Microsoft PowerPoint allows users to set a custom template as the default theme when creating a new presentation. This provides a way for users to immediately start building a slideshow using a template specially designed for them.

Microsoft PowerPoint允许用户在创建新演示文稿时将自定义模板设置为默认主题。 这为用户提供了一种使用专门为他们设计的模板立即开始构建幻灯片的方法。

创建一个自定义模板 (Create a Custom Template)

Creating a custom template in PowerPoint is quite easy. To get started, go ahead and open a blank PowerPoint presentation. You can do so by opening PowerPoint, selecting “New” in the left pane, and then selecting “Blank Presentation” from the template library.

在PowerPoint中创建自定义模板非常容易。 首先,请打开空白的PowerPoint演示文稿。 您可以通过以下方法打开PowerPoint:在左窗格中选择“新建”,然后从模板库中选择“空白演示”。

Now, with your blank presentation ready, go ahead and select the slide orientation and size, which you can do by choosing the “Slide Size” option in the “Customize” group of the “Design” tab.


Once you’re finished with that, it’s time to open PowerPoint’s Slide Master, which is where the rest of the customization will take place. To access the slide master, click on the “View” tab and select “Slide Master” in the “Master Views” group.

完成此操作后,就该打开PowerPoint的Slide Master了,其余的自定义将在此进行。 要访问幻灯片母版,请单击“视图”选项卡,然后在“母版视图”组中选择“幻灯片母版”。

The Slide Master will appear in the left pane. Here, you can customize the fonts, headings, colors, text and image box placement, and more.

幻灯片母版将出现在左窗格中。 在这里,您可以自定义字体,标题,颜色,文本和图像框的放置等。

Once you’re happy with your setup, save your template and exit out of PowerPoint. After that, it’s time to set it as the default template that PowerPoint opens with.

对设置满意后,保存模板并退出PowerPoint。 之后,是时候将其设置为PowerPoint打开时使用的默认模板了。

将自定义模板设置为默认模板 (Set a Custom Template as the Default)

To set your custom theme as the default, open PowerPoint, select “New” in the left pane, and then click the “Custom” tab.


Next, select the “Custom Office Templates” option.


Your custom templates will appear. Select the one you want to make the default template.

您的自定义模板将出现。 选择您要制作默认模板的模板。

A new window will appear, giving you a preview of the template and some basic information (if you input any). Click the  “Create” button.

将出现一个新窗口,为您提供模板预览和一些基本信息(如果输入任何信息)。 点击“创建”按钮。

Next, head over to the “Design” tab and select the “More” arrow in the “Themes” group.


A list of themes will appear. Right-click your custom theme and then select “Set as Default Theme” from the drop-down menu.

出现主题列表。 右键单击您的自定义主题,然后从下拉菜单中选择“设置为默认主题”。

Now, the next time you open PowerPoint, it will automatically begin with this theme.




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