
According to statista.com, 58% of all emails sent during the first months of 2017, were spam. With such a high percentage, it’s no surprise that service providers are doing everything they can to filter it out, otherwise, our inboxes would be swamped. Unfortunately, amongst all the junk that does get caught, quite a lot of genuine emails get filtered out too. If your emails are getting mistaken for junk, this post will explain why and show you six ways you can stop it.

根据statista.com的数据 ,2017年头几个月发送的所有电子邮件中有58%是垃圾邮件。 如此高的百分比,服务提供商会竭尽所能将其过滤掉也就不足为奇了,否则,我们的收件箱就会被淹没。 不幸的是,在确实被捕获的所有垃圾中,也有很多真正的电子邮件也被过滤掉了。 如果您的电子邮件被误认为是垃圾邮件,则这篇文章将说明原因,并向您展示六种阻止垃圾邮件的方法。

Why are my emails getting filtered?


Service providers use sophisticated software to filter out spam emails. The programs they use look for a wide range of tell-tale signs that indicate when an email is not from a legitimate sender. For your email to end up in the spam folder, there must be something about it that has alerted the software and triggered it to act. To prevent this happening, you have to make changes to your emails so that they no longer get flagged.

服务提供商使用复杂的软件来过滤垃圾邮件。 他们使用的程序会寻找各种各样的迹象,以表明何时电子邮件不是来自合法发件人。 为了使您的电子邮件最终进入垃圾邮件文件夹,其中必须有一些内容能够提醒软件并触发其行动。 为防止这种情况发生,您必须对电子邮件进行更改,以使其不再被标记。

Here are the six main ways you can do this:


1. Make sure your emails comply with UK and international laws


If you are a business sending a marketing email through UK based email servers, you must comply with the UK law. To do this, all emails should provide the following information in the actual email (i.e. not via a link):

如果您是一家通过位于英国的电子邮件服务器发送市场营销电子邮件的企业,则必须遵守英国法律。 为此,所有电子邮件都应在实际电子邮件中提供以下信息(即不通过链接):

  • Your company’s name (registered name and company number if a limited company)贵公司的名称(如果是有限公司,则为注册名称和公司编号)
  • Your business address (or registered office)您的公司地址(或注册办事处)
  • Country of company registration (e.g. Scotland or England & Wales)公司注册国家(例如苏格兰或英格兰和威尔士)

In addition, you should inform the recipient how to unsubscribe and provide an unsubscribe link.


If you are sending an email using a US email server (many UK hosts use US based servers, as do companies such as MailChimp, etc.) you must also comply with the US CAN-SPAM Act.

如果您使用美国电子邮件服务器发送电子邮件(许多英国主机使用美国服务器,MailChimp等公司也使用此类服务​​器),则您还必须遵守《美国CAN-SPAM法案》 。

If you don’t comply with these legal obligations, it is quite likely that the spam filters used by these email servers will think your emails are spam. They are configured to check that company names, addresses, unsubscribe links, etc., are included in marketing emails.

如果您不遵守这些法律义务,那么这些电子邮件服务器使用的垃圾邮件过滤器很可能会认为您的电子邮件是垃圾邮件。 它们被配置为检查营销电子邮件中是否包含公司名称,地址,退订链接等。

2. Don’t include text that might be confused for spam


Every time a spam or phishing email is caught, its content is analysed. This has made it possible to create a database of regularly used words and phrases which help identify other spam emails.

每次发现垃圾邮件或网络钓鱼电子邮件时,都会对其内容进行分析。 这样就可以创建一个经常使用的单词和短语数据库,以帮助识别其他垃圾邮件。

If the wording of your emails has several of these phrases included, it could be the reason it gets junked. Check out this list of 200 common spam words from Comm100.

如果您的电子邮件措辞中包含多个此类短语,则可能是它变得垃圾的原因。 请查看Comm100的200个常见垃圾邮件单词列表。

3. Check your email before sending


If you are going to send out a batch of marketing emails, one way to make sure they will end up in the recipient’s inbox is to use an outgoing spam checker, such as ISnotSPAM. These free to use online checkers will analyse your outgoing emails and report back to you any possible problems that may get your email junked. This gives you the opportunity to make changes before pressing the send button.

如果要发送一批营销电子邮件,确保它们最终出现在收件人的收件箱中的一种方法是使用外发垃圾邮件检查程序,例如ISnotSPAM 。 这些免费使用的在线检查器将分析您的外发电子邮件,并向您报告可能使您的电子邮件变得垃圾的任何可能的问题。 这使您有机会在按下发送按钮之前进行更改。

ISnotSPAM, for example, provides the following checks:


  • SPF CheckSPF检查
  • Sender-ID Check发件人ID检查
  • DomainKeys Check域密钥检查
  • DKIM CheckDKIM检查
  • SpamAssassin CheckSpamAssassin检查

4. Make sure your email address isn’t blacklisted


There are a number of ways your email address could get blacklisted. One way is that a previous email may have been mistakenly identified as spam. Another, is that a recipient has flagged your email using the ‘report as spam’ option; and finally, your host’s email server could have been reported for send spam from other customers.

您的电子邮件地址可以通过多种方式列入黑名单。 一种方法是,先前的电子邮件可能被错误地标识为垃圾邮件。 另一个是收件人使用“报告为垃圾邮件”选项标记了您的电子邮件; 最后,您的主机的电子邮件服务器可能已被举报有其他客户发送垃圾邮件。

If you have been blacklisted by one email service provider for any of these reasons, it is likely that they will have communicated this to other service providers too. In which case, all of your emails may get filtered out.

如果您由于这些原因而被一家电子邮件服务提供商列入黑名单,则很可能他们也已将此信息传达给了其他服务提供商。 在这种情况下,您所有的电子邮件都可能被过滤掉。

The best way to prevent this is to ensure your hosting provider offers outgoing spam filtering and email server blacklist checking. At eUKhost, for example, our business and enterprise email hosting checks all your outgoing mail to prevent you from sending spam and pro-actively checks blacklists every 24 hours. If you are incorrectly blacklisted, we’ll submit requests to have the issue fixed.

防止这种情况的最佳方法是确保托管服务提供商提供传出垃圾邮件过滤和电子邮件服务器黑名单检查 。 例如,在eUKhost,我们的企业和企业电子邮件托管服务会检查您所有的外发邮件,以防止您发送垃圾邮件并每隔24小时主动检查黑名单。 如果您未正确列入黑名单,我们将提交请求以解决此问题。

5. Don’t send emails to spam trap addresses


It is illegal to send emails to people who have not opted in. Spammers, however, have no regard for this law and will send emails to every address they can. One way that legitimate companies can fall foul of this is by unwittingly sending emails to what are known as spam trap addresses.

向未选择加入的人发送电子邮件是非法的 。 但是,垃圾邮件发送者将不遵守该法律,并会向其发送的每个地址发送电子邮件。 合法公司可能会触犯的一种方法是不经意间将电子邮件发送到所谓的垃圾邮件陷阱地址。

Spam traps are fake email addresses created to catch spammers out. They are published in a way that fools automated e-mail address harvesters, used by spammers, to collect them. As they are fake, it is obvious that anyone who sends an email to them does not comply with the opt-in law. If an email is sent to one of these addresses, therefore, the sender is blacklisted.

垃圾邮件陷阱是为阻止垃圾邮件发送者而创建的虚假电子邮件地址。 它们的发布方式愚弄垃圾邮件发送者使用的自动电子邮件地址收集器来收集它们。 由于它们是伪造的,因此很明显,向其发送电子邮件的任何人均不遵守选择加入的法律。 因此,如果将电子邮件发送到这些地址之一,则发件人将被列入黑名单。

It is highly unlikely that you will be able to send an email to one of these addresses unless you buy or rent an email list from a third-party. If you do buy or rent these lists, you need to make sure that the company you receive the list from is reputable – i.e. that all the recipients on the list have agreed to receive marketing emails from third-parties.

除非您从第三方购买或租用电子邮件列表,否则极不可能将电子邮件发送到这些地址之一。 如果您确实购买或租用了这些清单,则需要确保从该清单接收的公司信誉良好-即清单上的所有收件人都同意接收第三方的营销电子邮件。

6. Avoid sending attachments that raise red flags


We all send attachments from time to time, especially things like images and documents. However, some file types can raise issues, particularly those which are likely to contain malware. If possible, try to avoid sending files such as .exe, .swf, and even zipped files that might try to conceal hidden malware.

我们都会不定期发送附件,尤其是图像和文档之类的附件。 但是,某些文件类型会引发问题,尤其是那些可能包含恶意软件的文件。 如果可能,请尝试避免发送诸如.exe,.swf之类的文件,甚至避免发送可能试图隐藏隐藏恶意软件的压缩文件。



Having your emails filtered out by your recipient’s email server can cause serious problems for your business. Marketing campaigns can fail, invoices go missing and even basic email opt-in verification fails to happen. It can be frustrating and very costly. Hopefully, the information provided here will help you to better understand why your email gets filtered out and show you what to do to make sure it arrives safely in the future.

通过收件人的电子邮件服务器过滤掉您的电子邮件会给您的企业造成严重的问题。 营销活动可能会失败,发票会丢失,甚至基本的电子邮件选择加入验证都不会发生。 它可能令人沮丧并且非常昂贵。 希望这里提供的信息可以帮助您更好地理解为什么会过滤掉您的电子邮件,并向您展示如何做以确保将来安全到达。

If you are looking for email hosting that protects you from sending or receiving spam and which checks your blacklisting status daily, take a look at our range of email hosting services.

如果您正在寻找可以保护您免受发送或接收垃圾邮件并每天检查您的黑名单状态的电子邮件托管 ,请查看我们的电子邮件托管服务范围。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/6-ways-to-stop-your-emails-being-marked-as-spam/



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