
Translation theory and practice being my specialization, I have devotedmuch, if not most of my time for graduate studies to reading worksconcerning translation. The more I reed, the more I realized that translatingis a complex and fascinating task. As I. A. Richards(1953) claims,translating is probably the most complex type of event in the history of thecosmos. It is exactly the complexity of its nature and the challenge of itstask that has stimulated my interest in trying my hand a it, and morei... 展开 Translation theory and practice being my specialization, I have devotedmuch, if not most of my time for graduate studies to reading worksconcerning translation. The more I reed, the more I realized that translatingis a complex and fascinating task. As I. A. Richards(1953) claims,translating is probably the most complex type of event in the history of thecosmos. It is exactly the complexity of its nature and the challenge of itstask that has stimulated my interest in trying my hand a it, and moreimportantly, in perusing others' works of translation in order to benefit fromtheir experience, positive or negative. As my interest grew, it evolved into akeen desire to write a paper of this type, hence the initial conception of thepresent thesis. 收起



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