Using a laser pointer is a great way to focus the audience on a specific part of your presentation. If you don’t happen to have one on hand at the time of your presentation, then you can use PowerPoint’s neat little setting to turn your mouse into a laser pointer. Here’s how.

使用激光笔是一种使观众集中于演示文稿特定部分的好方法。 如果在演示时碰巧没有一只手,则可以使用PowerPoint的简洁设置将鼠标变成激光指示器。 这是如何做。

将鼠标变成激光笔 (Turning Your Mouse into a Laser Pointer)

Microsoft came to the rescue with its PowerPoint 2010 release, getting presenters who forgot their laser pointer out of a pinch by providing a feature that converts the mouse into a laser pointer.

微软在其PowerPoint 2010版本中进行了抢救,通过提供将鼠标转换为激光指示器的功能,使演示者毫不费力地忘记了激光指示器。

Enabling this feature is quite simple. In fact, you can do it during the actual presentation.

启用此功能非常简单。 实际上,您可以在实际演示过程中做到这一点。

Once you’ve started your presentation and you want to change your cursor into a laser, press and hold the “Ctrl” key while clicking and holding the left mouse button.

开始演示后,要将光标更改为激光,请按住“ Ctrl”键,同时单击并按住鼠标左键。

As you can see in this GIF, we want to draw attention to “How-To Geek” in the question, then show the correct answer. You can also see that the cursor converts back to a pointer when you let go of the left mouse button, so be careful.

正如您在此GIF中所看到的,我们想提请问题中的“ How-To Geek”,然后显示正确的答案。 您还可以看到,放开鼠标左键时,光标会转换回指针,因此请注意。

改变激光的颜色 (Changing the Color of Your Laser)

The default laser color is red, which might not work well depending on the color of your slides. To change the color of your laser, switch to the “Slide Show” tab in your presentation and then click the “Set Up Slide Show” button.

默认的激光颜色是红色,根据幻灯片的颜色,它可能无法很好地工作。 要更改激光的颜色,请切换到演示文稿中的“幻灯片放映”选项卡,然后单击“设置幻灯片放映”按钮。

In the Set Up Show window, click the button next to “Laser pointer color” in the “Show options” section.


A menu with three colors will appear. Here, you can select either red, green, or blue. Once you’ve chosen your color, click “OK.”

出现三种颜色的菜单。 在这里,您可以选择红色,绿色或蓝色。 选择颜色后,点击“确定”。

These are the only available options, so choose the background color of your slides carefully if you plan on using the laser pointer feature.




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