Python双曲函数/方法 (Python Hyperbolic functions/methods)

In python programming language, there are some of the built-in functions which are defined in math module – they can be used for hyperbolic calculations (these functions are analogs of trigonometric functions those are based on hyperbolas instead of circles.), python has following Hyperbolic functions, which are used to various purposes.

在python编程语言中 , 数学模块中定义了一些内置函数-它们可用于双曲线计算(这些函数是基于双曲线而不是圆的三角函数的类似物。),python具有以下功能双曲函数 ,用于多种用途。

#myInput{width:100%;font-size:16px;padding:12px 20px 12px 40px;border:1px solid #ddd;margin-bottom:12px}#myTable{border-collapse:collapse;width:100%;border:1px solid #ddd;font-size:18px}#myTable td,#myTable th{text-align:left;padding:2px}#myTable tr{border-bottom:1px solid #ddd}#myTable tr.header,#myTable tr:hover{background-color:#f1f1f1}#myTable a,#myTable a:visited{color:#00f;text-decoration:none}#myTable a:hover{text-decoration:underline} #myInput{width:100%;font-size:16px;padding:12px 20px 12px 40px;border:1px solid #ddd;margin-bottom:12px}#myTable{border-collapse:collapse;width:100%;border:1px solid #ddd;font-size:18px}#myTable td,#myTable th{text-align:left;padding:2px}#myTable tr{border-bottom:1px solid #ddd}#myTable tr.header,#myTable tr:hover{background-color:#f1f1f1}#myTable a,#myTable a:visited{color:#00f;text-decoration:none}#myTable a:hover{text-decoration:underline}

Python中的双曲函数列表 (List of hyperbolic functions in Python)

Hyperbolic functions Description Example
math.acosh() It returns hyperbolic arc cosine of the given number. math.acosh(x)
math.asinh() It returns hyperbolic arc sine of the given number. math.asinh(x)
math.atanh() It returns hyperbolic arc tangent of the given number. math.atanh(x)
math.cosh() It returns hyperbolic cosine of the given number. math.cosh(x)
math.sinh() It returns hyperbolic sine of the given number. math.sinh(x)
math.tanh() It returns hyperbolic tangent of the given number. math.tanh(x)
双曲函数 描述
math.acosh() 它返回给定数字的双曲反余弦。 math.acosh(x)
math.asinh() 它返回给定数字的双曲反正弦。 math.asinh(x)
math.atanh() 它返回给定数字的双曲反正切。 math.atanh(x)
math.cosh() 它返回给定数字的双曲余弦值。 math.cosh(x)
math.sinh() 它返回给定数字的双曲正弦值。 math.sinh(x)
math.tanh() 它返回给定数字的双曲正切。 math.tanh(x)

Python代码演示所有双曲函数的示例 (Python code to demonstrate example of all hyperbolic functions)

# Python code to demonstrate example of
# all hyperbolic functions
# importing math module
import math
# number
x = 1.25
# math.acosh()
print("math.acosh(",x,"): ", math.acosh(x))
# math.asinh()
print("math.asinh(",x,"): ", math.asinh(x))
# math.atanh()
x = 0.56
print("math.atanh(",x,"): ", math.atanh(x))
# math.cosh()
print("math.cosh (",x,"): ", math.cosh(x))
x = 1.25
# math.sinh()
print("math.sinh (",x,"): ", math.sinh(x))
# math.tanh()
print("math.tanh (",x,"): ", math.tanh(x))



math.acosh( 1.25 ):  0.6931471805599453
math.asinh( 1.25 ):  1.0475930126492587
math.atanh( 0.56 ):  0.632833186665638
math.cosh ( 0.56 ):  1.160940782072458
math.sinh ( 1.25 ):  1.6019190803008256
math.tanh ( 1.25 ):  0.8482836399575129

双曲函数的异常 (Exceptions with hyperbolic functions)

There are two types of exceptions occur,


  • ValueError


    When we provide an invalid value (number), this exception occurs.


  • TypeError


    When we provide a different type of values except a number, this exception occurs.


ValueError example


# Python code to demonstrate example of
# math.atanh() method with exception
# importing math module
import math
# number
x = -1
print("math.atanh(",x,"): ", math.atanh(x))



Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/", line 9, in <odule>
print("math.atanh(",x,"): ", math.atanh(x))
ValueError: math domain error

TypeError example


# Python code to demonstrate example of
# math.atanh() method with exception
# importing math module
import math
# number
x = "2"
print("math.atanh(",x,"): ", math.atanh(x))



Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/", line 9, in <module>
print("math.atanh(",x,"): ", math.atanh(x))
TypeError: a float is required



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