icse ccf

ICSE:印度中学教育证书 (ICSE: Indian Certificate of Secondary Education)

ICSE is an abbreviation of the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE). It is an educational board of the school in India for class 10th which is private and non-governmental. It is created to accomplish the proposal of New Education policy 1986. Afterward, the ICSE board affiliated schools requirement begins to raise. In ICSE, the format of the examination is in English and the students who are regular from the affiliated colleges of the ICSE board are only permitted to appear in this examination. State boards that are governmental and other boards students are not permitted for this examination.

ICSE是印度中等教育证书(ICSE)的缩写 。 它是印度学校 10级的教育委员会,属于非政府组织。 创建它是为了完成1986年新教育政策的建议。此后, ICSE董事会附属学校的要求开始提高。 在ICSE中 ,考试的格式为英语,并且仅允许ICSE董事会附属学院的正规学生参加考试。 政府委员会和其他委员会学生不得参加此项考试。

ICSE的科目 (Subjects in ICSE)

There are three group categories in which the subjects offered by ICSE can be classified,


Group 1: Compulsory subjects: English, History, Civics and Geography, and Indian Language.


Group 2: Two subjects selection can be done from the given following subjects: Mathematics, Science, Environmental Science, Agriculture Science, Computer Science, Commercial Studies, Technical Drawing, Economics, a Modern Foreign Language, a Classical Language.


Group 3: One subject selection can be done from the given following subjects: Computer Applications, Economic Applications, Commercial Applications, Home Science, Art, Performing Arts, Cookery, Fashion Designing, Physical Education, Yoga, Technical Drawing Applications.


In group 1 and group 2, there is a 20% weight age for internal assessment and in the case of group 3, there is a 50% weight age.


ICSE董事会的优势 (Advantages of ICSE Board)

  • Its center of interest mainly on the child completes growth.


  • It gives equal significance to all subjects because of the vastness of its syllabus.


  • It provides the flexibility of opting for some particular subjects.


  • It gives importance to the comprehensive study of each subject with a periphery over English.


CBSE和ICSE之间的区别 (Difference between CBSE and ICSE)

The syllabus pattern of CBSE is highly followed than ICSE because it is older than ISCE and at the same time it is more popular than ICSE. In comparison to CBSE, ICSE is new subsequently its syllabus pattern is followed by fever schools and at the same time it is less popular than CBSE.
The syllabus of CBSE is diminutive and compact. The syllabus of ICSE is very immense and extensive.
In case of medical and engineering examinations, the CBSE board is more pertinent than ICSE. Its major center of attention is on mathematics and science. In case of children's completes growth, the ICSE has a more reasonable syllabus and it works much better for children than CBSE. It is more pertinent for management careers.
CBSE has more scholarships and talent search examinations. ICSE is newer consequently it has fever scholarships and talent search examinations.
牛熊证 国际标准学会
CBSE的教学大纲模式比ICSE高度遵循,因为它早于ISCE,同时比ICSE更为流行。 与CBSE相比,ICSE是新的,其教学大纲模式随后被发烧学校所接受,同时它不如CBSE受欢迎。
CBSE的课程大纲小巧紧凑。 ICSE的课程大纲非常广泛。
如果进行医学和工程检查,则CBSE委员会比ICSE更为相关。 它的主要关注点是数学和科学。 如果儿童完全成长,则ICSE的课程提纲更为合理,对儿童的作用比CBSE好得多。 它与管理职业更相关。
CBSE有更多的奖学金和人才搜寻考试。 因此,ICSE是较新的,因此它具有发烧奖学金和人才搜寻考试。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/icse-full-form.aspx

icse ccf

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