
Ios dev版本,使用第三方插件react-navigation做页面导航时,点返回按钮时报如下错:

Unsupported top level event type "onGestureHandlerStateChange" dispatched


"react-native": "0.55.4",

"react-navigation": "^3.11.0",

"react-native-gesture-handler": "^1.0.16",


如果你的react-native 版本是0.52-0.55之间,则在app启动页index.js最上方加上如下代码:

import UIManager from "UIManager";for (let k in UIManager) {if (UIManager.hasOwnProperty(k) && UIManager[k] && UIManager[k].directEventTypes) {UIManager[k].directEventTypes.onGestureHandlerEvent = {registrationName: "onGestureHandlerEvent"};UIManager[k].directEventTypes.onGestureHandlerStateChange = {registrationName: "onGestureHandlerStateChange"};}}

添加后的 index.js:

import UIManager from "UIManager";
for (let k in UIManager) {if (UIManager.hasOwnProperty(k) && UIManager[k] && UIManager[k].directEventTypes) {UIManager[k].directEventTypes.onGestureHandlerEvent = {registrationName: "onGestureHandlerEvent"};UIManager[k].directEventTypes.onGestureHandlerStateChange = {registrationName: "onGestureHandlerStateChange"};}
}import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {AppRegistry
} from 'react-native';import SetUp from './app/SetUp';
AppRegistry.registerComponent('loveChatApp', () =>SetUp );


import 'react-native-gesture-handler'



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