
# 提醒用户输入三个整数,通过int()方法将str类型转换成int类型
number_one = int(input("请输入一个整数"))
number_two = int(input("请输入一个整数"))
number_three = int(input("请输入一个整数"))
# 判断第一个数字是否大于第二个数字
if number_one > number_two:  # 条件成立判断第二个数字是否大于第三个数字  if number_two > number_three:  print("{}>{}>{}".format(number_one, number_two, number_three))  elif number_two < number_three:  if number_one > number_three:  print("{}>{}>{}".format(number_one, number_three, number_two))  elif number_one < number_three:  print("{}>{}>{}".format(number_three, number_one, number_two))
elif number_one < number_two:  if number_one > number_three:  print("{}>{}>{}".format(number_two, number_one, number_three))  elif number_one < number_three:  if number_three > number_two:  print("{}>{}>{}".format(number_three, number_two, number_one))  elif number_three < number_two:  print("{}>{}>{}".format(number_two, number_three, number_one))


# 利用列表的max()函数来比较大小
numbers = []
for i in range(3):number = int(input("请输入第{}个整数".format(i+1)))numbers.append(number)
for i in range(len(numbers)):max_number = max(numbers)print("{}>".format(max_number), end="")numbers.remove(max_number)


# 利用sort排序来进行比较
numbers = []
for i in range(3):number = int(input("请输入第{}个整数".format(i+1)))numbers.append(number)
print("{}>{}>{}".format(numbers[0], numbers[1], numbers[2]))

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