                e.printStackTrace();}synchronized (this) {if (t <= 10) {System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "窗口售:第" + t + "张票");t++;}if (t > 10) {flag = false;}}}}





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