












// setup the bar chart (used to filter weeks)
function barChart() {//TODO: remove this instance counter (in this viz, there is only one instance)if (!barChart.id) barChart.id = 0;var margin = {top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 20, left: 50},x,y = d3.scale.linear().range([59, 0]),id = barChart.id++,axis = d3.svg.axis().tickFormat(zh.timeFormat("%Y年%m月")).orient("bottom"),brush = d3.svg.brush(),brushDirty,dimension,group,round,svg,gBrush,enableBrush,theDiv;// main bar chart function; will be called repeatedly by renderAllfunction chart(div) {// determine dimensions of svgvar width = x.range()[1],height = y.range()[0];// update y scale domainy.domain([0, group.top(1)[0].value]); // set y domain to max value in this group//TODO: inefficient code; div is an array of onediv.each(function() {var div = theDiv = d3.select(this);var g = div.select("g");// if g is empty, reubild the svgif (g.empty()) {// create svg and groupg = div.append("svg").attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right).attr("height", height + margin.top + margin.bottom).append("g").attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")").on("click", function() {// exit the animatorif (anim) anim.exit();//TODO: need to handle the case of mouse drag as well...})// reset the clip path to full widthg.append("clipPath").attr("id", "clip-" + id).append("rect").attr("width", width).attr("height", height);// generate two paths, one background, one foregroundg.selectAll(".bar").data(["background", "foreground"]).enter().append("path").attr("class", function(d) { return d + " bar"; })// assign all the data in the group to the path.datum(group.all());// assign the clip path to the foreground barsg.selectAll(".foreground.bar").attr("clip-path", "url(#clip-" + id + ")");// Initialize the brush component with pretty resize handles.if (enableBrush) {gBrush = g.append("g").attr("class", "brush").call(brush);gBrush.selectAll("rect").attr("height", height);gBrush.selectAll(".resize").append("path").attr("d", resizePath);}// add the x-axis last (so it's drawn on top of brush)g.append("g").attr("class", "axis").attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")").call(axis);}// Only redraw the brush if set externally.// at init, the date chart has an externally set brushif (brushDirty) {brushDirty = false;g.selectAll(".brush").call(brush);div.select(".title a").style("display", brush.empty() ? "none" : null);if (brush.empty()) {g.selectAll("#clip-" + id + " rect").attr("x", 0).attr("width", width);} else {var extent = brush.extent();g.selectAll("#clip-" + id + " rect").attr("x", x(extent[0])).attr("width", x(extent[1]) - x(extent[0]));}}// set the d attribute on the pathg.selectAll(".bar").attr("d", barPath);});// generate the bar chart path itemfunction barPath(groups, j, a) {var path = [],i = -1,n = groups.length,d;while (++i < n) {d = groups[i];path.push("M", x(d.key), ",", height, "V", y(d.value), "h4V", height);}return path.join("");}// generate pretty brush left and right "handles"function resizePath(d) {var e = +(d == "e"),x = e ? 1 : -1,y = height / 3;return "M" + (.5 * x) + "," + y+ "A6,6 0 0 " + e + " " + (6.5 * x) + "," + (y + 6)+ "V" + (2 * y - 6)+ "A6,6 0 0 " + e + " " + (.5 * x) + "," + (2 * y)+ "Z"+ "M" + (2.5 * x) + "," + (y + 8)+ "V" + (2 * y - 8)+ "M" + (4.5 * x) + "," + (y + 8)+ "V" + (2 * y - 8);}}// brush handlersbrush.on("brushstart.chart", function() {// get the containing divvar div = d3.select(this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode);// remove the display property from the reset anchor elemdiv.select(".title a").style("display", null);});brush.on("brush.chart", function() {var g = d3.select(this.parentNode),extent = brush.extent();// handle rounding of extent (only integers)if (round) g.select(".brush").call(brush.extent(extent = extent.map(round))) // set a rounded brush extent.selectAll(".resize").style("display", null); // remove the resize handles (why?)// update clip rectangleg.select("#clip-" + id + " rect").attr("x", x(extent[0])).attr("width", x(extent[1]) - x(extent[0]));// update the filterdimension.filterRange(extent);});brush.on("brushend.chart", function() {if (brush.empty()) {emptyBrush.call(this);}});// function to sync UI and crossfilter to an empty brushfunction emptyBrush() {//console.log("emptyBrush", this);if (!brush.empty()) {console.error("brush not empty")return;}// get reference to containing divvar div = d3.select(this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode);// hide the reset anchor elementdiv.select(".title a").style("display", "none");// remove the clip rectanglediv.select("#clip-" + id + " rect").attr("x", null) // remove the x attribute which will render the clipRect invalid.attr("width", "100%");// reset the filterdimension.filterAll();}// chart configuration functionschart.margin = function(_) {if (!arguments.length) return margin;margin = _;return chart;};chart.x = function(_) {if (!arguments.length) return x;x = _;axis.scale(x);brush.x(x);return chart;};chart.y = function(_) {if (!arguments.length) return y;y = _;return chart;};chart.dimension = function(_) {//console.log("chart.dimension..." + _)if (!arguments.length) return dimension;dimension = _;return chart;};chart.filter = function(_) {if (_) {brush.extent(_);dimension.filterRange(_);} else {brush.clear();dimension.filterAll();}brushDirty = true;return chart;};chart.group = function(_) {if (!arguments.length) return group;group = _;return chart;};chart.round = function(_) {if (!arguments.length) return round;round = _;return chart;};chart.removeContents = function() {theDiv.selectAll("svg").remove();//theDiv.selectAll("a").remove();//console.log("theDiv", theDiv)return chart;}chart.brushDirty = function(_) {if (!arguments.length) return brushDirty;brushDirty = _;return chart;}chart.enableBrush = function(_) {if (!arguments.length) return enableBrush;enableBrush = _;return chart;}chart.clearBrush = function() {//console.log("---", d3.select(".brush"))d3.select(".brush").call(brush.clear())emptyBrush.call(d3.select(".brush").node())return chart;}chart.brushExtent = function(_) {if (!arguments.length) return brush.extent();//console.log("setting brush extent...", _, "current", brush.extent())brush.extent(_);d3.select(".brush").call(brush);brush.event(d3.select(".brush"))return chart;}// copy "on" event handlers from "brush" to "chart"return d3.rebind(chart, brush, "on");
}// animator object/function
function animator() {var speed = 1000,currPos = 0,started = false,animating = false,data,ready = false,intHandle,toHandle,inTimeout = false,chart,container;function main(_) {data = _;if (data.length > 0) ready = true;// data good?if (!ready) {console.error("bad data")return;}// container good?if (!container) {console.error("No animation control container provided")return;}// event handlersfunction startStop() {this.blur();var elem = d3.select(this)var value = elem.attr("value")//console.log("startStop...", this, value)if (value == "start") {// start the animation...started = true;main.resume();// change this button textelem.text("退出动画").attr("value", "stop")// show buttonsd3.selectAll(".anim2").style("display", "inline-block")d3.selectAll(".anim4").style("display", "inline-block")} else {// stop the animationstarted = false;main.stop();// change this button textelem.text("开始动画").attr("value", "start")// hide buttonsd3.selectAll(".anim").style("display", "none")// ensure the halt/resume button says haltd3.select(".anim2").text("暂停").attr("value", "halt")}}function haltResume() {this.blur();var elem = d3.select(this)var value = elem.attr("value")//console.log("haltResume...", this, value)if (value == "halt") {// halt the animationmain.stop();// change this button textelem.text("继续").attr("value", "resume")// hide buttonsd3.selectAll(".anim4").style("display", "none")// show buttonsd3.selectAll(".anim3").style("display", "inline-block")} else {// resume the animationmain.resume();// change this button textelem.text("暂停").attr("value", "halt")// hide buttonsd3.selectAll(".anim3").style("display", "none")// show buttonsd3.selectAll(".anim4").style("display", "inline-block")}}function fasterSlower() {this.blur();var elem = d3.select(this)var value = elem.attr("value")//console.log("fasterSlower...", this, value)if (value == "faster") main.faster()else main.slower();}function forwardBackward() {this.blur();var elem = d3.select(this)var value = elem.attr("value")//console.log("forwardBackward...", this, value, this.value)if (value == "forward") main.forward()else main.backward();}function reset() {this.blur();main.reset();}// animation controlsvar controls = [{ text: "开始动画", handler: startStop, id: "startStop", display: "inline-block", value: "start", class: "anim1", width: "110px" },{ text: "暂停", handler: haltResume, display: "none", value: "halt", class: "anim anim2", width: "60px" },{ text: "向后", handler: forwardBackward, display: "none", value: "backward", class: "anim anim3" },{ text: "向前", handler: forwardBackward, display: "none", value: "forward", class: "anim anim3" },{ text: "加速", handler: fasterSlower, display: "none", value: "faster", class: "anim anim4" },{ text: "减速", handler: fasterSlower, display: "none", value: "slower", class: "anim anim4" },{ text: "重置", handler: reset, display: "none", class: "anim anim3 anim4" }]container.selectAll("button").data(controls).enter().append("button").attr("id", function(d) { return d.id ? "anim_" + d.id : null }).style("display", "inline-block").style("cursor", "default").style("width", function(d) { return d.width ? d.width : "70px" }).style("text-align", "center").attr("class", function(d) { return d.class }).style("display", function(d) { /*return "inline-block";*/ return d.display }).attr("value", function(d) { return d.value ? d.value : null })//.attr("class", "reset").text(function(d) { return d.text }).on("click", function(d) { /*console.log("adfads", d.handler);*/ d.handler.call(this) })// set indexcurrPos = data.length - 1;intHandle = setInterval(function() {if (animating && !inTimeout) go(0);}, 100)function go(useSpeed) {inTimeout = true;toHandle = setTimeout(function() {if (animating) {currPos++;if (currPos == data.length) currPos = 0;oneCycle();}if (animating) go(speed);else inTimeout = false;}, useSpeed)}}function oneCycle() {//console.log("oneCycle")var dateExtent = [];dateExtent[0] = new Date(data[currPos].key);dateExtent[1] = new Date(data[currPos].key);dateExtent[1].setDate(dateExtent[1].getDate() + 7)chart.brushExtent(dateExtent)}// action functionsmain.reset = function() {speed = 1000;currPos = 0;oneCycle();//animating = false;}main.resume = function() {animating = true;}main.stop = function() {animating = false;}main.exit = function() {animating = false;// change this button textd3.select("#anim_startStop").text("开始动画").attr("value", "start")// hide buttonsd3.selectAll(".anim").style("display", "none")// ensure the halt/resume button says haltd3.select(".anim2").text("暂停").attr("value", "halt")}main.slower = function() {speed = Math.min(4000, speed * 2);}main.faster = function() {speed = Math.max(250, speed / 2);}main.forward = function() {if (ready && !animating) {currPos++;if (currPos == data.length) currPos = 0;oneCycle();}else console.log("not ready");}main.backward = function() {if (ready && !animating) {currPos--;if (currPos < 0) currPos = data.length - 1;oneCycle();}else console.log("not ready");}// configuration functionsmain.speed = function(_) {if (!arguments.length) return speed;speed = _;return main;}main.chart = function(_) {if (!arguments.length) return chart;chart = _;return main;}main.container = function(_) {if (!arguments.length) return container;container = _;return main;}return main;} // end animator


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