
  • 摘要
  • 算法框架
  • 说明
  • 代码
    • 测试类
    • 算法主体
    • Assignment
    • Heuristics
    • Individual
    • Methods
    • Others
    • ReadTxt
  • 结果
  • 参考文献
    • 期刊


Distributed assembly permutation flow-shop scheduling problem (DAPFSP) is recognized as an important class of problems in modern supply chains and manufacturing systems. In this paper, a backtracking search hyper-heuristic (BS-HH) algorithm is proposed to solve the DAPFSP. In the BS-HH scheme, ten simple and effective heuristic rules are designed to construct a set of low-level heuristics (LLHs), and the backtracking search algorithm is employed as the high-level strategy to manipulate the LLHs to operate on the solution space. Additionally, an efficient solution encoding and decoding scheme is proposed to generate a feasible schedule. The effectiveness of the BS-HH is evaluated on two typical benchmark sets and the computational results indicate the superiority of the proposed BS-HH scheme over the state-of-the-art algorithms.







package practice.comparison.BS_HH;import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;/*** @Date: 2022/4/26 8:29* @Author: * @File: TestBSHH.class* @Software: IDEA* @Email: 1532116227@qq.com*/
public class TestBSHH
{public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{//        final int[][] p = {{4, 6}, {3, 4}, {5, 2}, {5, 4}, {4, 2}, {3, 3},
//                {4, 3}, {3, 5}, {6, 2}, {3, 5}, {4, 4}, {4, 3}};//加工时间矩阵
//        final int[] assignSet = {1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4};
//        final int[] assignSet = {2, 2, 4, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 4, 4};
//        final int[] apt = {4, 8, 6, 6};
//        final int F = 2;//工厂数
//        final int t = 4;//产品数//        int Cmax;
//        BSHH bshh = new BSHH(p, assignSet, apt, F, t, 5, 1, 0.8, c);
//        Cmax = bshh.algorithm();
//        System.out.println("Cmax = " + Cmax);//======================================================================================================================int jobs[] = {100, 200, 500};int machines[] = {5, 10, 20};int factories[] = {4, 6, 8};int products[] = {30, 40, 50};int instnces[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};//        int jobs[] = {100};
//        int machines[] = {5};
//        int factories[] = {4};
//        int products[] = {30};
//        int instnces[] = {1};final int cc = 20;int F;//工厂数int t;//产品数int[][] p = new int[0][];ReadTxt readTxt = new ReadTxt();List<Integer> pi = new ArrayList<>();//工件序列int[] apt;int[] assignSet;int Cmax;int count = 1;int[][] result = new int[machines.length * factories.length * products.length * instnces.length][1];int index;int index2 = 0;String filePath;String sheetName;
//        PoiOutputXlsx poiOutputXlsx = new PoiOutputXlsx();
//        filePath = "C:\\Users\\Zhu Bo\\Desktop\\001.xlsx";int[] flag_NI_machine;
//        RIG2 rig2 = new RIG2(flag_NI_machine);
//        RIG2 rig2 = new RIG2();//        int[] D = new int[jobs.length * machines.length * factories.length * products.length * instnces.length];int[] c;int Run = 5;for (int run = 0; run < Run; run++){BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("C:\\Users\\Zhu Bo\\Desktop\\Results\\DAMNIPFSP_BSHH_LARGE" + "_" + cc + "_" + (run + 1) + ".txt"));//使用缓冲流加快速度for (int n = 0; n < jobs.length; n++)//job.length - 1{index = 0;for (int m = 0; m < machines.length; m++)//mechine.length - 1{for (int k = 0; k < factories.length; k++)//num.length - 1{for (int i = 0; i < products.length; i++){index2 = 0;c = new int[instnces.length];for (int j = 0; j < instnces.length; j++){//小规模
//                            p = readTxt.getProcessingTimes("D:\\Instances\\DAPFSPSmall\\ProcessingTime\\I" + "_"
//                                    + jobs[n] + "_" + machines[m] + " _" + factories[k] + "_" + products[i] + "_" + instnces[j] + ".txt", jobs[n], machines[m]);
//                            apt = readTxt.getAssemblyTimes("D:\\Instances\\DAPFSPSmall\\AssemblyTime\\I" + "_"
//                                    + jobs[n] + "_" + machines[m] + " _" + factories[k] + "_" + products[i] + "_" + instnces[j] + ".txt", products[i]);
//                            assignSet = new int[jobs[n]];
//                            assignSet = readTxt.getAssignSet("D:\\Instances\\DAPFSPSmall\\AssignSet\\I" + "_"
//                                    + jobs[n] + "_" + machines[m] + " _" + factories[k] + "_" + products[i] + "_" + instnces[j] + ".txt", jobs[n], products[i]);
//                            flag_NI_machine = readTxt.getNoIdleConstraint("D:\\Instances\\DAPFSPSmall\\NoIdleConstraint\\I" + "_"
//                                    + jobs[n] + "_" + machines[m] + " _" + factories[k] + "_" + products[i] + "_" + instnces[j] + ".txt", machines[m]);//大规模p = readTxt.getProcessingTimes("D:\\Instances\\DAPFSPLarge\\ProcessingTime\\I" + "_"+ jobs[n] + "_" + machines[m] + " _" + factories[k] + "_" + products[i] + "_" + instnces[j] + ".txt", jobs[n], machines[m]);apt = readTxt.getAssemblyTimes("D:\\Instances\\DAPFSPLarge\\AssemblyTime\\I" + "_"+ jobs[n] + "_" + machines[m] + " _" + factories[k] + "_" + products[i] + "_" + instnces[j] + ".txt", products[i]);assignSet = new int[jobs[n]];assignSet = readTxt.getAssignSet("D:\\Instances\\DAPFSPLarge\\AssignSet\\I" + "_"+ jobs[n] + "_" + machines[m] + " _" + factories[k] + "_" + products[i] + "_" + instnces[j] + ".txt", jobs[n], products[i]);flag_NI_machine = readTxt.getNoIdleConstraint("D:\\Instances\\DAPFSPLarge\\NoIdleConstraint\\I" + "_"+ jobs[n] + "_" + machines[m] + " _" + factories[k] + "_" + products[i] + "_" + instnces[j] + ".txt", machines[m]);System.out.println(count++);F = factories[k];t = products[i];
//BSHH bshh = new BSHH(p, assignSet, apt, F, t, 5, 1, 0.8, cc, flag_NI_machine);Cmax = bshh.algorithm();
//System.out.println("Cmax = " + Cmax);System.out.println("============================================");
//                            result[index++][0] = Cmax;c[index2++] = Cmax;}for (int ii = 0; ii < c.length; ii++){bw.write(c[ii] + "\n");}bw.write("\n\n");bw.flush();}}}
            sheetName = "Job" + jobs[n];
            poiOutputXlsx.outPutXlsx(filePath, sheetName, result);}
//            for (int i = 0; i < D.length; i++)
//            {//                bw.write(D[i] + "\n");
//                if ((i + 1) % 180 == 0)
//                {//                    bw.write("\n\n");
//                }
//            }bw.close();}}


package practice.comparison.BS_HH;import org.apache.commons.lang.SerializationUtils;
import practice.calculateCMAX.CalculateCmaxDAMNIPFSP2;import java.util.*;/*** @Date: 2022/4/26 8:29* @Author: * @File: BSHH.class* @Software: IDEA* @Email: 1532116227@qq.com*/
public class BSHH
{private final int[][] p;private final int[] assignSet;private final int F;private final int t;private final int lambda;private final double rMix;private final double ksi;private final int c;private final int[] apt;private final int[] flag_NI_machine;public BSHH(int[][] p, int[] assignSet, int[] apt, int f, int t, int lambda, double rMix, double ksi, int c, int[] flag_ni_machine){this.p = p;this.assignSet = assignSet;this.apt = apt;F = f;this.t = t;this.lambda = lambda;this.rMix = rMix;this.ksi = ksi;this.c = c;this.flag_NI_machine = flag_ni_machine;}private final Random random = new Random();public int algorithm(){int n = p[0].length;int m = p.length;int ps = 50;int heuristicsNumber = 10;//        Individual individual;List<Individual> population = new ArrayList<>();List<Individual> oldPopulation = new ArrayList<>();List<Individual> trailPopulation;Individual individualTemp;List<Integer>[] products = new List[t];Heuristics heuristics = new Heuristics(apt, flag_NI_machine);for (int i = 0; i < t; i++){products[i] = new ArrayList<>();}for (int i = 0; i < assignSet.length; i++){products[assignSet[i] - 1].add(i + 1);//产品与工件对应}double[][] muP = new double[ps][heuristicsNumber];
//        double[][] trailP = new double[ps][heuristicsNumber];double[] tempHeuristicSequence;double[] tempHeuristicSequence2;int[][] map = new int[ps][heuristicsNumber];List<Integer> pi = new LinkedList<>();for (int i = 1; i <= t; i++){pi.add(i);}List<Integer> heuristicSequence = new ArrayList<>();for (int i = 0; i < heuristicsNumber; i++){heuristicSequence.add(i + 1);}initPopulation(p, apt, pi, products, heuristicSequence, population, ps, heuristicsNumber, t, F);initPopulation(p, apt, pi, products, heuristicSequence, oldPopulation, ps, heuristicsNumber, t, F);long end = c * m * n;long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();while (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime < end){if (Math.random() < Math.random()){oldPopulation = new ArrayList<>(population);}Collections.shuffle(oldPopulation);for (int i = 0; i < ps; i++){Arrays.fill(map[i], 1);//填充}for (int i = 0; i < ps; i++){if (Math.random() > Math.random()){Collections.shuffle(heuristicSequence);for (int j = 0, randIntEnd = (int) Math.ceil(rMix * heuristicsNumber * Math.random()); j < randIntEnd; j++){map[i][heuristicSequence.get(j) - 1] = 0;}}else{map[i][random.nextInt(heuristicsNumber)] = 0;}}for (int i = 0; i < ps; i++){tempHeuristicSequence = population.get(i).heuristicSequence;tempHeuristicSequence2 = oldPopulation.get(i).heuristicSequence;for (int j = 0; j < heuristicsNumber; j++){muP[i][j] = tempHeuristicSequence[j] + lambda * Math.random() * (tempHeuristicSequence2[j] - tempHeuristicSequence[j]);if (muP[i][j] < 1){muP[i][j] = 1;}else if (muP[i][j] > heuristicsNumber){muP[i][j] = heuristicsNumber;}else{muP[i][j] = Math.round(muP[i][j]);}}}//            trailPopulation = new ArrayList<>(population);trailPopulation = new ArrayList<>();for (Individual individual : population){trailPopulation.add((Individual) SerializationUtils.clone(individual));//深拷贝}for (int i = 0; i < ps; i++){tempHeuristicSequence = population.get(i).heuristicSequence;tempHeuristicSequence2 = trailPopulation.get(i).heuristicSequence;for (int j = 0; j < heuristicsNumber; j++){if (map[i][j] == 1){tempHeuristicSequence2[j] = tempHeuristicSequence[j];}else{tempHeuristicSequence2[j] = muP[i][j];}}}for (int i = 0; i < ps; i++){individualTemp = trailPopulation.get(i);for (double heuristicIndex : individualTemp.heuristicSequence){//todo 低级启发式individualTemp = heuristics.improvedLLH(p, apt, individualTemp, ksi, (int) heuristicIndex, t, F);}if (individualTemp.cmax < population.get(i).cmax){population.set(i, individualTemp);}}}
//        return Collections.min(population).tf;return Collections.min(population).cmax;
//        return 1;}//todo 初始化种群private void initPopulation(int[][] p, int[] pp,List<Integer> pi, List<Integer>[] products, List<Integer> heuristicSequence,List<Individual> population, int ps, int heuristicsNumber, int t, int f){Individual individual;CalculateCmaxDAMNIPFSP2 ccd = new CalculateCmaxDAMNIPFSP2();for (int i = 0; i < ps; i++){individual = new Individual(heuristicsNumber);Collections.shuffle(pi);individual.pi = Others.copyList(pi);for (int j = 0; j < t; j++){Collections.shuffle(products[j]);}individual.products = Others.copyList(products, t);Collections.shuffle(heuristicSequence);for (int j = 0; j < heuristicsNumber; j++){individual.heuristicSequence[j] = heuristicSequence.get(j);}
//            individual.tf = calculateTF.nr2GetTF(p, pp, individual.products, individual.pi, f);List<Integer>[] schedule = new List[F];
//            CalculateCmaxDAPFSP ccd = new CalculateCmaxDAPFSP();Assignment assign = new Assignment();schedule = assign.algorithm(p, t, apt, F, individual.products, individual.pi);//NR2
//            individual.cmax = ccd.calAssembleCmax(schedule, p, F, individual.pi, products, apt);individual.cmax = ccd.method3(schedule, products, individual.pi, p, F, flag_NI_machine, apt);population.add(individual);}}


package practice.comparison.BS_HH;import practice.calculateCMAX.CalculateCmaxPFSP;import java.util.*;/*** @Date: 2022/3/30 20:58* @Author:* @File: Heuristic1.class* @Software: IDEA* @Email: 1532116227@qq.com*/
public class Assignment
{public List<Integer>[] algorithm(int[][] p, int t, int[] apt, int F, List<Integer>[] sequence, List<Integer> pi_product){//        List<Integer> pi_product;List<Integer> piT = new ArrayList<>();
//        pi_product = ruleOfSPT(pi_product, apt);List<Integer>[] parSeq = new List[t];List<Integer>[] schedule;
//        for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
//        {//            parSeq[i] = new ArrayList<>();
//        }
//        for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
//        {            parSeq[i] = heuristicFL(p, sequence[pi_product.get(i) - 1]);
//            sequence[i] = heuristicFL(p, sequence[i]);
//        }for (int i = 0; i < t; i++){piT.addAll(sequence[pi_product.get(i) - 1]);}
//        schedule = assignByNR1(p, piT, F);schedule = ecfRule(p, piT, F);//        return parSeq;return schedule;}private List<Integer> heuristicFL(int[][] p, List<Integer> sequence){int[] TPj;int[][] newp;List<Integer> R = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer> S = new ArrayList<>();List<Integer> copySeq = listCopy(sequence);
//        R = listCopy(copySeq);CalculateCmaxPFSP ccp = new CalculateCmaxPFSP();newp = getNewp(p, sequence);TPj = getTP(newp);Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();for (int i = 0; i < sequence.size(); i++){map.put(copySeq.get(i), TPj[i]);}List<Map.Entry<Integer, Integer>> lst = new ArrayList<>(map.entrySet());Collections.sort(lst, (o1, o2) -> o1.getValue() - o2.getValue());for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : lst){R.add(entry.getKey());}int[][] p1 = {p[R.get(0) - 1], p[R.get(1) - 1]};int[][] p2 = {p[R.get(1) - 1], p[R.get(0) - 1]};if (ccp.forwardMethod(p1) < ccp.forwardMethod(p2)){S.add(R.get(0));S.add(R.get(1));}else{S.add(R.get(1));S.add(R.get(0));}for (int i = 2; i < R.size(); i++){S = insertAndEvaluation(p, S, R.get(i));}//两两交换位置List<Integer> copyS = new ArrayList<>();copyS = listCopy(S);int[][] newp1;int[][] newp2;newp2 = getNewp(p, S);Map<List<Integer>, Integer> map1 = new HashMap<>();for (int i = 0; i < copyS.size() - 1; i++){for (int j = i + 1; j < copyS.size(); j++){Collections.swap(copyS, i, j);newp1 = getNewp(p, copyS);map1.put(listCopy(copyS), ccp.forwardMethod(newp1));Collections.swap(copyS, i, j);}}List<Map.Entry<List<Integer>, Integer>> lst1 = new ArrayList<>(map1.entrySet());Collections.sort(lst1, (o1, o2) -> o1.getValue().compareTo(o2.getValue()));//升序for (Map.Entry<List<Integer>, Integer> entry : lst1){if (entry.getValue() < ccp.forwardMethod(newp2)){copyS.clear();copyS.addAll(entry.getKey());}break;}return copyS;}private static List<Integer> insertAndEvaluation(int[][] p, List<Integer> pi, int index){int[] cmax = new int[pi.size() + 1];int[][] pp = new int[pi.size() + 1][];
//        List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();//插入得到所有的组合for (int i = 0; i <= pi.size(); i++){pi.add(i, index);for (int j = 0; j < pi.size(); j++){pp[j] = p[pi.get(j) - 1];}
//            ForwardCalculation fc = new ForwardCalculation();//前向计算
//            List<int[][]> listIE = fc.forwardMethod(pp);//前向计算
//            cmax[i] = getCmax(listIE);CalculateCmaxPFSP ccp = new CalculateCmaxPFSP();cmax[i] = ccp.forwardMethod(pp);pi.remove(i);}int elementIndex = minElementIndex(cmax);if (p.length == pi.size() + 1){System.out.println("Cmax = " + cmax[elementIndex]);}pi.add(elementIndex, index);return pi;}private static int minElementIndex(int[] array){int min = array[0];int index = 0;for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++){if (array[i] < min){min = array[i];index = i;}}return index;}private List<Integer> listCopy(List<Integer> list){List<Integer> copy = new ArrayList<>();copy.addAll(list);return copy;}private static int[][] getNewp(int[][] p, List<Integer> pi){int[][] newp = new int[pi.size()][];for (int i = 0; i < pi.size(); i++){newp[i] = p[pi.get(i) - 1];}return newp;}private static int[] getTP(int[][] p){int[] TP = new int[p.length];for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++){for (int j = 0; j < p[0].length; j++){TP[i] = TP[i] + p[i][j];}}return TP;}//    public static List<Integer> ruleOfSPT(int[] apt)
//    {//        Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
//        List<Integer> pi = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < apt.size(); i++)
//        for (int i = 0; i < apt.length; i++)
//        {            map.put(i + 1, apt.get(i));
//            map.put(i + 1, apt[i]);
//        }
//        List<Map.Entry<Integer, Integer>> lst = new ArrayList<>(map.entrySet());
//        Collections.sort(lst, (o1, o2) -> o1.getValue().compareTo(o2.getValue()));//升序
        Collections.sort(list, (o1, o2) -> o2.getValue().compareTo(o1.getValue()));//降序
//        for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : lst)
//        {//            pi.add(entry.getKey());
//        }
//        return pi;
//    }public static List<Integer> ruleOfSPT(List<Integer> pi, int[] apt){Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
//        List<Integer> pi = new ArrayList<>();
//        for (int i = 0; i < apt.size(); i++)for (int i = 0; i < apt.length; i++){//            map.put(i + 1, apt.get(i));map.put(i + 1, apt[i]);}List<Map.Entry<Integer, Integer>> lst = new ArrayList<>(map.entrySet());Collections.sort(lst, (o1, o2) -> o1.getValue().compareTo(o2.getValue()));//升序
//        Collections.sort(list, (o1, o2) -> o2.getValue().compareTo(o1.getValue()));//降序for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : lst){pi.add(entry.getKey());}return pi;}public static List<Integer>[] assignByNR1(int[][] p, List<Integer> pi, int F)//NR1{CalculateCmaxPFSP ccp = new CalculateCmaxPFSP();int[][] newp;int Cmax;int Cmax_temp;int Factory_Index = 0;List<Integer>[] Lambda = new List[F];//List类型的数组for (int i = 0; i < F; i++){Lambda[i] = new ArrayList<>();}for (int k = 0; k < F; k++){if (k > pi.size() - 1){break;}else{Lambda[k].add(pi.get(k));}}for (int k = F; k < pi.size(); k++){Cmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;for (int i = 0; i < F; i++){newp = getNewp(p, Lambda[i]);Cmax_temp = ccp.forwardMethod(newp);if (Cmax_temp < Cmax){Cmax = Cmax_temp;Factory_Index = i;}}Lambda[Factory_Index].add(pi.get(k));}return Lambda;}public static List<Integer>[] ecfRule(int[][] p, List<Integer> pi, int F)//NR2{//        int[][] p = {{1, 4}, {86, 21}, {28, 67}, {32, 17}};CalculateCmaxPFSP ccp = new CalculateCmaxPFSP();
//        List<Integer> pi = List.of(1, 2, 3, 4);
//        int F = 2;int[][] newp;int Cmax;int Cmax_temp;int Factory_Index = 0;List<Integer>[] Lambda = new List[F];//List类型的数组for (int i = 0; i < F; i++){Lambda[i] = new ArrayList<>();}for (int k = 0; k < F; k++){if (k > pi.size() - 1){break;}else{Lambda[k].add(pi.get(k));}}for (int k = F; k < p.length; k++){if (k > pi.size() - 1){break;}else{Cmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;for (int i = 0; i < F; i++){Lambda[i].add(pi.get(k));newp = getNewp(p, Lambda[i]);Cmax_temp = ccp.forwardMethod(newp);if (Cmax_temp < Cmax){Cmax = Cmax_temp;Factory_Index = i;}Lambda[i].remove(pi.get(k));}Lambda[Factory_Index].add(pi.get(k));}}
//        for (int i = 0; i < F; i++)
//        {//            System.out.println(Lambda[i]);
//        }return Lambda;}


package practice.comparison.BS_HH;import practice.calculateCMAX.CalculateCmaxDAMNIPFSP2;
import org.apache.commons.lang.SerializationUtils;import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;public class Heuristics
{//    private final CalculateTF calculateTF;private final Random random = new Random();private final int[] apt;private final int[] flag_NI_machine;public Heuristics(int[] apt, int[] flag_ni_machine){this.apt = apt;flag_NI_machine = flag_ni_machine;}
//    public Heuristics(CalculateTF calculateTF)
//    {//        this.calculateTF = calculateTF;
//    }public Individual improvedLLH(int[][] p, int[] pp, Individual individual, double xi, int heuristicIndex, int t, int f){double temperature = 2;double tMin = 1;Individual tempIndividual = (Individual) SerializationUtils.clone(individual);Individual tempIndividual2;llh(p, pp, tempIndividual, heuristicIndex, t, f);while (temperature > tMin){tempIndividual2 = (Individual) SerializationUtils.clone(tempIndividual);llh(p, pp, tempIndividual2, heuristicIndex, t, f);if (tempIndividual2.cmax - tempIndividual.cmax < 0){tempIndividual = tempIndividual2;}else{if (Math.random() < Math.exp((tempIndividual.cmax - tempIndividual2.cmax) / temperature)){tempIndividual = tempIndividual2;}}temperature *= xi;}if (tempIndividual.cmax < individual.cmax){individual = tempIndividual;}return individual;}public void llh(int[][] p, int[] pp, Individual individual, int heuristicIndex, int t, int f){switch (heuristicIndex){case 1:jobSwap(individual.products, t);break;case 2:jobForwardInsert(individual.products, t);break;case 3:jobBackwardInsert(individual.products, t);break;case 4:jobInverse(individual.products, t);break;case 5:jobAdjacentSwap(individual.products, t);break;case 6:productSwap(individual.pi, t);break;case 7:productForwardInsert(individual.pi, t);break;case 8:productBackwardInsert(individual.pi, t);break;case 9:productInverse(individual.pi, t);break;case 10:productAdjacentSwap(individual.pi, t);break;}
//        individual.tf = calculateTF.nr2GetTF(p, pp, individual.products, individual.pi, f);List<Integer>[] schedule = new List[f];
//        CalculateCmaxDAPFSP ccd = new CalculateCmaxDAPFSP();CalculateCmaxDAMNIPFSP2 ccd = new CalculateCmaxDAMNIPFSP2();Assignment assign = new Assignment();schedule = assign.algorithm(p, t, pp, f, individual.products, individual.pi);//NR2
//        individual.cmax = ccd.calAssembleCmax(schedule, p, f, individual.pi, individual.products, pp);individual.cmax = ccd.method3(schedule, individual.products, individual.pi, p, f, flag_NI_machine, apt);}public int[] getRandomProductAndPositions(List<Integer>[] products, int t){int product = random.nextInt(t);while (products[product].size() < 2){product = random.nextInt(t);}int size = products[product].size();int position1 = random.nextInt(size);int position2 = random.nextInt(size);while (position1 == position2){position2 = random.nextInt(size);}if (position1 > position2){int temp = position1;position1 = position2;position2 = temp;}return new int[]{product, position1, position2};}public void jobSwap(List<Integer>[] products, int t){int[] ranArr = getRandomProductAndPositions(products, t);Collections.swap(products[ranArr[0]], ranArr[1], ranArr[2]);}public void jobForwardInsert(List<Integer>[] products, int t){int[] ranArr = getRandomProductAndPositions(products, t);int job = products[ranArr[0]].remove(ranArr[1]);products[ranArr[0]].add(ranArr[2] - 1, job);}public void jobBackwardInsert(List<Integer>[] products, int t){int[] ranArr = getRandomProductAndPositions(products, t);int job = products[ranArr[0]].remove(ranArr[1]);products[ranArr[0]].add(ranArr[2], job);}public void jobInverse(List<Integer>[] products, int t){int[] ranArr = getRandomProductAndPositions(products, t);List<Integer> removedJobs = new ArrayList<>();int position = ranArr[1] + 1;for (int i = position; i < ranArr[2]; i++){removedJobs.add(products[ranArr[0]].remove(position));}for (Integer removedJob : removedJobs){products[ranArr[0]].add(position, removedJob);}}public void jobAdjacentSwap(List<Integer>[] products, int t){int product = random.nextInt(t);while (products[product].size() < 2){product = random.nextInt(t);}int size = products[product].size();int position = random.nextInt(size);if (position == size - 1){Collections.swap(products[product], 0, position);}else{Collections.swap(products[product], position, position + 1);}}public int[] getRandomProducts(int t){int position1 = random.nextInt(t);int position2 = random.nextInt(t);while (position1 == position2){position2 = random.nextInt(t);}while (position1 > position2){int temp = position1;position1 = position2;position2 = temp;}return new int[]{position1, position2};}public void productSwap(List<Integer> pi, int t){int[] ranArr = getRandomProducts(t);Collections.swap(pi, ranArr[0], ranArr[1]);}public void productForwardInsert(List<Integer> pi, int t){int[] ranArr = getRandomProducts(t);int product = pi.remove(ranArr[0]);pi.add(ranArr[1] - 1, product);}public void productBackwardInsert(List<Integer> pi, int t){int[] ranArr = getRandomProducts(t);int product = pi.remove(ranArr[0]);pi.add(ranArr[1], product);}public void productInverse(List<Integer> pi, int t){int[] ranArr = getRandomProducts(t);List<Integer> removedProducts = new ArrayList<>();int position = ranArr[0] + 1;for (int i = position; i < ranArr[1]; i++){removedProducts.add(pi.remove(position));}for (Integer removedProduct : removedProducts){pi.add(position, removedProduct);}}public void productAdjacentSwap(List<Integer> pi, int t){int position = random.nextInt(t);if (position == t - 1){Collections.swap(pi, 0, position);}else{Collections.swap(pi, position, position + 1);}}


package practice.comparison.BS_HH;import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;public class Individual implements Serializable, Comparable<Individual>
{public int cmax;public List<Integer> pi = new LinkedList<>();public double[] heuristicSequence;public List<Integer>[] products;public Individual(int heuristicSize)//构造器{heuristicSequence = new double[heuristicSize];}@Overridepublic int compareTo(Individual o){return (int) (this.cmax - o.cmax);}


package practice.comparison.BS_HH;import Common.Common;
import practice.calculateCMAX.CalculateCmaxDAPFSP;
import practice.comparison.IWO.Heuristic11;
import practice.comparison.IWO.Individual;import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;/*** @Date: 2022/4/18 20:29* @Author: ZhuBo* @File: Methods.class* @Software: IDEA* @Email: 1532116227@qq.com*/
public class Methods
{private static Random random = new Random();public static int randomInit(int[][] p, int[] pp, List<Integer> pi, List<Integer>[] products, int F){CalculateCmaxDAPFSP ccd = new CalculateCmaxDAPFSP();List<Integer>[] schedule;List<Integer> piT = new ArrayList<>();shiftProduct(pi);shiftProduct(pi);shiftJob(products);shiftJob(products);
//        return calculateTF.nr2GetTF(p, pp, products, pi, f);for (int i = 0; i < pp.length; i++){piT.addAll(products[pi.get(i) - 1]);}schedule = Heuristic11.assignByNR1(p, piT, F);return ccd.calAssembleCmax(schedule, p, F, pi, products, pp);
//        return 1;}private static void shiftProduct(List<Integer> pi){int position1 = random.nextInt(pi.size());int position2 = random.nextInt(pi.size());while (position1 == position2)position2 = random.nextInt(pi.size());int product = pi.remove(position1);pi.add(position2, product);}private static void shiftJob(List<Integer>[] products){int productIndex = random.nextInt(products.length);while (products[productIndex].size() < 2){productIndex = random.nextInt(products.length);}int position1 = random.nextInt(products[productIndex].size());int position2 = random.nextInt(products[productIndex].size());while (position1 == position2){position2 = random.nextInt(products[productIndex].size());}int job = products[productIndex].remove(position1);products[productIndex].add(position2, job);}public static int getSeedsNumber(int bestCmax, int worstCmax, int currentCmax, int taoMax, int taoMin){if (bestCmax != worstCmax)return (int) Math.floor((taoMin + (worstCmax - currentCmax) / (worstCmax - bestCmax) * (taoMax - taoMin)));elsereturn (taoMax + taoMin) / 2;}public static void shiftProductDeltaTimes(List<Integer> pi, int delta){for (int i = 0; i < delta; i++){shiftProduct(pi);}}public static void shiftJobDeltaTimes(List<Integer>[] products, int delta){for (int i = 0; i < delta; i++){shiftJob(products);}}public static int getSeedMinIndex(List<Individual> population, int populationSize, int size){int index = populationSize;for (int i = populationSize + 1; i < size; i++){if (population.get(index).cmax > population.get(i).cmax){index = i;}}return index;}public static int localSearchProduct(int[][] p, int[] pp, List<Integer> pi, List<Integer>[] products, int cmax, int f, int t){CalculateCmaxDAPFSP ccd = new CalculateCmaxDAPFSP();int cnt = 0;int product;int cmaxTemp;int position;boolean b = false;Heuristic11 h11 = new Heuristic11();List<Integer>[] schedule;while (cnt < t){product = pi.remove(cnt);position = cnt;for (int i = 0; i < t; i++){if (i != cnt){pi.add(i, product);schedule = h11.algorithm(p, t, pp, f, products, Others.copyList(pi));//深拷贝
//                    cmaxTemp = calculateTF.nr2GetTF(p, pp, products, pi, f);cmaxTemp = ccd.calAssembleCmax(schedule, p, f, Others.copyList(pi), products, pp);//深拷贝pi.remove(i);if (cmaxTemp < cmax){position = i;cmax = cmaxTemp;if (!b){b = true;}}}}pi.add(position, product);if (b){cnt = 0;b = false;}else{cnt++;}}return cmax;}public static int localSearchJobs(int[][] p, int[] pp, List<Integer> pi, List<Integer>[] products, int cmax, int f, int t){CalculateCmaxDAPFSP ccd = new CalculateCmaxDAPFSP();int cnt = 0;int cntJob;int job;int productSize;List<Integer> partsTemp;List<Integer> parts;int cmaxTemp;int index, position;boolean b;Heuristic11 h11 = new Heuristic11();List<Integer>[] schedule;while (cnt < t){cntJob = 0;parts = products[cnt];
//            partsTemp = Common.copyList(parts);partsTemp = Others.copyList(parts);Collections.shuffle(partsTemp);productSize = parts.size();b = false;while (cntJob < productSize){job = partsTemp.remove(0);index = parts.indexOf(job);parts.remove(index);position = index;for (int i = 0; i < productSize; i++){if (i != index){parts.add(i, job);
//                        cmaxTemp = calculateTF.nr2GetTF(p, pp, products, pi, f);schedule = h11.algorithm(p, t, pp, f, products, Others.copyList(pi));//深拷贝cmaxTemp = ccd.calAssembleCmax(schedule, p, f, Others.copyList(pi), products, pp);//深拷贝parts.remove(i);if (cmaxTemp < cmax){cmax = cmaxTemp;position = i;if (!b){b = true;}}}}parts.add(position, job);if (b){cnt = 0;cntJob = 0;parts = products[cnt];partsTemp = Common.copyList(parts);Collections.shuffle(partsTemp);productSize = parts.size();b = false;}else{cntJob++;}}cnt++;}return cmax;}


package practice.comparison.MyEDA;import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;/*** @Date: 2022/4/18 16:58* @Author: * @File: Others.class* @Software: IDEA* @Email: 1532116227@qq.com*/
public class Others
{public static List<Integer>[] copyList(List<Integer>[] temp, int t){List<Integer>[] lists = new List[t];for (int i = 0; i < t; i++){lists[i] = new LinkedList<>();for (Integer integer : temp[i]){lists[i].add(integer);}}return lists;}public static List<Integer> copyList(List<Integer> temp){List<Integer> temp2 = new LinkedList<>();for (Integer integer : temp){temp2.add(integer);}return temp2;}public static List<Integer>[] list1DimArrayCopy(List<Integer>[] solution)//一维List类型数组的拷贝{List<Integer>[] lists = new List[solution.length];for (int i = 0; i < solution.length; i++){lists[i] = new ArrayList<>();lists[i].addAll(solution[i]);}return lists;}public static List<Integer> listCopy(List<Integer> list){List<Integer> copy = new ArrayList<>();copy.addAll(list);return copy;}public static int[][] getNewp(int[][] p, List<Integer> pi){int[][] newp = new int[pi.size()][];for (int i = 0; i < pi.size(); i++){newp[i] = p[pi.get(i) - 1];}return newp;}public static List<Integer>[][] list2DimArrayCopy(List<Integer>[][] solution)//二维List类型数组的拷贝{List<Integer>[][] lists = new List[solution.length][solution[0].length];for (int i = 0; i < solution.length; i++){for (int j = 0; j < solution[0].length; j++){lists[i][j] = new ArrayList<>();lists[i][j].addAll(solution[i][j]);}}return lists;}public static int[] getTP(int[][] p){int[] TP = new int[p.length];for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++){for (int j = 0; j < p[0].length; j++){TP[i] = TP[i] + p[i][j];}}return TP;}


package practice.comparison.BS_HH;import java.io.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;/*** @Date: 2022/4/8 16:24* @Author:* @File: ReadTxt.class* @Software: IDEA* @Email: 1532116227@qq.com*/
public class ReadTxt
{public int[][] getProcessingTimes(String filePath, int n, int m){File f = new File(filePath);if (!f.exists()){System.out.println("找不到文件");return null;}else{System.out.println(filePath);}int[][] p = new int[n][m];int[] a = null;String[] values;try{BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));Scanner sc = new Scanner(br);for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){values = sc.nextLine().split(",");for (int j = 0; j < m; j++){p[i][j] = Integer.parseInt(values[j]);}}br.close();}catch (FileNotFoundException e){e.printStackTrace();}catch (IOException e){e.printStackTrace();}return p;}//    public List<Integer> getAssemblyTimes(String filePath, int l)
//    {//        List<Integer> apt = new ArrayList<>();
//        File f = new File(filePath);
//        if (!f.exists())
//        {//            System.out.println("找不到文件");
//            return null;
//        }
//        int[] pp = new int[l];
//        try
//        {//            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
//            Scanner sc = new Scanner(br);
//            for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
//            {//                String[] values = sc.nextLine().split(",");
//                pp[i] = Integer.parseInt(values[1]);
//            }
//            br.close();
//        }
//        catch (IOException e)
//        {//            e.printStackTrace();
//        }
//        for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
//        {//            apt.add(pp[i]);
//        }
//        return apt;
//    }public int[] getAssemblyTimes(String filePath, int l){List<Integer> apt = new ArrayList<>();File f = new File(filePath);if (!f.exists()){System.out.println("找不到文件");return null;}int[] pp = new int[l];try{BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));Scanner sc = new Scanner(br);for (int i = 0; i < l; i++){String[] values = sc.nextLine().split(",");pp[i] = Integer.parseInt(values[1]);}br.close();}catch (IOException e){e.printStackTrace();}
//        for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
//        {//            apt.add(pp[i]);
//        }return pp;}public int[] getAssignSet(String filePath, int n, int l){File f = new File(filePath);if (!f.exists()){System.out.println("找不到文件");return null;}int[] as = new int[n];try{BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));Scanner sc = new Scanner(br);for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){String[] values = sc.nextLine().split(",");as[i] = Integer.parseInt(values[1]);}br.close();}catch (IOException e){e.printStackTrace();}return as;}public int[] getNoIdleConstraint(String filePath, int m){File f = new File(filePath);if (!f.exists()){System.out.println("找不到文件");return null;}int[] flag = new int[m];try{BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));Scanner sc = new Scanner(br);for (int i = 0; i < m; i++){//                String[] values = sc.nextLine().split(",");flag[i] = sc.nextInt();}br.close();}catch (IOException e){e.printStackTrace();}return flag;}



J. Lin, Z. J. Wang, and X. Li, “A backtracking search hyper-heuristic for the distributed assembly flow-shop scheduling problem,” Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, vol. 36, pp. 124–135, Oct. 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.swevo.2017.04.007.



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