
  • 摘要
  • 说明
  • 代码
    • 测试类
    • 算法主体
    • 启发式H11
    • 计算Cmax
    • 读取测试集文件
  • 结果
    • 测试集
  • 参考文献


In this paper, we study the distributed assembly mixed no-idle permutation flowshop scheduling problem (DAMNIPFSP) with total tardiness objective. We first formulate the problem. Second, based on the characteristics of the DAMNIPFSP, an improved Iterated Greedy algorithm, named RIG (Referenced Iterated Greedy), with two novel destruction methods, four new reconstruction methods and six new local search methods is presented. Among them, two of the reconstruction methods and four of the local search methods are based on a reference, which proves key to performance. Finally, RIG is compared with the related algorithms through experiments. The results show that the new RIG algorithm is a new state-of-the-art procedure for the DAMNIPFSP with the total tardiness criterion.






package practice.comparison;import Instances.DataProcessing;
import practice.dapfsp.Heuristic1;import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;/*** @Date: 2022/3/30 9:22* @Author: * @File: TestRIG.class* @Software: IDEA* @Email: 1532116227@qq.com*/
public class TestRIG
{public static void main(String[] args){//小规模========================================================================================================int count = 1;int jobs[] = {8, 12, 16, 20, 24};int machines[] = {2, 3, 4, 5};int factories[] = {2, 3, 4};int products[] = {2, 3, 4};int instnces[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};int[][] p = new int[0][];ReadTxt readTxt = new ReadTxt();List<Integer> pi = new ArrayList<>();//工件序列RIG2 rig2 = new RIG2();List<Integer> apt = new ArrayList<>();int[] assignSet;for (int n = 0; n < jobs.length; n++)//job.length - 1{for (int m = 0; m < machines.length; m++)//mechine.length - 1{for (int k = 0; k < factories.length; k++)//num.length - 1{for (int i = 0; i < products.length; i++){for (int j = 0; j < instnces.length; j++){p = readTxt.getProcessingTimes("D:\\Instances\\DAPFSPSmall\\ProcessingTime\\I" + "_"+ jobs[n] + "_" + machines[m] + " _" + factories[k] + "_" + products[i] + "_" + instnces[j] + ".txt", jobs[n], machines[m]);apt = readTxt.getAssemblyTimes("D:\\Instances\\DAPFSPSmall\\AssemblyTime\\I" + "_"+ jobs[n] + "_" + machines[m] + " _" + factories[k] + "_" + products[i] + "_" + instnces[j] + ".txt", products[i]);assignSet = new int[jobs[n]];assignSet = readTxt.getAssignSet("D:\\Instances\\DAPFSPSmall\\AssignSet\\I" + "_"+ jobs[n] + "_" + machines[m] + " _" + factories[k] + "_" + products[i] + "_" + instnces[j] + ".txt", jobs[n], products[i]);System.out.println(count++);pi = rig2.algorithm(p, apt, factories[k], products[i], assignSet);System.out.println(pi);System.out.println("============================================");}}}}}//==============================================================================================================
//        int[][] p = {{4, 6, 2}, {3, 4, 2}, {5, 2, 3}, {5, 4, 2}, {4, 2, 2}, {3, 3, 3},
//                {4, 3, 2}, {3, 5, 2}, {6, 2, 3}, {3, 5, 2}, {4, 4, 2}, {4, 3, 3}};//加工时间矩阵
//        int[] assignSet = {1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4};//==============================================================================================================
//        int[][] p = {{1, 3}, {5, 8}, {7, 5}, {9, 7}, {9, 3}, {3, 4}, {8, 1}, {4, 3}, {2, 5}};
//        int[] assignSet = {2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2};//==============================================================================================================
//        int[][] p = {{3, 4}, {1, 3}, {5, 8}, {7, 5}, {8, 1}, {4, 3}, {9, 7}, {9, 3}, {2, 5}};
//        int[] assignSet = {1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2};
//        int numOfProduct = 4;//产品数
//        List<Integer> lambda = new ArrayList<>();//产品序列
//        RIG rig = new RIG();
//        apt = List.of(6, 19, 12);//集合中的元素个数已确定,不能再改变时才能使用
//        pi = rig.algorithm(p, pi, apt, lambda, F, t, assignSet);//==============================================================================================================
//        int F = 2;//工厂数
//        int t = 4;//产品数
//        List<Integer> pi = new ArrayList<>();//工件序列
//        RIG2 rig2 = new RIG2();
//        List<Integer> apt;
//        apt = List.of(6, 8, 5, 8);//装配时间
//        pi = rig2.algorithm(p, apt, F, t, assignSet);
//        System.out.println(pi);}


package practice.comparison;import practice.calculateCMAX.CalculateCmaxPFSP;
import practice.dapfsp.Heuristic1;import java.util.*;/*** @Date: 2022/4/6 20:36* @Author: * @File: RIG2.class* @Software: IDEA* @Email: 1532116227@qq.com*/
public class RIG2
{Random random = new Random();public List<Integer> algorithm(int[][] p, List<Integer> apt, int F, int t, int[] assignSet){double beta = 0.05;List<Integer> piT;Heuristic1 h1 = new Heuristic1();List<Integer> pi_product;pi_product = Heuristic1.ruleOfSPT(apt);//产品的装配序列List<Integer> pi_product0 = listCopy(pi_product);List<Integer>[] sequence = new List[t];List<Integer>[] solution1 = new List[t];List<Integer>[] best_solution = new List[t];List<Integer> pi_product1;for (int i = 0; i < t; i++){sequence[i] = new ArrayList<>();best_solution[i] = new ArrayList<>();solution1[i] = new ArrayList<>();}for (int i = 0; i < assignSet.length; i++){sequence[assignSet[i] - 1].add(i + 1);}//==============================================================================================================//Obtain the initial solution by H11/H12
//        piT = h1.algorithm(p, t, apt, sequence, pi_product);sequence = h1.algorithm(p, t, apt, sequence, pi_product);
//        System.out.println(piT);
//        List<Integer>[][] assignment;//解码:将一个解解码为一个调度
//        assignment = new List[1][F];
//        assignment[0] = Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, piT, F);//NR1
//        assignment[0] = Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, piT, F);//NR2
//        for (int i = 0; i < F; i++)
//        {//            solution.addAll(assignment[0][i]);
//        }
//        best_solution.addAll(solution);for (int i = 0; i < t; i++){best_solution[i].addAll(sequence[i]);}pi_product1 = listCopy(pi_product);//==============================================================================================================int LSType = 0;switch (LSType){case 0:pi_product = insertProductLS(sequence, p, pi_product, t, F, apt);
//                System.out.println(pi_product);sequence = insertJobLS(sequence, p, pi_product, t, F, apt);break;case 1:pi_product = insertProductRfLS(sequence, pi_product1, p, pi_product, t, F, apt);
//                System.out.println(pi_product);sequence = insertJobRfLS(sequence, best_solution, p, pi_product, t, F, apt);break;case 2:pi_product = swapProductRfLS(sequence, pi_product1, p, pi_product, t, F, apt);sequence = swapJobRfLS(sequence, best_solution, p, pi_product, t, F, apt);break;}pi_product1 = listCopy(pi_product);for (int i = 0; i < t; i++){best_solution[i] = listCopy(sequence[i]);solution1[i] = listCopy(sequence[i]);
//            best_solution[i].clear();
//            best_solution[i].addAll(sequence[i]);
//            solution1[i].addAll(sequence[i]);}int dp = 3;int dj = 5;int Gen = 100, gen = 0;int ConType = 1;List<Integer> lambdap = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer> lambda = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer> lambdaj = new ArrayList<>();List<List<Integer>> lists = new ArrayList<>();while (gen < Gen){lists = destructionProduct(dp, pi_product);lambda = lists.get(0);lambdap = lists.get(1);switch (ConType){case 0:pi_product = reconstructionProduct(lambda, lambdap, sequence, apt, p, F);break;case 1:pi_product = reconstructionProductRF(lambda, lambdap, sequence, pi_product1, apt, p, F, t);break;}lambdaj = destructionJob(dj, pi_product, solution1);switch (ConType){case 0:solution1 = reconstructionJob(lambdaj, pi_product, solution1, sequence, apt, p, F);break;case 1:solution1 = reconstructionJobRF(lambdaj, pi_product, solution1, sequence, best_solution, apt, p, F, t);break;}switch (LSType){case 0:pi_product = insertProductLS(solution1, p, pi_product, t, F, apt);solution1 = insertJobLS(solution1, p, pi_product, t, F, apt);break;case 1:
//                    pi_product = insertProductRfLS(sequence, pi_product1, p, pi_product, t, F, apt);
//                    sequence = insertJobRfLS(sequence, best_solution, p, pi_product, t, F, apt);pi_product = insertProductRfLS(solution1, pi_product1, p, pi_product, t, F, apt);solution1 = insertJobRfLS(solution1, best_solution, p, pi_product, t, F, apt);break;case 2:
//                    pi_product = swapProductRfLS(sequence, pi_product1, p, pi_product, t, F, apt);
//                    sequence = swapJobRfLS(sequence, best_solution, p, pi_product, t, F, apt);pi_product = swapProductRfLS(solution1, pi_product1, p, pi_product, t, F, apt);solution1 = swapJobRfLS(solution1, best_solution, p, pi_product, t, F, apt);break;}int r;int cmax1;int cmax2;int cmax3;List<Integer>[] schedule = new List[F];List<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer> list2 = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer> list3 = new ArrayList<>();for (int i = 0; i < t; i++){list1.addAll(solution1[pi_product.get(i) - 1]);list2.addAll(sequence[pi_product0.get(i) - 1]);list3.addAll(best_solution[pi_product1.get(i) - 1]);}//==============================================================================================================
//            schedule = Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list1, F);//NR1schedule = Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list1, F);cmax1 = calAssembleCmax(schedule, p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt);//==============================================================================================================
//            schedule = Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list2, F);//NR1schedule = Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list2, F);cmax2 = calAssembleCmax(schedule, p, F, pi_product0, sequence, apt);//==============================================================================================================
//            schedule = Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list3, F);//NR1schedule = Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list3, F);cmax3 = calAssembleCmax(schedule, p, F, pi_product1, sequence, apt);//==============================================================================================================double RPD, TempFactor;if (cmax1 < cmax2){//                sequence = solution1;sequence = list1DimArrayCopy(solution1);pi_product0.clear();pi_product0.addAll(pi_product);if (cmax1 < cmax3){best_solution = list1DimArrayCopy(solution1);pi_product1.clear();pi_product1.addAll(pi_product);}}else if (beta > 0){RPD = (cmax1 - cmax2) / cmax2 * 100;TempFactor = beta * (sumOfPij(p)) / 10 * p.length * p[0].length;r = random.nextInt();if (r < Math.exp(-RPD / TempFactor)){sequence = list1DimArrayCopy(solution1);pi_product0.clear();pi_product0.addAll(pi_product);}}gen += 1;}List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();for (int i = 0; i < best_solution.length; i++){list.addAll(best_solution[pi_product1.get(i) - 1]);}int Cmax;List<Integer>[] schedule = new List[F];
//        schedule = Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list, F);//NR1schedule = Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list, F);Cmax = calAssembleCmax(schedule, p, F, pi_product1, sequence, apt);System.out.println("Cmax = " + Cmax);return list;}private List<Integer>[] reconstructionJobRF(List<Integer> lambdaj, List<Integer> pi_product, List<Integer>[] solution1, List<Integer>[] sequence, List<Integer>[] best_solution, List<Integer> apt, int[][] p, int F, int t){int cmaxTemp = 0;int cmax = 0;int index = 0;int r;int removed;List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer>[] schedule = new List[F];for (int i = 0; i < t; i++){for (int h = 0; h < best_solution[i].size(); h++){if (lambdaj.contains(best_solution[i].get(h))){removed = lambdaj.remove(lambdaj.indexOf(best_solution[i].get(h)));}else{continue;}if (sequence[i].contains(removed)){cmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;for (int k = 0; k < solution1[i].size() + 1; k++){solution1[i].add(k, removed);list.clear();for (int j = 0; j < solution1.length; j++){list.addAll(solution1[pi_product.get(j) - 1]);}
//                        schedule = Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list, F);//NR1schedule = Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list, F);cmaxTemp = calAssembleCmax2(schedule, solution1, p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt);solution1[i].remove(k);if (cmaxTemp < cmax){cmax = cmaxTemp;index = k;}}solution1[i].add(index, removed);
//                    break;}}}return solution1;}private List<Integer> reconstructionProductRF(List<Integer> lambda, List<Integer> lambdap, List<Integer>[] sequence, List<Integer> pi_product1, List<Integer> apt, int[][] p, int F, int t){int r;int removed;int cmax;
//        List<Integer> copyLambdap = new ArrayList<>();
//        copyLambdap = listCopy(lambdap);List<Integer>[] schedule = new List[F];List<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList<>();int cmaxTemp = 0;int index = 0;for (int l = 0; l < t; l++){cmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;if (lambdap.contains(pi_product1.get(l))){removed = lambdap.remove(lambdap.indexOf(pi_product1.get(l)));for (int k = 0; k < lambda.size() + 1; k++){list1.clear();lambda.add(k, removed);for (int i = 0; i < lambda.size(); i++){list1.addAll(sequence[lambda.get(i) - 1]);}
//                schedule = Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list1, F);//NR1schedule = Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list1, F);
//                if (schedule == null)
//                {//                    System.out.println();
//                }cmaxTemp = calAssembleCmax(schedule, p, F, lambda, sequence, apt);lambda.remove(k);if (cmaxTemp < cmax){cmax = cmaxTemp;index = k;}}lambda.add(index, removed);}}return lambda;}private List<Integer>[] swapJobRfLS(List<Integer>[] sequence, List<Integer>[] best_solution, int[][] p, List<Integer> pi_product, int t, int F, List<Integer> apt){List<Integer>[] schedule = new List[F];List<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer> list2 = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer> list3 = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer>[] solution1 = new List[sequence.length];List<Integer>[] solution2 = new List[sequence.length];int Cnt = 0;int CntJob, h;int remove;int cmaxTemp = 0;int cmax = 0;cmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;while (Cnt < t){solution1 = list1DimArrayCopy(sequence);CntJob = 0;h = 0;while (CntJob < sequence[Cnt].size()){int bestIndex = 0;solution2 = list1DimArrayCopy(solution1);
//                remove = solution2[Cnt].remove(h);
//                remove = solution2[Cnt].remove(best_solution[Cnt].indexOf(best_solution[Cnt].get(h)));for (int k = 0; k < solution2[Cnt].size(); k++){if (k != h){list1.clear();Collections.swap(solution2[Cnt], k, best_solution[Cnt].indexOf(best_solution[Cnt].get(h)));for (int l = 0; l < t; l++){list1.addAll(solution2[pi_product.get(l) - 1]);}
//                        schedule = Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list1, F);//NR1schedule = Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list1, F);cmaxTemp = calAssembleCmax(schedule, p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt);if (cmaxTemp < cmax){cmax = cmaxTemp;bestIndex = k;}Collections.swap(solution2[Cnt], k, best_solution[Cnt].indexOf(best_solution[Cnt].get(h)));}}Collections.swap(solution2[Cnt], bestIndex, best_solution[Cnt].indexOf(best_solution[Cnt].get(h)));list2.clear();for (int i = 0; i < solution1.length; i++){list2.addAll(solution1[pi_product.get(i) - 1]);}
//                if (cmax < calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list2, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt))if (cmax < calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list2, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt)){solution1[Cnt].clear();solution1[Cnt].addAll(solution2[Cnt]);CntJob = 0;}else{CntJob += 1;}h = h % solution1[Cnt].size();}list2.clear();list3.clear();for (int i = 0; i < t; i++){list3.addAll(sequence[pi_product.get(i) - 1]);list2.addAll(solution1[pi_product.get(i) - 1]);}
//            if (calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list2, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt) < calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list3, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt))if (calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list2, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt) < calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list3, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt)){sequence = solution1;Cnt = 0;}else{Cnt += 1;}}return sequence;}private List<Integer> swapProductRfLS(List<Integer>[] sequence, List<Integer> pi_product1, int[][] p, List<Integer> pi_product, int t, int F, List<Integer> apt){List<Integer>[] solution = new List[sequence.length];solution = list1DimArrayCopy(sequence);List<Integer> copyOfPiProduct = new ArrayList<>();
//        copyOfPiProduct = listCopy(pi_product);int cnt = 0;int j = 0;int removed;List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
//        int temp = 0;
//        List<Integer> temp_solution = new ArrayList<>();
//        Map<List<Integer>, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();List<Integer>[] schedule = new List[F];int bestIndex = 0;int cmaxTemp = 0;List<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList<>();int cmax = 0;cmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;while (cnt < t){copyOfPiProduct = listCopy(pi_product);for (int k = 0; k < copyOfPiProduct.size(); k++){if (k != j){list.clear();list1.clear();Collections.swap(copyOfPiProduct, k, copyOfPiProduct.indexOf(pi_product1.get(j)));for (int i = 0; i < pi_product.size(); i++){list.addAll(solution[copyOfPiProduct.get(i) - 1]);list1.addAll(sequence[pi_product.get(i) - 1]);}schedule = Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list, F);//NR1cmaxTemp = calAssembleCmax(schedule, p, F, copyOfPiProduct, sequence, apt);Collections.swap(copyOfPiProduct, k, pi_product.indexOf(pi_product1.get(j)));if (cmaxTemp < cmax){cmax = cmaxTemp;bestIndex = k;}}}Collections.swap(copyOfPiProduct, bestIndex, copyOfPiProduct.indexOf(pi_product1.get(j)));if (cmax < calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list1, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt)){pi_product.clear();pi_product.addAll(copyOfPiProduct);cnt = 0;}else{cnt += 1;}j = (j + 1) % t;}return pi_product;}private List<Integer>[] insertJobRfLS(List<Integer>[] sequence, List<Integer>[] best_solution, int[][] p, List<Integer> pi_product, int t, int F, List<Integer> apt){List<Integer>[] schedule = new List[F];List<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer> list2 = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer> list3 = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer>[] solution1 = new List[sequence.length];List<Integer>[] solution2 = new List[sequence.length];int Cnt = 0;int CntJob, h;int remove;int cmaxTemp = 0;int cmax = 0;cmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;while (Cnt < t){solution1 = list1DimArrayCopy(sequence);CntJob = 0;h = 0;while (CntJob < sequence[Cnt].size()){int bestIndex = 0;solution2 = list1DimArrayCopy(solution1);
//                remove = solution2[Cnt].remove(h);remove = solution2[Cnt].remove(best_solution[Cnt].indexOf(best_solution[Cnt].get(h)));for (int k = 0; k < solution2[Cnt].size() + 1; k++){if (k != h){list1.clear();solution2[Cnt].add(k, remove);for (int l = 0; l < t; l++){list1.addAll(solution2[pi_product.get(l) - 1]);}
//                        schedule = Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list1, F);//NR1schedule = Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list1, F);cmaxTemp = calAssembleCmax(schedule, p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt);if (cmaxTemp < cmax){cmax = cmaxTemp;bestIndex = k;}solution2[Cnt].remove(k);}}solution2[Cnt].add(bestIndex, remove);
//                System.out.println(bestIndex);
//                System.out.println(Cnt);list2.clear();for (int i = 0; i < solution1.length; i++){list2.addAll(solution1[pi_product.get(i) - 1]);}
//                if (cmax < calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list2, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt))if (cmax < calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list2, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt)){solution1[Cnt].clear();solution1[Cnt].addAll(solution2[Cnt]);CntJob = 0;}else{CntJob += 1;}h = h % solution1[Cnt].size();}list2.clear();list3.clear();for (int i = 0; i < t; i++){list3.addAll(sequence[pi_product.get(i) - 1]);list2.addAll(solution1[pi_product.get(i) - 1]);}
//            if (calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list2, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt) < calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list3, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt))if (calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list2, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt) < calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list3, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt)){sequence = solution1;Cnt = 0;}else{Cnt += 1;}}return sequence;}private List<Integer> insertProductRfLS(List<Integer>[] sequence, List<Integer> pi_product1, int[][] p, List<Integer> pi_product, int t, int F, List<Integer> apt){List<Integer>[] solution = new List[sequence.length];solution = list1DimArrayCopy(sequence);List<Integer> copyOfPiProduct = new ArrayList<>();
//        copyOfPiProduct = listCopy(pi_product);int cnt = 0;int j = 0;int removed;List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
//        int temp = 0;
//        List<Integer> temp_solution = new ArrayList<>();
//        Map<List<Integer>, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();List<Integer>[] schedule = new List[F];int bestIndex = 0;int cmaxTemp = 0;List<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList<>();int cmax = 0;cmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;while (cnt < t){copyOfPiProduct = listCopy(pi_product);removed = copyOfPiProduct.remove(copyOfPiProduct.indexOf(pi_product1.get(j)));for (int k = 0; k < copyOfPiProduct.size() + 1; k++){if (k != j){list.clear();list1.clear();copyOfPiProduct.add(k, removed);for (int i = 0; i < pi_product.size(); i++){list.addAll(solution[copyOfPiProduct.get(i) - 1]);list1.addAll(sequence[pi_product.get(i) - 1]);}
//                    schedule = Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list, F);//NR1schedule = Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list, F);cmaxTemp = calAssembleCmax(schedule, p, F, copyOfPiProduct, sequence, apt);copyOfPiProduct.remove(k);if (cmaxTemp < cmax){cmax = cmaxTemp;bestIndex = k;}}}copyOfPiProduct.add(bestIndex, removed);//            if (cmax < calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list1, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt))if (cmax < calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list1, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt)){pi_product.clear();pi_product.addAll(copyOfPiProduct);cnt = 0;}else{cnt += 1;}j = (j + 1) % t;}return pi_product;}private int sumOfPij(int[][] p){int s = 0;for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++){for (int j = 0; j < p[0].length; j++){s += p[i][j];}}return s;}private List<Integer>[] reconstructionJob(List<Integer> lambdaj, List<Integer> pi_product, List<Integer>[] solution1, List<Integer>[] sequence, List<Integer> apt, int[][] p, int F){int cmaxTemp = 0;int cmax = 0;int index = 0;int r;int removed;List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer>[] schedule = new List[F];while (lambdaj.size() > 0){r = random.nextInt(lambdaj.size());removed = lambdaj.remove(r);for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++){if (sequence[i].contains(removed)){cmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;for (int k = 0; k < solution1[i].size() + 1; k++){solution1[i].add(k, removed);list.clear();for (int j = 0; j < solution1.length; j++){list.addAll(solution1[pi_product.get(j) - 1]);}
//                        schedule = Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list, F);//NR1schedule = Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list, F);cmaxTemp = calAssembleCmax2(schedule, solution1, p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt);solution1[i].remove(k);if (cmaxTemp < cmax){cmax = cmaxTemp;index = k;}}solution1[i].add(index, removed);break;}}}return solution1;}private List<Integer> destructionJob(int dj, List<Integer> pi_product, List<Integer>[] solution1){int r1;int r2;int count = 0;List<List<Integer>> list = new ArrayList<>();
//        List<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList<>();
//        for (int i = 0; i < pi_product.size(); i++)
//        {//            list1.addAll(solution1[pi_product.get(i) - 1]);
//        }List<Integer> lambdaj = new ArrayList<>();
//        List<Integer> lambda = new ArrayList<>();
//        for (int i = 0; i < dj; i++)while (count < dj){r1 = random.nextInt(pi_product.size());if (solution1[r1].size() > 0){r2 = random.nextInt(solution1[r1].size());lambdaj.add(solution1[r1].remove(r2));count++;}//其中一个被取完,且未取够5个}list.add(lambdaj);
//        list.add(solution1);return lambdaj;}private List<Integer> reconstructionProduct(List<Integer> lambda, List<Integer> lambdap, List<Integer>[] sequence, List<Integer> apt, int[][] p, int F){int r;int removed;int cmax;
//        List<Integer> copyLambdap = new ArrayList<>();
//        copyLambdap = listCopy(lambdap);List<Integer>[] schedule = new List[F];List<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList<>();int cmaxTemp = 0;int index = 0;while (lambdap.size() > 0){cmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;r = random.nextInt(lambdap.size());removed = lambdap.remove(r);for (int k = 0; k < lambda.size() + 1; k++){list1.clear();lambda.add(k, removed);for (int i = 0; i < lambda.size(); i++){list1.addAll(sequence[lambda.get(i) - 1]);}
//                schedule = Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list1, F);//NR1schedule = Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list1, F);
//                if (schedule == null)
//                {//                    System.out.println();
//                }cmaxTemp = calAssembleCmax(schedule, p, F, lambda, sequence, apt);lambda.remove(k);if (cmaxTemp < cmax){cmax = cmaxTemp;index = k;}}lambda.add(index, removed);}return lambda;}private List<List<Integer>> destructionProduct(int dp, List<Integer> pi_product){int r;List<List<Integer>> list = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer> copyPiProduct = new ArrayList<>();copyPiProduct = listCopy(pi_product);List<Integer> lambdaP = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer> lambda = new ArrayList<>();while (lambdaP.size() < dp){if (copyPiProduct.size() <= 0){break;}else{r = random.nextInt(copyPiProduct.size());lambdaP.add(copyPiProduct.remove(r));}}list.add(copyPiProduct);list.add(lambdaP);return list;}private List<Integer>[] insertJobLS(List<Integer>[] sequence, int[][] p, List<Integer> pi_product, int t, int F, List<Integer> apt){//        int[] n_lambda = new int[t];
//        for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
//        {//            n_lambda[i] = list.get(i).size();
//        }List<Integer>[] schedule = new List[F];List<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer> list2 = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer> list3 = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer>[] solution1 = new List[sequence.length];List<Integer>[] solution2 = new List[sequence.length];int Cnt = 0;int CntJob, h;int remove;int cmaxTemp = 0;int cmax = 0;cmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;while (Cnt < t){solution1 = list1DimArrayCopy(sequence);CntJob = 0;h = 0;while (CntJob < sequence[Cnt].size()){int bestIndex = 0;solution2 = list1DimArrayCopy(solution1);remove = solution2[Cnt].remove(h);for (int k = 0; k < solution2[Cnt].size() + 1; k++){if (k != h){list1.clear();solution2[Cnt].add(k, remove);for (int l = 0; l < t; l++){list1.addAll(solution2[pi_product.get(l) - 1]);}
//                        schedule = Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list1, F);//NR1schedule = Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list1, F);cmaxTemp = calAssembleCmax(schedule, p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt);if (cmaxTemp < cmax){cmax = cmaxTemp;bestIndex = k;}solution2[Cnt].remove(k);}}solution2[Cnt].add(bestIndex, remove);
//                System.out.println(bestIndex);
//                System.out.println(Cnt);list2.clear();for (int i = 0; i < solution1.length; i++){list2.addAll(solution1[pi_product.get(i) - 1]);}
//                if (cmax < calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list2, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt))if (cmax < calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list2, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt)){solution1[Cnt].clear();solution1[Cnt].addAll(solution2[Cnt]);CntJob = 0;}else{CntJob += 1;}h = h % solution1[Cnt].size();}list2.clear();list3.clear();for (int i = 0; i < t; i++){list3.addAll(sequence[pi_product.get(i) - 1]);list2.addAll(solution1[pi_product.get(i) - 1]);}
//            if (calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list2, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt) < calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list3, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt))if (calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list2, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt) < calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list3, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt)){sequence = solution1;Cnt = 0;}else{Cnt += 1;}}return sequence;}private List<Integer> insertProductLS(List<Integer>[] sequence, int[][] p, List<Integer> pi_product, int t, int F, List<Integer> apt){List<Integer>[] solution = new List[sequence.length];solution = list1DimArrayCopy(sequence);List<Integer> copyOfPiProduct = new ArrayList<>();
//        copyOfPiProduct = listCopy(pi_product);int cnt = 0;int j = 0;int removed;List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
//        int temp = 0;
//        List<Integer> temp_solution = new ArrayList<>();
//        Map<List<Integer>, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();List<Integer>[] schedule = new List[F];int bestIndex = 0;int cmaxTemp = 0;List<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList<>();int cmax = 0;cmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;while (cnt < t){copyOfPiProduct = listCopy(pi_product);removed = copyOfPiProduct.remove(j);for (int k = 0; k < copyOfPiProduct.size() + 1; k++){if (k != j){list.clear();list1.clear();copyOfPiProduct.add(k, removed);for (int i = 0; i < pi_product.size(); i++){list.addAll(solution[copyOfPiProduct.get(i) - 1]);list1.addAll(sequence[pi_product.get(i) - 1]);}
//                    schedule = Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list, F);//NR1schedule = Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list, F);cmaxTemp = calAssembleCmax(schedule, p, F, copyOfPiProduct, sequence, apt);copyOfPiProduct.remove(k);if (cmaxTemp < cmax){cmax = cmaxTemp;bestIndex = k;}}}copyOfPiProduct.add(bestIndex, removed);//            if (cmax < calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, list1, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt))if (cmax < calAssembleCmax(Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, list1, F), p, F, pi_product, sequence, apt)){pi_product.clear();pi_product.addAll(copyOfPiProduct);cnt = 0;}else{cnt += 1;}j = (j + 1) % t;}return pi_product;}private int calAssembleCmax2(List<Integer>[] schedule, List<Integer>[] solution1, int[][] p, int F, List<Integer> pi_product, List<Integer>[] sequence, List<Integer> apt){//分配工厂int[][] newp;int Cmax = 0;
//        List<Integer>[][] assignment = new List[1][F];
//        assignment[0] = Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, piT, F);//NR2
//        assignment[0] = Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, piT, F);//NR1CalculateCmaxPFSP ccp = new CalculateCmaxPFSP();List<Integer>[] lists = new List[F];for (int j = 0; j < F; j++){newp = getNewp(p, schedule[j]);lists[j] = ccp.forwardMethod3(newp);}Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();for (int i = 0; i < schedule.length; i++){for (int j = 0; j < schedule[i].size(); j++){map.put(schedule[i].get(j), lists[i].get(j));}}//计算装配完成时间int[] Cmax_Assemble = new int[pi_product.size()];int temp;for (int i = 0; i < pi_product.size(); i++)
//        for (int i = 0; i < assignment.length; i++){temp = Integer.MIN_VALUE;for (int j = 0; j < solution1[pi_product.get(i) - 1].size(); j++){temp = Math.max(temp, map.get(solution1[pi_product.get(i) - 1].get(j)));}Cmax_Assemble[i] = temp;}
//        Cmax = Cmax_Assemble[pi_product.get(0) - 1] + apt.get(pi_product.get(0) - 1);Cmax = Cmax_Assemble[0] + apt.get(pi_product.get(0) - 1);for (int i = 1; i < Cmax_Assemble.length; i++){//            if (Cmax > Cmax_Assemble[pi_product.get(i) - 1])if (Cmax > Cmax_Assemble[i]){Cmax += apt.get(pi_product.get(i) - 1);}else{Cmax = Cmax_Assemble[i] + apt.get(pi_product.get(i) - 1);}}
//        System.out.println("Cmax = " + Cmax);return Cmax;}public int calAssembleCmax(List<Integer>[] schedule, int[][] p, int F, List<Integer> pi_product, List<Integer>[] sequence, List<Integer> apt){//分配工厂int[][] newp;int Cmax = 0;
//        List<Integer>[][] assignment = new List[1][F];
//        assignment[0] = Heuristic1.ecfRule(p, piT, F);//NR2
//        assignment[0] = Heuristic1.assignByNR1(p, piT, F);//NR1CalculateCmaxPFSP ccp = new CalculateCmaxPFSP();List<Integer>[] lists = new List[F];for (int j = 0; j < F; j++){if (schedule[j].size() == 0){break;}else{newp = getNewp(p, schedule[j]);}
//            if (newp.length == 0 || newp[0].length == 0)
//            {//                System.out.println();
//            }lists[j] = ccp.forwardMethod3(newp);}Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();for (int i = 0; i < schedule.length; i++){for (int j = 0; j < schedule[i].size(); j++){map.put(schedule[i].get(j), lists[i].get(j));}}//计算装配完成时间int[] Cmax_Assemble = new int[pi_product.size()];int temp;for (int i = 0; i < pi_product.size(); i++)
//        for (int i = 0; i < assignment.length; i++){temp = Integer.MIN_VALUE;for (int j = 0; j < sequence[pi_product.get(i) - 1].size(); j++){temp = Math.max(temp, map.get(sequence[pi_product.get(i) - 1].get(j)));}Cmax_Assemble[i] = temp;}
//        Cmax = Cmax_Assemble[pi_product.get(0) - 1] + apt.get(pi_product.get(0) - 1);Cmax = Cmax_Assemble[0] + apt.get(pi_product.get(0) - 1);for (int i = 1; i < Cmax_Assemble.length; i++){//            if (Cmax > Cmax_Assemble[pi_product.get(i) - 1])if (Cmax > Cmax_Assemble[i]){Cmax += apt.get(pi_product.get(i) - 1);}else{Cmax = Cmax_Assemble[i] + apt.get(pi_product.get(i) - 1);}}
//        System.out.println("Cmax = " + Cmax);return Cmax;}private List<Integer>[] list1DimArrayCopy(List<Integer>[] solution)//一维List类型数组的拷贝{List<Integer>[] lists = new List[solution.length];for (int i = 0; i < solution.length; i++){lists[i] = new ArrayList<>();lists[i].addAll(solution[i]);}return lists;}private List<Integer> listCopy(List<Integer> list){List<Integer> copy = new ArrayList<>();copy.addAll(list);return copy;}private int[][] getNewp(int[][] p, List<Integer> pi){int[][] newp = new int[pi.size()][];for (int i = 0; i < pi.size(); i++){newp[i] = p[pi.get(i) - 1];}return newp;}private List<Integer>[][] list2DimArrayCopy(List<Integer>[][] solution)//二维List类型数组的拷贝{List<Integer>[][] lists = new List[solution.length][solution[0].length];for (int i = 0; i < solution.length; i++){for (int j = 0; j < solution[0].length; j++){lists[i][j] = new ArrayList<>();lists[i][j].addAll(solution[i][j]);}}return lists;}


package practice.dapfsp;import practice.calculateCMAX.CalculateCmaxPFSP;import java.util.*;/*** @Date: 2022/3/30 20:58* @Author: * @File: Heuristic1.class* @Software: IDEA* @Email: 1532116227@qq.com*/
public class Heuristic1
{public List<Integer>[] algorithm(int[][] p, int t, List<Integer> apt, List<Integer>[] sequence, List<Integer> pi_product){//        List<Integer> pi_product;List<Integer> piT = new ArrayList<>();
//        pi_product = ruleOfSPT(apt);List<Integer>[] parSeq = new List[t];for (int i = 0; i < t; i++){parSeq[i] = new ArrayList<>();}for (int i = 0; i < t; i++){//            parSeq[i] = heuristicFL(p, sequence[pi_product.get(i) - 1]);parSeq[i] = heuristicFL(p, sequence[i]);}
//        for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
//        {//            piT.addAll(parSeq[i]);
//        }return parSeq;}private List<Integer> heuristicFL(int[][] p, List<Integer> sequence){int[] TPj;int[][] newp;List<Integer> R = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer> S = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer> copySeq = listCopy(sequence);
//        R = listCopy(copySeq);CalculateCmaxPFSP ccp = new CalculateCmaxPFSP();newp = getNewp(p, sequence);TPj = getTP(newp);Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();for (int i = 0; i < sequence.size(); i++){map.put(copySeq.get(i), TPj[i]);}List<Map.Entry<Integer, Integer>> lst = new ArrayList<>(map.entrySet());Collections.sort(lst, (o1, o2) -> o1.getValue() - o2.getValue());for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : lst){R.add(entry.getKey());}int[][] p1 = {p[R.get(0) - 1], p[R.get(1) - 1]};int[][] p2 = {p[R.get(1) - 1], p[R.get(0) - 1]};if (ccp.forwardMethod(p1) < ccp.forwardMethod(p2)){S.add(R.get(0));S.add(R.get(1));}else{S.add(R.get(1));S.add(R.get(0));}for (int i = 2; i < R.size(); i++){S = insertAndEvaluation(p, S, R.get(i));}//两两交换位置List<Integer> copyS = new ArrayList<>();copyS = listCopy(S);int[][] newp1;int[][] newp2;newp2 = getNewp(p, S);Map<List<Integer>, Integer> map1 = new HashMap<>();for (int i = 0; i < copyS.size() - 1; i++){for (int j = i + 1; j < copyS.size(); j++){Collections.swap(copyS, i, j);newp1 = getNewp(p, copyS);map1.put(listCopy(copyS), ccp.forwardMethod(newp1));Collections.swap(copyS, i, j);}}List<Map.Entry<List<Integer>, Integer>> lst1 = new ArrayList<>(map1.entrySet());Collections.sort(lst1, (o1, o2) -> o1.getValue().compareTo(o2.getValue()));//升序for (Map.Entry<List<Integer>, Integer> entry : lst1){if (entry.getValue() < ccp.forwardMethod(newp2)){copyS.clear();copyS.addAll(entry.getKey());}break;}return copyS;}private static List<Integer> insertAndEvaluation(int[][] p, List<Integer> pi, int index){int[] cmax = new int[pi.size() + 1];int[][] pp = new int[pi.size() + 1][];
//        List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();//插入得到所有的组合for (int i = 0; i <= pi.size(); i++){pi.add(i, index);for (int j = 0; j < pi.size(); j++){pp[j] = p[pi.get(j) - 1];}
//            ForwardCalculation fc = new ForwardCalculation();//前向计算
//            List<int[][]> listIE = fc.forwardMethod(pp);//前向计算
//            cmax[i] = getCmax(listIE);CalculateCmaxPFSP ccp = new CalculateCmaxPFSP();cmax[i] = ccp.forwardMethod(pp);pi.remove(i);}int elementIndex = minElementIndex(cmax);if (p.length == pi.size() + 1){System.out.println("Cmax = " + cmax[elementIndex]);}pi.add(elementIndex, index);return pi;}private static int minElementIndex(int[] array){int min = array[0];int index = 0;for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++){if (array[i] < min){min = array[i];index = i;}}return index;}private List<Integer> listCopy(List<Integer> list){List<Integer> copy = new ArrayList<>();copy.addAll(list);return copy;}private static int[][] getNewp(int[][] p, List<Integer> pi){int[][] newp = new int[pi.size()][];for (int i = 0; i < pi.size(); i++){newp[i] = p[pi.get(i) - 1];}return newp;}private static int[] getTP(int[][] p){int[] TP = new int[p.length];for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++){for (int j = 0; j < p[0].length; j++){TP[i] = TP[i] + p[i][j];}}return TP;}public static List<Integer> ruleOfSPT(List<Integer> apt){Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();List<Integer> pi = new ArrayList<>();for (int i = 0; i < apt.size(); i++){map.put(i + 1, apt.get(i));}List<Map.Entry<Integer, Integer>> lst = new ArrayList<>(map.entrySet());Collections.sort(lst, (o1, o2) -> o1.getValue().compareTo(o2.getValue()));//升序
//        Collections.sort(list, (o1, o2) -> o2.getValue().compareTo(o1.getValue()));//降序for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : lst){pi.add(entry.getKey());}return pi;}public static List<Integer>[] assignByNR1(int[][] p, List<Integer> pi, int F)//NR1{CalculateCmaxPFSP ccp = new CalculateCmaxPFSP();int[][] newp;int Cmax;int Cmax_temp;int Factory_Index = 0;List<Integer>[] Lambda = new List[F];//List类型的数组for (int i = 0; i < F; i++){Lambda[i] = new ArrayList<>();}for (int k = 0; k < F; k++){if (k > pi.size() - 1){break;}else{Lambda[k].add(pi.get(k));}}for (int k = F; k < pi.size(); k++){Cmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;for (int i = 0; i < F; i++){newp = getNewp(p, Lambda[i]);Cmax_temp = ccp.forwardMethod(newp);if (Cmax_temp < Cmax){Cmax = Cmax_temp;Factory_Index = i;}}Lambda[Factory_Index].add(pi.get(k));}return Lambda;}public static List<Integer>[] ecfRule(int[][] p, List<Integer> pi, int F)//NR2{//        int[][] p = {{1, 4}, {86, 21}, {28, 67}, {32, 17}};CalculateCmaxPFSP ccp = new CalculateCmaxPFSP();
//        List<Integer> pi = List.of(1, 2, 3, 4);
//        int F = 2;int[][] newp;int Cmax;int Cmax_temp;int Factory_Index = 0;List<Integer>[] Lambda = new List[F];//List类型的数组for (int i = 0; i < F; i++){Lambda[i] = new ArrayList<>();}for (int k = 0; k < F; k++){if (k > pi.size() - 1){break;}else{Lambda[k].add(pi.get(k));}}for (int k = F; k < p.length; k++){if (k > pi.size() - 1){break;}else{Cmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;for (int i = 0; i < F; i++){Lambda[i].add(pi.get(k));newp = getNewp(p, Lambda[i]);Cmax_temp = ccp.forwardMethod(newp);if (Cmax_temp < Cmax){Cmax = Cmax_temp;Factory_Index = i;}Lambda[i].remove(pi.get(k));}Lambda[Factory_Index].add(pi.get(k));}}
//        for (int i = 0; i < F; i++)
//        {//            System.out.println(Lambda[i]);
//        }return Lambda;}


package practice.calculateCMAX;import org.junit.Test;import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;public class CalculateCmaxPFSP
{//    @Testpublic int forwardMethod(int[][] p){//        List<int[][]> list = new ArrayList<>();int[][] s = new int[p.length][p[0].length];int[][] c = new int[p.length][p[0].length + 1];c[0][0] = 0;for (int i = 0; i < p[0].length; i++){s[0][i] = c[0][i];c[0][i + 1] = s[0][i] + p[0][i];}for (int j = 1; j < p.length; j++){c[j][0] = c[j - 1][1];for (int i = 0; i < p[0].length; i++){s[j][i] = Math.max(c[j][i], c[j - 1][i + 1]);c[j][i + 1] = s[j][i] + p[j][i];}}
//        list.add(s);
//        list.add(c);
//        return list;return c[c.length - 1][c[0].length - 1];}//    @Testpublic List<int[][]> forwardMethod2(int[][] p){List<int[][]> list = new ArrayList<>();int[][] s = new int[p.length][p[0].length];int[][] c = new int[p.length][p[0].length + 1];c[0][0] = 0;for (int i = 0; i < p[0].length; i++){s[0][i] = c[0][i];c[0][i + 1] = s[0][i] + p[0][i];}for (int j = 1; j < p.length; j++){c[j][0] = c[j - 1][1];for (int i = 0; i < p[0].length; i++){s[j][i] = Math.max(c[j][i], c[j - 1][i + 1]);c[j][i + 1] = s[j][i] + p[j][i];}}list.add(s);list.add(c);return list;//        return c[c.length - 1][c[0].length - 1];}public List<Integer> forwardMethod3(int[][] p)//带装配{List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();int[][] s = new int[p.length][p[0].length];int[][] c = new int[p.length][p[0].length + 1];c[0][0] = 0;for (int i = 0; i < p[0].length; i++){s[0][i] = c[0][i];c[0][i + 1] = s[0][i] + p[0][i];}for (int j = 1; j < p.length; j++){c[j][0] = c[j - 1][1];for (int i = 0; i < p[0].length; i++){s[j][i] = Math.max(c[j][i], c[j - 1][i + 1]);c[j][i + 1] = s[j][i] + p[j][i];}}for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++){list.add(c[i][c[0].length - 1]);}
//        list.add(s);
//        list.add(c);return list;//        return c[c.length - 1][c[0].length - 1];}//    @Testpublic int reverseMethod(int[][] p){List<int[][]> list = new ArrayList<>();int[][] ss = new int[p.length][p[0].length + 1];int[][] cc = new int[p.length][p[0].length];ss[p.length - 1][p[0].length] = 0;for (int i = p[0].length; i > 0; i--){cc[p.length - 1][i - 1] = ss[p.length - 1][i];ss[p.length - 1][i - 1] = cc[p.length - 1][i - 1] + p[p.length - 1][i - 1];}for (int j = p.length; j > 1; j--){ss[j - 2][p[0].length] = ss[j - 1][p[0].length - 1];for (int i = p[0].length; i > 0; i--){cc[j - 2][i - 1] = Math.max(ss[j - 2][i], ss[j - 1][i - 1]);ss[j - 2][i - 1] = cc[j - 2][i - 1] + p[j - 2][i - 1];}}
//        list.add(ss);
//        list.add(cc);
//        return list;return ss[0][0];}//    @Testpublic List<int[][]> reverseMethod2(int[][] p){List<int[][]> list = new ArrayList<>();int[][] ss = new int[p.length][p[0].length + 1];int[][] cc = new int[p.length][p[0].length];ss[p.length - 1][p[0].length] = 0;for (int i = p[0].length; i > 0; i--){cc[p.length - 1][i - 1] = ss[p.length - 1][i];ss[p.length - 1][i - 1] = cc[p.length - 1][i - 1] + p[p.length - 1][i - 1];}for (int j = p.length; j > 1; j--){ss[j - 2][p[0].length] = ss[j - 1][p[0].length - 1];for (int i = p[0].length; i > 0; i--){cc[j - 2][i - 1] = Math.max(ss[j - 2][i], ss[j - 1][i - 1]);ss[j - 2][i - 1] = cc[j - 2][i - 1] + p[j - 2][i - 1];}}list.add(ss);list.add(cc);return list;
//        return ss[0][0];}


package practice.comparison;import java.io.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;/*** @Date: 2022/4/8 16:24* @Author: * @File: ReadTxt.class* @Software: IDEA* @Email: 1532116227@qq.com*/
public class ReadTxt
{public int[][] getProcessingTimes(String filePath, int n, int m){File f = new File(filePath);if (!f.exists()){System.out.println("找不到文件");return null;}int[][] p = new int[n][m];int[] a = null;String[] values;try{BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));Scanner sc = new Scanner(br);for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){values = sc.nextLine().split(",");for (int j = 0; j < m; j++){p[i][j] = Integer.parseInt(values[j]);}}br.close();}catch (FileNotFoundException e){e.printStackTrace();}catch (IOException e){e.printStackTrace();}return p;}public List<Integer> getAssemblyTimes(String filePath, int l){List<Integer> apt = new ArrayList<>();File f = new File(filePath);if (!f.exists()){System.out.println("找不到文件");return null;}int[] pp = new int[l];try{BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));Scanner sc = new Scanner(br);for (int i = 0; i < l; i++){String[] values = sc.nextLine().split(",");pp[i] = Integer.parseInt(values[1]);}br.close();}catch (IOException e){e.printStackTrace();}for (int i = 0; i < l; i++){apt.add(pp[i]);}return apt;}public int[] getAssignSet(String filePath, int n, int l){File f = new File(filePath);if (!f.exists()){System.out.println("找不到文件");return null;}int[] as = new int[n];try{BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));Scanner sc = new Scanner(br);for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){String[] values = sc.nextLine().split(",");as[i] = Integer.parseInt(values[1]);}br.close();}catch (IOException e){e.printStackTrace();}return as;}




Y. Z. Li, Q. K. Pan, R. Ruiz, and H. Y. Sang, “A referenced iterated greedy algorithm for the distributed assembly mixed no-idle permutation flowshop scheduling problem with the total tardiness criterion,” Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 239, Mar. 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.knosys.2021.108036.


  1. 复现一篇分布式装配置换流水车间调度问题的代码——基于回溯搜索的超启发式算法

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  4. 一种混合流水车间调度问题的建模思路

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