要了解Router我们需要先知道到Application,首先,每一个express实例本身内部就内建了router,所以我们先从简单的下手,先使用application;另外这里我们只选择get方法,作为我们Router.Method, 之所以使用get是因为它足够简单;


1. get有很多种用法

  1. var express = require("express");

  2. var app = express();

  3. app.get("/example/c",function(req, res){

  4. res.send("Your url is /example/c");

  5. });

  6. app.listen(3000);

2. 参数形式

  1. var express = require("express");

  2. var app = express();

  3. app.get('/user/:userid',function(req, res){

  4. res.send(req.params.userid);

  5. });

  6. app.listen(3000,function(){console.log("server is listening on port 3000")});


3. 正则表达式的形式

  1. var express = require('express');

  2. var app = express();

  3. app.get(/example/,function(req, res){

  4. res.send('it is use regular expression');

  5. });

  6. app.listen(3000);

4.  神秘的参数 next

  1. var express = require('express');

  2. var app = express();

  3. var func1 = function(req, res, next){

  4. console.log("this is first func");

  5. next();

  6. }

  7. var func2 = function(req, res, next){

  8. //不能这么写,因为这样就相当于后面有设置了一遍head

  9. //res.send("this second func");

  10. console.log("this is second func");

  11. next();

  12. }

  13. var func3 = function(reg,res){

  14. console.log("this is thrid func");

  15. res.send("this is in the func3, end");

  16. }

  17. //使用方式1

  18. app.get("/example/",func1,func2,func3);

  19. //使用方式2

  20. app.get("/example/",[func1,func2,func3]);




  1. var express = require('express');

  2. var app = express();

  3. app.get('/example/defaultCallback?callback=foo',function(req, res){

  4. res.jsop({"message":"this is default callback"});

  5. });

  6. app.get('/example/customizeCallback?cb=foo2',function(req, res){

  7. app.set("jsonp callback name", 'cb');

  8. res.jsonp({"message":"this is customize callback"});

  9. })

  10. app.listen(3000);




  1. app.get("/example/d", function(req, res) {

  2. var ua = req.get("user-agent");

  3. if (!!ua && ua.toLowerCase().match(/android|ipad|iphone|ipod/)) {

  4. console.log("this is mb");

  5. res.redirect("http://m.browser.baidu.com/mb");

  6. } else {

  7. console.log("This is pc");

  8. res.redirect("http://m.browser.baidu.com/pc");

  9. }

  10. });




  1. var express = require('express');

  2. var app = express();

  3. app.get('/user/:userage/:userid', function(req, res, next) {

  4. console.log("in get method: userid:", req.params.userid);

  5. console.log("in get method: userage:", req.params.userage);

  6. next();

  7. });

  8. app.param("userage", function(req, res, next, value, key) {

  9. console.log("in param key:", key);

  10. console.log("in param value:", value);

  11. next();

  12. });

  13. app.param("userid", function(req, res, next, value, key) {

  14. console.log("in param key:", key);

  15. console.log("in param value:", value);

  16. next();

  17. });

  18. app.get('/user/:userid/:userage', function(req, res, next) {

  19. res.send("userid and userage are:", req.params.userid, req.params.userage);

  20. });

  21. app.listen(3000);


app.get('/user/:userage/:userid', function(req, res, next) 的顺序有关。



1. function(func){}

2. function(url, function){}




  1. var express = require("express");

  2. var app = express();

  3. var router = express.Router();

  4. router.use(function(req, res, next) {

  5. console.log('%s %s %s', req.method, req.url, req.path);

  6. next();

  7. });

  8. router.use(express.static(__dirname + "/bar"), function(req, res, next) {

  9. next();

  10. });

  11. router.use(function(req, res) {

  12. res.send("Hello world");

  13. });

  14. app.use('/foo', router);

  15. app.listen(3000);




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