instagram akp

Music makes everything better, and as of today Instagram users from eight countries can add licensed tracks from popular artists to Instagram stories.


Facebook, which owns Instagram, announced the feature today for Android and iOS:


When you tap to add a sticker to a photo or video in Stories, you’ll now see a music icon. Tap on it to open a library of thousands of songs—you can search for a specific song, browse by mood, genre or what’s popular and tap the play button to hear a preview. When you’ve selected your song, you can fast-forward and rewind through the track to choose the exact part that fits your story.

在“故事”中点击向照片或视频添加标签时,您现在会看到一个音乐图标。 点按它可以打开包含数千首歌曲的资料库-您可以搜索特定歌曲,按心情,流派或流行歌曲进行浏览,然后点按“播放”按钮以收听预览。 选择歌曲后,您可以快进和倒退曲目,以选择适合您故事的确切部分。

This is the result of ongoing negotiations between Facebook and the music industry. For users, it’s a compromise: you can’t necessarily use the exact song you want, but you don’t have to worry about your Story being taken down.

这是Facebook与音乐界正在进行的谈判的结果。 对于用户而言,这是一个折衷方案:您不一定要使用所需的确切歌曲,但不必担心Story会被删除。

The feature is available today in Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Sweden, the UK and the U.S.A., with more countries coming.



instagram akp

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