
Sleek cars race at high speeds as top race car drivers compete for millions of dollars in prizes. Welcome to Formula One Grand Prix racing, the world’spremier motor-racing competition!


Each race car must meet certain specifications in everything from the engines to the tires. These make up the “formula” in Formula One (F1). The F1 cars are not only the most technologically advanced but also some of the fastest in the world. At times, they reach speeds of over 190 mph. in addition, F1 cars are the world’s most expensive race cars. Millions of dollars go into their research, manufacturing and operation.


It’s the driver’s skill, however, that makes or breaks the race. The driver who can turn corners the fastest without losing control is often the winner. And the winner can earn big money in these races. Forbes magazine listed F1 race car driver Michael Schumacher as the second highest-paid athlete in 2005 after Tiger Woods.


F1 in Asia(亚洲的F1方程式盛事):

The world’s leading motor sport attracts new fans in Asia

世锦赛引领赛车运动 迷倒亚洲新车迷

The Formula One Grand Prix, and annual series of 17~20 races, spans six continents. Once a largely European sport, F1 has now become popular in Asia, too. For several decades, Japan was the only country in Asia to host an F1 Grand Prix. In 1999, however, Malaysia‘s Sepang circuit with its long, straight runs and hairpin curve welcomed its first F1 Grand Prix.

Continuing this trend, F1 zoomed onto the Shanghai International Circuit in China three years ago. As interest in the auto industry grows, these yearly extravaganzas continue to attract Asian fans.

Ethnic Chinese racecar driver Tung Ho-pin (董荷斌) has also increased interest in the sport. With his success in Formula 3 racing, he may soon become the first Chinese F1 racecar driver.

The world’s third most–watched sporting competition after the Olympics and the World Cup, the Formula 1 Grand Prix races onward!
奥运(the first one)以及世界杯(the second)赛后,最值得观看的第3大盛事就是世界级的F1方程式格林披治大赛的车手们风驰电挚的冲刺!

Word Bank:

premier (adj.) 一流的,首要的
Only top players can compete at Wimbledon, England’s premier tennis tournament.

specification (n.) 规格
What are the specifications of your new kitchen cabinets? How big are they going to be?

technologically (adv.) 工艺上,科技上

Right now, living on the moon is technologically impossible.

make or break something (idiom) 决定……的成功或失败
A politician’s ability to connect with voters can make or break a political career.

sleek (adj) 流线型的,华丽的

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