本文对Emergent simplicity in microbial community assembly——中使用的交叉互养模型的代码分析

原始文献Goldford J E , Lu N , Bajic D , et al. Emergent Simplicity in Microbial Community Assembly[J]. Science, 2018, 361(6401):469-474.




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  • 持续更新 2020年11月25日





%% 时间 2020年11月25日08:55:26
%% 版本 matlab 2018b
%% 注释  尚帝
%% 原始代码地址 https://github.com/jgoldford/mcrm.
%% 整理邮箱: 尚帝@163.com
%% %%
%% 设置群落的参数属性
% define hyperparamters
% the total number of species in your "world"Total_Number_Of_Species = 1000;% the number of species in your ecosystem (i.e. inocula)
numSpecies = 100;% the total number of metabolic families
numGroups = 5;% the total number of resources (must equal or exceed numGroups)
numResource = 10; %资源总数
% x 获取资源数目
% dirichlet hypoerparameter (controls the variablity of the family
% metabolism)
Total = 100;
%% 生成分泌代谢矩阵
% get a secretion matrix for everyone %分泌矩阵
D = getMetabolism(numResource,'rand',1/numResource);% determine how much of the community you want to be specialists vs.
% generalists
% more generalist, set to 1/M, and more specialist set to 0.9
specialist = 0.5;specialistVariation = 0.01;
T=10;  %外源物质转化效率/摄取资源量
% 每个科水平中 每个物质的消耗水平
priors = arrayfun(@(x) getConsumerPriors(T,x,specialist,specialistVariation,numResource)',1:numGroups,'uni',0);
[out,~]=makePhyloConsumers(Total_Number_Of_Species,numResource,numGroups,priors,Total,true);% if you don't want community struture, use the function
% getRandomConsumerMatrix% randomly sample a sub population:
k = randsample(1:Total_Number_Of_Species,numSpecies);
% construct an ecosystem
params = mcrm_params(1,numSpecies,out.C(k,:),D,'eye','');% run ODE solver for ecosystem
r = run_mcrm(params);
ylabel('species abundance');g = out.group(k((r.communityStruct > 1e-4)));
% x = r.communityStruct(r.communityStruct > 1e-4);
% subplot(1,3,2);
% pie(x)
%% 探究群落中丰富度对稳定性的影响,分析群落中物种的丢失率
% compute the coarse grained structure of the community
x = coarseGrainCommunityStructure(r.communityStruct,out.group(k),numGroups);
x(x<1e-10) = 0;
legend(arrayfun(@(x) ['Family ',num2str(x)],1:numGroups,'uni',0));% how  stable is the community to species loss?
% this function reduces the parameter structure to only include species
% that survived in the prior simulation
p_new = removeExtinctSpecies(params,r,1e-4);% knockout a species (i.e. set it's consumption rates to zero)I = zeros(p_new.num_species);for ko_species = 1:p_new.num_speciesparams_knockout = knockoutSpecies(p_new,ko_species);ko_sim = run_mcrm(params_knockout);% compute the number of species that went co-extinctextinct = find(ko_sim.communityStruct < 1e-4);%寻找物种丰富度低的I(ko_species,extinct) = 1;%extinct = setdiff(extinct,ko_species);end%compute average species loss
avgLoss = (sum(sum(I)) - length(I))/length(I);
fractionalLoss = avgLoss/p_new.num_species;
%基于傅里叶变化分析代谢的种类差异 非原始代码
Y = fft(r.resources,[],2);
P2 = abs(Y/(size(Y,1)*size(Y,2)));
P1 = P2(1:size(r.resources,2)); %以样本长度读取代谢信号
P1(2:end-1) = 2*P1(2:end-1); %去两倍信号延拓
% surf(r.species)


function [coarsedGrainedAbundanceVec] = coarseGrainCommunityStructure(abundanceVector,groupVector,maxGroups)
% function sums the total abundance within each group (groupVector conains the group id for each species)
coarsedGrainedAbundanceVec = arrayfun(@(y) sum(abundanceVector(groupVector==y)),1:maxGroups);
function r = drchrnd(a,n)
p = length(a);
r = gamrnd(repmat(a,n,1),1,n,p);
r = r ./ repmat(sum(r,2),1,p);


function [params_out] = evolve_member(params,percentChange)
%EVOLVE_MEMBER takes a parameter structure, copies a random member and
%"mutates" the consumer vector by a max. percent change.  This new member
%is appended into the mcrm structure%   Detailed explanation goes here
species = randsample(1:params.num_species,1);
total = sum(params.C(species,:));
uptake = params.C(species,:)./total;
dir = binornd(1,[0.5]);
resource = randsample(1:params.num_resources,1);if dir > 0uptake(resource) = uptake(resource) + percentChange;
elseuptake(resource) = uptake(resource) - percentChange;
uptake(uptake<0) = 0;
uptake = uptake./sum(uptake);% now there is a small chance of changing the total enzyme capacity through
% some global mutation
p_change = 0;
q = binornd(1,p_change);
if q == 1total = total + total.*normrnd(0,0.01);
endc = uptake.*total;d = 1e-2.*params.x0(params.varIdx.species(species));% append a new member to the community structure
params_out = appendMember(params,c,d,0);end


function [R] = getConsumerPriors(T,r,specialist,specialistVar,numResources)
% function generates a single consumer vector R, that represents the total
% uptake capacity for a group of organisms% the specialist paramaters controls the propotion of total uptake capacity
% (T) that is dedicated to uptake resource "r"% input
%     T = total uptake capacity (e.g. controlled by fixed amount of enzymes, transporters)
%     specialist, specialistVar = mean and std to randomly draw the
%     fraction of uptake capcity dedicated to consumer resource "r"
%     r = index of resource for which a consumer will be a "specialist" on
%     numResources = total number of resources % initialize resource consumer vector
R = zeros(numResources,1);
% pick a dominate resource
if isempty(r)r = randsample(1:numResources,1);
%draw proportion of fixed resources 固定资源获取比例
f = normrnd(specialist,specialistVar); %正态分布的一随机数,(平均获取能力,均差)
% ensure f falls between 0 and 1
if f<0f = 0;
elseif f>1f = 1;
end% choose other resource consumption proportions  from a uniform
% distribution
R = rand(numResources,1);
% (T-f*T) 剩余资源  除了自身以外的消耗速率百分比R(setdiff(1:numResources,r))./sum(R(setdiff(1:numResources,r)))'
R(setdiff(1:numResources,r)) = (T-f*T).*R(setdiff(1:numResources,r))./sum(R(setdiff(1:numResources,r)))';% compute fraction of total uptake capacity dedicated to consuming resource
% "r"
R(r) = f*T;end


function [params] = knockoutSpecies(params,speciesIdx)
% Set species abundance to zero
params.C(speciesIdx,:) = zeros(length(speciesIdx),params.num_resources);end


function [out,priors] = makePhyloConsumers(num_species,num_resources,num_groups,priors,Total,nonNormal)
% function to make sets of consumer matricies drawn from priors,
% representing "families" of consumers.% if no prior family-level consumer vectors, make some
if isempty(priors)
priors = arrayfun(@(x) Total.*rand(1,num_resources),1:num_groups,'uni',0);
end% draw consumption vectors from dirichlet distribution
% 每次运行返回一个群落数目{(物种数目×资源数目)}的元细胞
C = cellfun(@(y) drchrnd(y,num_species), priors,'uni',0);% assign wich consumers are part of which family
group_labels = arrayfun(@(y) y.*ones(1,num_species), 1:num_groups,'uni',0);
group_labels = cell2mat(group_labels);C_total = cell2mat(C');
% randomly sample a sub-population
idx = randsample(1:size(C_total,1),num_species);
C = C_total(idx,:);
group_labels = group_labels(idx);% breaks the constraint that there has to be a "fixed enzyme budget per
% species"if nonNormal %运行有随机的浮动代谢% allow for a ~2 percent change in the total uptake capacityu = normrnd(1,0.01,[num_species,1]);C = diag(u)*C;%     for i = 1:max(group_labels)
%         u = normrnd(1,0.01);
%         C(group_labels==i,:) = C(group_labels==i,:).*u;
%         uptakeFactor(i) = u;
%     end% out.uptakeFactor = uptakeFactor;end% construct output structure
out.C = C;
out.group = group_labels;


function [C] = getRandomConsumerMatrix(numSpecies,numResources,ctype)
% function to greate random consumer matricies
% if ctype is normalized, then make sure sum_alpha c_i,alpha = 1if ~isfield(ctype,'normalized')normalizedBool = true;
elsenormalizedBool = false;
end% randomly sample resource utilization matrix (C) from uniform distribution
C = rand(numSpecies,numResources);
% normalize distribution for each species
if normalizedBoolC = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) x./sum(x), num2cell(C,2),'uni',0));


function [ D ] = getMetabolism(numResources,flag,p)
%GETMETABOLISM Function used to generate random stoichiometric matriciesswitch flagcase 'thermo'w = [numResources:-1:1];% construct D matrixd = fliplr(w)./numResources;D = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(x) [zeros(1,x),d(1:end-x)],1:numResources,'uni',0)');D = D';% rescale D s.t. W > D'WD = 0.3*D;case 'sparse'w = [numResources:-1:1];% construct D matrixd = fliplr(w)./numResources;D = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(x) [zeros(1,x),d(1:end-x)],1:numResources,'uni',0)');D = D';% rescale D s.t. W > D'WD = 0.3*D;M = binornd(1,p,[numResources,numResources]);D = M.*D;case 'rand'D = rand(numResources);scale = p;D = D.*scale;case'zeros'D = ones(numResources);


function [ params ] = removeExtinctSpecies(params,simulation,minAbundance)
%REVMOVEEXTINCTSPECIES removes species at the end of the simulation that
%are zero
%  x = simulation.species(end,:);
x(x<0) = 0;
k = x > minAbundance;
params.num_species = sum(k);
params.varIdx.species = 1:(params.num_species);
params.varIdx.resources = (params.num_species+1):(params.num_resources + params.num_species);
x0 = [x(k)';simulation.resources(end,:)'];
params.x0 = x0;
params.C = params.C(k,:);
params.death_rate = params.death_rate(k);end


%% 资源竞争模型计算模拟
function [output] = run_mcrm(params)% parse input
num_species = params.num_species;
num_resources = params.num_resources;
varIdx = params.varIdx;
C = params.C;
D = params.D;
%Q = params.Q;
W = params.W;
B = params.B;
death_rate = params.death_rate;
mu = params.mu;
T = params.T;
tau = params.tau;
x0 = params.x0;
timeSteps = params.timeStep;
alpha = params.alpha;% create a function handle for dynamics
y = @(t,x) population_dynamics(t,x,num_species,C,D,W,T,mu,alpha,death_rate,B,tau,varIdx);% solve ODE
[T,Y] = ode15s(y,1:timeSteps,x0);% parse  species, resource abundanes and consumer_matrix into output structure
output.species = Y(:,varIdx.species);
output.resources = Y(:,varIdx.resources);
%output.consumer_matrix = C;
%output.weights = W;
%output.production_matrix = D;
output.communityStruct = output.species(end,:);
output.environmentalStruct = output.resources(end,:);end
function [dx] = population_dynamics(t,x,num_species,C,D,W,T,mu,alpha,death_rate,B,tau,varIdx)dx = zeros(sum(length(varIdx.resources)+num_species),1);% uptake, consumption matrix%C = update_consumption_matrix(C,x(varIdx.resources),diag(W));% calculate growth rate multiplier ([sum_j w_j * c_ij * r_j - T])growth_rate_multiplier = C*W*x(varIdx.resources) - T;% calculate consumption rate of resourcesconsumption = (C*diag(x(varIdx.resources)))'*x(varIdx.species);% compute production rate production = D*consumption;% calculate differentialdx(varIdx.species) = x(varIdx.species)*diag(mu).*growth_rate_multiplier - death_rate.*(x(varIdx.species));dx(varIdx.resources) =  (alpha-x(varIdx.resources))./tau - consumption + production + B.*sum(death_rate.*x(varIdx.species));%dx = dx';end


function [params] = appendMember(params,c,abundance,death_rate)
%APPENDMEMBER takes a parmater structure and appends a new member (consumer vector) onto this structure
%   inputs:
%        params : mcrm paramater structure
%        c : consumer vector (1XM dim)
%        abundance : initial abundance of this consumer
%        dealth rate: rate that this species dies relative to per capita growth (usually set to 0)params.x0 = [params.x0(params.varIdx.species);abundance;params.x0(params.varIdx.resources)];
params.varIdx.species = [params.varIdx.species,params.varIdx.species(end)+1];
N = length(params.varIdx.species);
params.num_species = N;
params.varIdx.resources = (N+1):N+length(params.varIdx.resources);params.C = [params.C;c];
params.death_rate = [params.death_rate;death_rate];end



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