1. 口令文件的创建


[oracle@node01 dbs]$ orapwd

Usage: orapwd file= entries= force= ignorecase= nosysdba=


file - name of password file (required),

password - password for SYS will be prompted if not specified at command line,

entries - maximum number of distinct DBA (optional),

force - whether to overwrite existing file (optional),

ignorecase - passwords are case-insensitive (optional),

nosysdba - whether to shut out the SYSDBA logon (optional Database Vault only).

There must be no spaces around the equal-to (=) character.


[oracle@node01 oracle]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs

[oracle@node01 dbs]$ echo $ORACLE_SID


[oracle@node01 dbs]$ orapwd file=orapwprod password=sys

[oracle@node01 dbs]$ ls

hc_prod.dat  hc_zlf.dat  init.ora  initprod.ora  lkPROD  orapwprod  spfileprod.ora

[oracle@node01 dbs]$

2. 查看口令文件中包含哪些用户(含有sysdba、sysoper、sysasm系统权限)

SQL> select * from v$pwfile_users;

USERNAME                       SYSDB SYSOP SYSAS

------------------------------ ----- ----- -----

SYS                            TRUE  TRUE  FALSE

SQL> grant sysdba to scott;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> select * from v$pwfile_users;

USERNAME                       SYSDB SYSOP SYSAS

------------------------------ ----- ----- -----

SYS                            TRUE  TRUE  FALSE

SCOTT                          TRUE  FALSE FALSE

SQL> grant sysoper to scott;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> select * from v$pwfile_users;

USERNAME                       SYSDB SYSOP SYSAS

------------------------------ ----- ----- -----

SYS                            TRUE  TRUE  FALSE

SCOTT                          TRUE  TRUE  FALSE

3. 控制口令文件的使用

REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE specifies whether Oracle checks for a password file.



One or more databases can use the password file. The password file can contain SYS as well as non-SYS users.


The password file can be used by only one database. The password file can contain SYS as well as non-SYS users.


Oracle ignores any password file. Therefore, privileged users must be authenticated by the operating system.


SQL> show parameter remote_login_passwordfile

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

remote_login_passwordfile            string      EXCLUSIVE


SQL> conn sys/sys@demodb as sysdba


SQL> shutdown immediate



ORACLE 例程已经关闭。


SQL> show parameter remote_login_passwordfile

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

remote_login_passwordfile            string      NONE

SQL> conn sys/sys@demodb as sysdba ERROR: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied  --此时管理员已经无法远程登录数据库了。

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