
Python eval() function is used to parse an expression string as python expression and then execute it.

Python eval()函数用于将表达式字符串解析为python表达式,然后执行它。

Python eval()函数 (Python eval() function)

Python eval() function signature is:

Python eval()函数签名为:

eval(expression, globals=None, locals=None)

expression – mandatory string parameter, this is being parsed and executed as python expression.

expression –必需的字符串参数,正在作为python表达式进行解析和执行。

globals – dictionary used to specify the expressions available to execute. Standard built-in methods are available if not explicitly restricted using '__builtins__': None element.

globals –字典,用于指定可用于执行的表达式。 如果未使用'__builtins__': None明确限制,则可以使用标准的内置方法'__builtins__': None元素。

locals – used to specify the local variables and methods available to eval() function.

locals –用于指定eval()函数可用的局部变量和方法。

Python eval()示例 (Python eval() example)

Let’s first look at a simple example of python eval() function.

我们首先来看一个简单的python eval()函数示例。

x = 1print(eval('x==1'))print(eval('x+2'))




带有用户输入的Python eval() (Python eval() with user input)

Above example of eval() function is very limited and doesn’t justify its power. The power of eval() function lies in dynamic execution of statements. We can execute arbitrary code objects using eval() function.

上面的eval()函数示例非常有限,不能证明其功能合理。 eval()函数的功能在于语句的动态执行。 我们可以使用eval()函数执行任意代码对象。

Let’s look at a more complex example where we will ask the user to enter functions to execute.


# eval() with user input
from math import *for l in range(1, 3):func = input("Enter Math Function to Evaluate:\n")try:print(eval(func))except Exception as ex:print(ex)break

Below image shows a sample execution of the above python script.


Without eval function, we can’t execute the user entered commands. This is the power of eval() function.

没有eval函数,我们将无法执行用户输入的命令。 这是eval()函数的功能。

使用eval()函数的安全风险 (Security Risks with eval() function)

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility is very true if you are allowing user input to be executed as a command.


What if we have os module imported and user enters os.system('rm -rf /') command to be executed. This will start deleting system files and corrupt our environment.

如果导入了os模块并且用户输入os.system('rm -rf /')命令执行该os.system('rm -rf /') ? 这将开始删除系统文件并破坏我们的环境。

That’s why when you are using eval() function to execute user input code, you need to make sure that user entered data is checked first and if they are fine then only its executed. This is when globals and locals parameters come in handy.

这就是为什么在使用eval()函数执行用户输入代码时,需要确保首先检查用户输入的数据,如果它们很好,则仅对其执行。 这是全局和局部参数派上用场的时候。

Python eval()全局变量和局部变量 (Python eval() globals and locals)

Before we decide what functions we should make available to eval(), we need to find out what all functions and variables are present in the global and local scope. We can find this information using globals(), locals(), and dir() builtin functions.

在决定应将哪些函数提供给eval()之前,我们需要找出全局和局部范围内存在的所有函数和变量。 我们可以使用内置函数globals()locals()dir()找到此信息。

Let’s look at an example where we will find out the functions and variables available in global and local scope.


from math import *def square_root(n):return sqrt(n)print(globals()) # dictionary representing the current global symbol table.
print(locals()) # dictionary representing the current local symbol table.
print(dir()) # list of names in the current local scope



{'__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x105b11400>, '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>, '__file__': '/Users/pankaj/Documents/PycharmProjects/BasicPython/basic_examples/eval_example.py', '__cached__': None, 'acos': <built-in function acos>, 'acosh': <built-in function acosh>, 'asin': <built-in function asin>, 'asinh': <built-in function asinh>, 'atan': <built-in function atan>, 'atan2': <built-in function atan2>, 'atanh': <built-in function atanh>, 'ceil': <built-in function ceil>, 'copysign': <built-in function copysign>, 'cos': <built-in function cos>, 'cosh': <built-in function cosh>, 'degrees': <built-in function degrees>, 'erf': <built-in function erf>, 'erfc': <built-in function erfc>, 'exp': <built-in function exp>, 'expm1': <built-in function expm1>, 'fabs': <built-in function fabs>, 'factorial': <built-in function factorial>, 'floor': <built-in function floor>, 'fmod': <built-in function fmod>, 'frexp': <built-in function frexp>, 'fsum': <built-in function fsum>, 'gamma': <built-in function gamma>, 'gcd': <built-in function gcd>, 'hypot': <built-in function hypot>, 'isclose': <built-in function isclose>, 'isfinite': <built-in function isfinite>, 'isinf': <built-in function isinf>, 'isnan': <built-in function isnan>, 'ldexp': <built-in function ldexp>, 'lgamma': <built-in function lgamma>, 'log': <built-in function log>, 'log1p': <built-in function log1p>, 'log10': <built-in function log10>, 'log2': <built-in function log2>, 'modf': <built-in function modf>, 'pow': <built-in function pow>, 'radians': <built-in function radians>, 'remainder': <built-in function remainder>, 'sin': <built-in function sin>, 'sinh': <built-in function sinh>, 'sqrt': <built-in function sqrt>, 'tan': <built-in function tan>, 'tanh': <built-in function tanh>, 'trunc': <built-in function trunc>, 'pi': 3.141592653589793, 'e': 2.718281828459045, 'tau': 6.283185307179586, 'inf': inf, 'nan': nan, 'square_root': <function square_root at 0x105b6a2f0>}
{'__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x105b11400>, '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>, '__file__': '/Users/pankaj/Documents/PycharmProjects/BasicPython/basic_examples/eval_example.py', '__cached__': None, 'acos': <built-in function acos>, 'acosh': <built-in function acosh>, 'asin': <built-in function asin>, 'asinh': <built-in function asinh>, 'atan': <built-in function atan>, 'atan2': <built-in function atan2>, 'atanh': <built-in function atanh>, 'ceil': <built-in function ceil>, 'copysign': <built-in function copysign>, 'cos': <built-in function cos>, 'cosh': <built-in function cosh>, 'degrees': <built-in function degrees>, 'erf': <built-in function erf>, 'erfc': <built-in function erfc>, 'exp': <built-in function exp>, 'expm1': <built-in function expm1>, 'fabs': <built-in function fabs>, 'factorial': <built-in function factorial>, 'floor': <built-in function floor>, 'fmod': <built-in function fmod>, 'frexp': <built-in function frexp>, 'fsum': <built-in function fsum>, 'gamma': <built-in function gamma>, 'gcd': <built-in function gcd>, 'hypot': <built-in function hypot>, 'isclose': <built-in function isclose>, 'isfinite': <built-in function isfinite>, 'isinf': <built-in function isinf>, 'isnan': <built-in function isnan>, 'ldexp': <built-in function ldexp>, 'lgamma': <built-in function lgamma>, 'log': <built-in function log>, 'log1p': <built-in function log1p>, 'log10': <built-in function log10>, 'log2': <built-in function log2>, 'modf': <built-in function modf>, 'pow': <built-in function pow>, 'radians': <built-in function radians>, 'remainder': <built-in function remainder>, 'sin': <built-in function sin>, 'sinh': <built-in function sinh>, 'sqrt': <built-in function sqrt>, 'tan': <built-in function tan>, 'tanh': <built-in function tanh>, 'trunc': <built-in function trunc>, 'pi': 3.141592653589793, 'e': 2.718281828459045, 'tau': 6.283185307179586, 'inf': inf, 'nan': nan, 'square_root': <function square_root at 0x105b6a2f0>}
['__annotations__', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'acos', 'acosh', 'asin', 'asinh', 'atan', 'atan2', 'atanh', 'ceil', 'copysign', 'cos', 'cosh', 'degrees', 'e', 'erf', 'erfc', 'exp', 'expm1', 'fabs', 'factorial', 'floor', 'fmod', 'frexp', 'fsum', 'gamma', 'gcd', 'hypot', 'inf', 'isclose', 'isfinite', 'isinf', 'isnan', 'ldexp', 'lgamma', 'log', 'log10', 'log1p', 'log2', 'modf', 'nan', 'pi', 'pow', 'radians', 'remainder', 'sin', 'sinh', 'sqrt', 'square_root', 'tan', 'tanh', 'tau', 'trunc']

That’s a lot of functions that eval() will have access to. Most of them are from __builtins__ and math module.

eval()可以访问很多功能。 它们大多数来自__builtins__和math模块 。

Let’s see what happens when we specify globals value as empty dictionary in eval function.






So builtin methods are still available to eval function. If you want to limit access to only a few of the built-in methods, then you can specify its value for globals. For example, below code is allowing eval() function to execute only min built-in function.

因此,内置方法仍可用于eval函数。 如果只想限制对某些内置方法的访问,则可以为全局变量指定其值。 例如,下面的代码允许eval()函数仅执行min内置函数。

print(eval('min(1,2)',{'__builtins__':{'min': min}})) # 1

Let’s look at another example where I am providing locals value and disabling all the built-in functions access for eval().


print(eval('y+1',{'__builtins__': None}, {'y': y})) # 6

Let’s look at a final example where I am allowing access to only a few of the methods from math module. We are also mapping square_root to sqrt function for better human readability.

让我们看一个最后的示例,在该示例中,我仅允许访问math模块中的一些方法。 我们还将Square_root映射到sqrt函数,以提高人类可读性。

from math import *for l in range(1, 3):func = input("Enter Math Function to Evaluate.\nAllowed Functions are: square_root(x) and pow(x,y):\n")try:print(eval(func, {'square_root': sqrt, 'pow': pow}))except Exception as ex:print(ex)break

A sample output:


Enter Math Function to Evaluate.
Allowed Functions are: square_root(x) and pow(x,y):
Enter Math Function to Evaluate.
Allowed Functions are: square_root(x) and pow(x,y):
name 'log10' is not defined

I have not specified anything for builtin functions, so they will be available for eval() function.


Below is another example run to show that built-in functions are available to be executed.


Enter Math Function to Evaluate.
Allowed Functions are: square_root(x) and pow(x,y):
Enter Math Function to Evaluate.
Allowed Functions are: square_root(x) and pow(x,y):

摘要 (Summary)

Python eval() function is very powerful. Even though we have globals and locals variable to restrict access, they are not enough and workaround are available to harm your system. Read this article explaining why eval is dangerous. You shouldn’t use eval() function with untrusted user inputs.

Python eval()函数非常强大。 即使我们有globals和locals变量来限制访问,但它们还不够,并且可以使用变通办法来损害您的系统。 阅读这篇文章,解释为什么评估很危险 。 您不应将eval()函数用于不受信任的用户输入。

GitHub Repository.GitHub存储库中检出完整的python脚本和更多Python示例。

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/22504/python-eval-function


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