1. In order to study the primary resonance and primary parametricresonance of current-carrying conductor subjected to harmonic excitation and ampere force, the Mathieu-equation of the system is derived first.


2. In this article, a semi-empirical parametricmodel of high-pressured water-jet cutting depth with water-cement ratio, stand-off distance, treating times was established, using multiple nonlinear regression analysis of experimental results.


3. The FDSN was also instrumental in development of a universal standard for distribution of broadband waveform data and related parametricinformation.


4. Afterwards, according to paying cash dividend or not, this thesis divides the sample firms into two groups and analyzes the data through t-test, non-parametrictest and Logit regression. From results of Logit regression, we can see that the higher is the probability of rights offering in last year and the younger is the listed companies, the higher the probability to pay cash dividend is.


5. The advantage of this measure is that the optimum rational reparameterization's parametricspeed satisfies that the maximum deviation from unity is the minimum in this family.


6. By using reparameterization with a quadratic transformation on the parametricdomain, an approximate arc-length parameterization method and the corresponding algorithm are presented for Bézier curves.


7. parametric.的近义词

7. When G n blending surfaces between parametricbase surface s are generated based on reparameterization of partial surface patches in the base surface s, the shape of the reparameterized local base surface s influence the blending surfaces greatly.

讨论了基于重新参数化局部基曲面线性组合构造Gn 连续过渡曲面时重新参数化局部基曲面的形状对于过渡曲面的边界和形状的影响;提出了采用能量最小法使过渡曲面的边界弯曲最小来确定重新参数化局部基曲面参数域的方法,并提出相应的重新参数化局部基曲面的确定方法,从而构造较好的过渡曲

8. Third, it conducts theoretical research on optical parametricoscillator of the crystal angle tuning.


9. Based on the modified Hertz contact theory and the simplified simulation of impact a new method is approved to calculate the impact force of outrunner blocks in debris flow on structures. Based on a limited parametricstudy, it is shown that the impact causes plastic deformation on concrete structures at a low velocity.


10. danci.911cha.com

10. In the part of implicit surface modeling, Boolean operation and morphing between implicit surface solids, the methods generating implicit offsetting object and implicit sweeping object are discussed, the method on shape controlling of Metaball model is studied, the algorithms on intersection of line/implicit surface, parametricsurface/implicit surface or implicit surface/implicit surface are presented. In the part of implicit surface rendering, the two methods about implicit surface polygonization are presented, one of them is based on section curves method, the other is based on projection.


11. Key words: storage cistern, crack width, crack resistance checking computations, parametricanalysis


12. In the paper, the differential equations of cable oscillation due to parametricexcitation and wind loading are deduced.


13. parametric.在线翻译

13. Numerical simulations and analytical results show: in longitudinal and oblique seas, ship may be subjected to primary parametricresonance with large roll amplitude and even capsizing, when encounter frequency is near the twice of roll natural frequency, wave length and ship length are of the same order and the wave height is larger than a certain value; in oblique seas, ship roll motion is a forcedly-parametrically excited oscillation, primary resonance occur as the encounter frequency is near the roll natural frequency, which may lead to large rolling and capsizing too.


14. The ParametricStructure Calculation and Analysis Platform of Lattice Mobile Port Tyre Crane.


15. Based on the relaxation coefficient function, a new calculation algorithm of the parametricregression of the surrounding rocks was presented to simulate the disturbance and relaxation phenomena of the surrounding rocks caused by excavation.


16. This paper discusses parametricdesign of non-contacting cam holdback based on VBA and difficulty of cuneate body, which has some referenced value in realizing practical CAD software system based on VBA.


17. In this paper, a method is proposed by author based on the ANSYS ParametricDesign Language.


18. parametric.的解释

18. This paper introduces the organization of hydrophobic parametricdatabases of organic compound, parametricdatabases of commonly used fragments, and the design ofsearching according to the maintains of chemical information in the databases.


19. Based on the non-parametricfunctional-coefficient autoregressive model and non-parametricestimation theory, polynomial spline i


20. Deformation characteristics of CSW box-girder are studied and compared with that of general concrete box-girder through parametricanalysis.



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