本文整理匯總了Python中tornado.escape.url_unescape方法的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:Python escape.url_unescape方法的具體用法?Python escape.url_unescape怎麽用?Python escape.url_unescape使用的例子?那麽恭喜您, 這裏精選的方法代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。您也可以進一步了解該方法所在模塊tornado.escape的用法示例。


示例1: _unquote_or_none

​點讚 5

# 需要導入模塊: from tornado import escape [as 別名]

# 或者: from tornado.escape import url_unescape [as 別名]

def _unquote_or_none(s):

"""None-safe wrapper around url_unescape to handle unamteched optional

groups correctly.

Note that args are passed as bytes so the handler can decide what

encoding to use.


if s is None:

return s

return escape.url_unescape(s, encoding=None, plus=False)


示例2: environ

​點讚 5

# 需要導入模塊: from tornado import escape [as 別名]

# 或者: from tornado.escape import url_unescape [as 別名]

def environ(request):

"""Converts a `tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest` to a WSGI environment.


hostport = request.host.split(":")

if len(hostport) == 2:

host = hostport[0]

port = int(hostport[1])


host = request.host

port = 443 if request.protocol == "https" else 80

environ = {

"REQUEST_METHOD": request.method,


"PATH_INFO": to_wsgi_str(escape.url_unescape(

request.path, encoding=None, plus=False)),

"QUERY_STRING": request.query,

"REMOTE_ADDR": request.remote_ip,

"SERVER_NAME": host,

"SERVER_PORT": str(port),

"SERVER_PROTOCOL": request.version,

"wsgi.version": (1, 0),

"wsgi.url_scheme": request.protocol,

"wsgi.input": BytesIO(escape.utf8(request.body)),

"wsgi.errors": sys.stderr,

"wsgi.multithread": False,

"wsgi.multiprocess": True,

"wsgi.run_once": False,


if "Content-Type" in request.headers:

environ["CONTENT_TYPE"] = request.headers.pop("Content-Type")

if "Content-Length" in request.headers:

environ["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = request.headers.pop("Content-Length")

for key, value in request.headers.items():

environ["HTTP_" + key.replace("-", "_").upper()] = value

return environ


示例3: test_url_unescape_unicode

​點讚 5

# 需要導入模塊: from tornado import escape [as 別名]

# 或者: from tornado.escape import url_unescape [as 別名]

def test_url_unescape_unicode(self):

tests = [

('%C3%A9', u('\u00e9'), 'utf8'),

('%C3%A9', u('\u00c3\u00a9'), 'latin1'),

('%C3%A9', utf8(u('\u00e9')), None),


for escaped, unescaped, encoding in tests:

# input strings to url_unescape should only contain ascii

# characters, but make sure the function accepts both byte

# and unicode strings.

self.assertEqual(url_unescape(to_unicode(escaped), encoding), unescaped)

self.assertEqual(url_unescape(utf8(escaped), encoding), unescaped)


示例4: test_url_escape_quote_plus

​點讚 5

# 需要導入模塊: from tornado import escape [as 別名]

# 或者: from tornado.escape import url_unescape [as 別名]

def test_url_escape_quote_plus(self):

unescaped = '+ #%'

plus_escaped = '%2B+%23%25'

escaped = '%2B%20%23%25'

self.assertEqual(url_escape(unescaped), plus_escaped)

self.assertEqual(url_escape(unescaped, plus=False), escaped)

self.assertEqual(url_unescape(plus_escaped), unescaped)

self.assertEqual(url_unescape(escaped, plus=False), unescaped)

self.assertEqual(url_unescape(plus_escaped, encoding=None),


self.assertEqual(url_unescape(escaped, encoding=None, plus=False),



示例5: environ

​點讚 5

# 需要導入模塊: from tornado import escape [as 別名]

# 或者: from tornado.escape import url_unescape [as 別名]

def environ(request: httputil.HTTPServerRequest) -> Dict[Text, Any]:

"""Converts a `tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest` to a WSGI environment.


hostport = request.host.split(":")

if len(hostport) == 2:

host = hostport[0]

port = int(hostport[1])


host = request.host

port = 443 if request.protocol == "https" else 80

environ = {

"REQUEST_METHOD": request.method,


"PATH_INFO": to_wsgi_str(

escape.url_unescape(request.path, encoding=None, plus=False)


"QUERY_STRING": request.query,

"REMOTE_ADDR": request.remote_ip,

"SERVER_NAME": host,

"SERVER_PORT": str(port),

"SERVER_PROTOCOL": request.version,

"wsgi.version": (1, 0),

"wsgi.url_scheme": request.protocol,

"wsgi.input": BytesIO(escape.utf8(request.body)),

"wsgi.errors": sys.stderr,

"wsgi.multithread": False,

"wsgi.multiprocess": True,

"wsgi.run_once": False,


if "Content-Type" in request.headers:

environ["CONTENT_TYPE"] = request.headers.pop("Content-Type")

if "Content-Length" in request.headers:

environ["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = request.headers.pop("Content-Length")

for key, value in request.headers.items():

environ["HTTP_" + key.replace("-", "_").upper()] = value

return environ


示例6: _unquote_or_none

​點讚 5

# 需要導入模塊: from tornado import escape [as 別名]

# 或者: from tornado.escape import url_unescape [as 別名]

def _unquote_or_none(s: Optional[str]) -> Optional[bytes]: # noqa: F811

"""None-safe wrapper around url_unescape to handle unmatched optional

groups correctly.

Note that args are passed as bytes so the handler can decide what

encoding to use.


if s is None:

return s

return url_unescape(s, encoding=None, plus=False)


示例7: environ

​點讚 5

# 需要導入模塊: from tornado import escape [as 別名]

# 或者: from tornado.escape import url_unescape [as 別名]

def environ(request):

"""Converts a `tornado.httpserver.HTTPRequest` to a WSGI environment.


hostport = request.host.split(":")

if len(hostport) == 2:

host = hostport[0]

port = int(hostport[1])


host = request.host

port = 443 if request.protocol == "https" else 80

environ = {

"REQUEST_METHOD": request.method,


"PATH_INFO": to_wsgi_str(escape.url_unescape(

request.path, encoding=None, plus=False)),

"QUERY_STRING": request.query,

"REMOTE_ADDR": request.remote_ip,

"SERVER_NAME": host,

"SERVER_PORT": str(port),

"SERVER_PROTOCOL": request.version,

"wsgi.version": (1, 0),

"wsgi.url_scheme": request.protocol,

"wsgi.input": BytesIO(escape.utf8(request.body)),

"wsgi.errors": sys.stderr,

"wsgi.multithread": False,

"wsgi.multiprocess": True,

"wsgi.run_once": False,


if "Content-Type" in request.headers:

environ["CONTENT_TYPE"] = request.headers.pop("Content-Type")

if "Content-Length" in request.headers:

environ["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = request.headers.pop("Content-Length")

for key, value in request.headers.items():

environ["HTTP_" + key.replace("-", "_").upper()] = value

return environ


示例8: _unquote_or_none

​點讚 5

# 需要導入模塊: from tornado import escape [as 別名]

# 或者: from tornado.escape import url_unescape [as 別名]

def _unquote_or_none(s):

"""None-safe wrapper around url_unescape to handle unmatched optional

groups correctly.

Note that args are passed as bytes so the handler can decide what

encoding to use.


if s is None:

return s

return url_unescape(s, encoding=None, plus=False)


示例9: test_url_unescape

​點讚 5

# 需要導入模塊: from tornado import escape [as 別名]

# 或者: from tornado.escape import url_unescape [as 別名]

def test_url_unescape(self):

tests = [

('%C3%A9', u'\u00e9', 'utf8'),

('%C3%A9', u'\u00c3\u00a9', 'latin1'),

('%C3%A9', utf8(u'\u00e9'), None),


for escaped, unescaped, encoding in tests:

# input strings to url_unescape should only contain ascii

# characters, but make sure the function accepts both byte

# and unicode strings.

self.assertEqual(url_unescape(to_unicode(escaped), encoding), unescaped)

self.assertEqual(url_unescape(utf8(escaped), encoding), unescaped)


示例10: get

​點讚 5

# 需要導入模塊: from tornado import escape [as 別名]

# 或者: from tornado.escape import url_unescape [as 別名]

def get(self, token, connection_file):

register_connection_file(token, url_unescape(connection_file))


示例11: __call__

​點讚 4

# 需要導入模塊: from tornado import escape [as 別名]

# 或者: from tornado.escape import url_unescape [as 別名]

def __call__(self, request):

"""Called by HTTPServer to execute the request."""

transforms = [t(request) for t in self.transforms]

handler = None

args = []

kwargs = {}

handlers = self._get_host_handlers(request)

if not handlers:

handler = RedirectHandler(

self, request, url="http://" + self.default_host + "/")


for spec in handlers:

match = spec.regex.match(request.path)

if match:

handler = spec.handler_class(self, request, **spec.kwargs)

if spec.regex.groups:

# None-safe wrapper around url_unescape to handle

# unmatched optional groups correctly

def unquote(s):

if s is None:

return s

return escape.url_unescape(s, encoding=None,


# Pass matched groups to the handler. Since

# match.groups() includes both named and unnamed groups,

# we want to use either groups or groupdict but not both.

# Note that args are passed as bytes so the handler can

# decide what encoding to use.

if spec.regex.groupindex:

kwargs = dict(

(str(k), unquote(v))

for (k, v) in match.groupdict().items())


args = [unquote(s) for s in match.groups()]


if not handler:

handler = ErrorHandler(self, request, status_code=404)

# In debug mode, re-compile templates and reload static files on every

# request so you don't need to restart to see changes

if self.settings.get("debug"):

with RequestHandler._template_loader_lock:

for loader in RequestHandler._template_loaders.values():



handler._execute(transforms, *args, **kwargs)

return handler



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