
Adding music to an otherwise text-heavy Google Slides presentation can spice it up. If you want to add music to Google Slides, you’ll need to use a YouTube or Google Drive video, or link to a third-party streaming service instead.

将音乐添加到原本文本较多的Google幻灯片演示文稿中可以使其更有趣。 如果要将音乐添加到Google幻灯片中,则需要使用YouTube或Google云端硬盘视频,或者链接到第三方流服务。

添加YouTube视频 (Add a YouTube Video)

You can’t add audio files to Google Slides presentations, but you can add videos. The easiest solution for users who want to add music to their Google Slides presentation is to add a YouTube video.

您不能将音频文件添加到Google幻灯片演示文稿中,但可以添加视频。 对于想要向其Google幻灯片演示文稿中添加音乐的用户,最简单的解决方案是添加YouTube视频。

This adds a YouTube video to your Google Slides presentation directly, loading the YouTube video player with playback options. Once a video starts playing, it will continue playing until you move onto the next slide.

这会将YouTube视频直接添加到您的Google幻灯片演示文稿中,并为YouTube视频播放器加载播放选项。 视频开始播放后,它将继续播放,直到您移至下一张幻灯片为止。

To start, open your Google Slides presentation and click on the slide where you want to add your YouTube video. In the top menu, click Insert > Video.

首先,打开您的Google幻灯片演示文稿,然后单击要在其中添加YouTube视频的幻灯片。 在顶部菜单中,单击插入>视频。

You can search for YouTube videos in the “Search” tab of the “Insert Video” selection box. If you don’t have a specific YouTube URL, use this search tool to find a relevant video.

您可以在“插入视频”选择框的“搜索”标签中搜索YouTube视频。 如果您没有特定的YouTube URL,请使用此搜索工具查找相关视频。

Once you’ve found a video, select it and then click the “Select” button at the bottom to add it to your presentation.


If you already have a YouTube video you want to add and have the URL ready, click the “By URL” tab and then paste the web address in the provided box.


A preview of your video will appear below it. Once you’re ready, click the “Select” button.

视频预览将显示在其下方。 准备就绪后,单击“选择”按钮。

Your video will be inserted into your chosen slide where you can resize it and move it into position.


添加Google云端硬盘视频 (Add a Google Drive Video)

As an alternative to inserting YouTube videos, Google Slides users can insert their own private Google Drive videos. You can insert these videos from the same “Insert Video” selection box as above.

作为插入YouTube视频的替代方法,Google幻灯片用户可以插入自己的私有Google云端硬盘视频。 您可以从与上述相同的“插入视频”选择框中插入这些视频。

As with YouTube videos, inserted Google Drive videos will continue playing until you move to another slide.


To add a Google Drive video, go to your chosen slide, click Insert > Video, click the “Google Drive” tab, and then find your video from your cloud storage.

要添加Google云端硬盘视频,请转至您选择的幻灯片,依次单击“插入”>“视频”,“ Google云端硬盘”标签,然后从云存储中查找您的视频。

You’ll need to sync your video files to Google Drive first, using the PC app or by uploading the video from the Google Drive website.

您需要先使用PC应用程序或通过从Google Drive网站上载视频,将视频文件同步到Google Drive。

Once you’ve found a video in your Google Drive storage, click on it and then click the “Select” button.


Your video will be inserted onto your slide. You can then move and resize it to suit your presentation.

您的视频将插入到幻灯片中。 然后,您可以移动并调整其大小以适合您的演示文稿。

You can use this method to add videos only from the same Google account you’re using to create your Google Slides presentation. If you want to insert other types of videos, you’ll need to use a public YouTube video instead.

您可以使用此方法仅从用于创建Google幻灯片演示文稿的同一Google帐户添加视频。 如果要插入其他类型的视频,则需要使用公开的YouTube视频。

通过在线流媒体服务添加音乐 (Add Music from an Online Streaming Service)

Unfortunately, Google doesn’t allow you to insert music files directly as you can with a YouTube or a Google Drive video. As a workaround, you can link to songs hosted on online streaming services like Spotify or SoundCloud instead.

不幸的是,Google不允许您像YouTube或Google Drive视频一样直接插入音乐文件。 解决方法是,您可以链接到托管在在线流服务(例如Spotify或SoundCloud)上的歌曲。

The music from one of these services will load in a background tab, where it’ll continue playing until you close it manually or the audio finishes.


To start, insert a suitable playback object for you to easily click during your presentation, such as an image, a shape, or a large text box. To insert a shape, for instance, click Insert > Shape and then select your chosen shape from the additional menus.

首先,插入合适的播放对象,以便在演示过程中轻松单击,例如图像,形状或大文本框。 例如,要插入形状,请单击“插入”>“形状”,然后从其他菜单中选择您选择的形状。

With your mouse, drag to create your chosen shape. Once created, you can begin typing to add text to your shape to clarify its purpose.

用鼠标拖动以创建所选的形状。 创建完成后,您可以开始键入以在形状中添加文本以阐明其用途。

Right-click on your object and click “Link” from the menu. You’ll need the URL for your chosen audio ready at this point.

右键单击您的对象,然后从菜单中单击“链接”。 此时,您需要准备好所选音频的URL。

In the “Link” box, paste your audio URL from your chosen third-party service. Click the “Apply” button to confirm.

在“链接”框中,粘贴您选择的第三方服务中的音频URL。 单击“应用”按钮进行确认。

During your Google Slides presentation, clicking on this object will load your chosen audio content.


It can do this in a separate tab only, however, so if you’d prefer to keep everything inside your presentation, use a Google Drive or YouTube video instead.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/446639/how-to-add-music-to-google-slides/



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