今年 Connect 大会的主题是 Big possibilities. Bold technology. 北京时间 11月16日 23:00,Connect();//2016 将开启在线直播,届时红衣主教 Scott Guthrie 和 Scott Hanselman 携众多微软技术大咖将为大家带来超级精彩的主题演讲。丰富的内容将涵盖 Visual Studio、.NET、Xamarin、Azure、Windows等产品热辣出炉的最新动态。

在本次直播中,还将向大家展示如何创建数据驱动的智能解决方案,如何利用最新的工具和服务来提升团队开发效率。同时还将为大家展现 Microsoft Cloud 的最新功能。听着是不是就心痒痒的超级期待了呢?

如果你担心语言门槛太高,字幕也不能让你满足的话,今年可就厉害了word的小伙伴儿们~~~M姐今年将邀请到三位风格不同的技术同事在 bilibili 为大家进行 Connect 2016 白话脱口秀

现在就赶紧Mark好你的日历提醒,11月16日 23:00,窝在被窝里享受这场开发者的绝对让你热血沸腾的技术饕餮盛宴吧!!

我们的口号是“ 微软大法好!!!”

Connect 2016 三天的内容安排如下,简直丰富的不要不要的!!!

第1天,11月16日 星期三 22:45 (北京时间)

22:45 - 23:00

预演活动,Channel  9 团队主持

23:00 - 1:30 (+1)

Scott Guthrie 和 Scott Hanselman 主题演讲

1:30 (+1) - 6:00 (+1)


第2天,11月17日 24:00 (北京时间)

24:00 - 1:00 (+1)

Visual Studio jich

1:00 - 2:00 (+1)

.NET 和托管语言

2:00 - 3:00


3:00 - 4:00

应用程序生命周期管理和 DevOps

4:00 - 5:00

Azure 主题课程 1

5:00 - 6:00

Azure 主题课程 2

6:00 - 7:00


7:00 - 8:00

UWP 和 Windows 平台

8:00 - 9:00

为  Microsoft Office 量身开发

第3天,11月19日 星期六 1:00 AM (北京时间)

1:00 - 8:00

微软虚拟学院:Web  和数据应用程序开发

1:00 - 8:00

Xamarin 大学:移动应用程序开发

 演 讲 嘉 宾 

Scott Guthrie

Executive Vice President | Cloud and Enterprise Group

Scott is EVP of the Microsoft Cloud and Enterprise Group, responsible for the company’s cloud infrastructure, server, database, CRM, ERP, management and development tools businesses. His engineering team builds Microsoft Azure, SQL Server, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Active Directory, System Center, Visual Studio and .NET.

Prior to leading the Cloud and Enterprise Group, Guthrie helped lead Microsoft Azure, Microsoft’s public cloud platform. Since joining the company in 1997, he has made critical contributions to many of Microsoft’s key cloud, server and development technologies and was one of the original founders of the .NET project. Guthrie graduated with a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Duke University. He lives in Seattle with his wife and two children.

Scott Hanselman

Principal Program Manager | Open Source .NET

Scott is the Principal Program Manager for .NET and ASP.NET Community at Microsoft. He is a web developer who has been blogging at http://hanselman.com for over a decade.

He works in open source and the cloud for Microsoft out of his home office in Portland, Oregon. Scott has podcasted at http://hanselminutes.com for over 500 episodes! He’s written a number of books and spoken in person to almost a half million developers worldwide.

Nat Friedman

Corporate Vice President | Mobile Developer Tools

Nat is CVP of the Mobile Developer Tools team at Microsoft. He co-founded Xamarin, Inc. with Miguel de Icaza in 2011 and served as CEO through acquisition by Microsoft in 2016.

Earlier in his career, Nat served as CTO for the Linux business at Novell, co-founded Ximian with Miguel in 1999, and co-founded and served as chairman of the GNOME foundation in 1997.

He is passionate about building products that delight developers. Nat has two degrees from MIT and has been writing software for 27 years. He is an avid traveler, active angel investor, and a private pilot.

Donovan Brown

Senior Program Manager | DevOps

Donovan is a Senior Program Manager for DevOps in the Developer Division at Microsoft, focusing on developer tools including Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server. Before joining Microsoft, Donovan spent seven years as a Process Consultant and a Certified Scrum Master.

Donovan has travelled the globe helping companies in the U.S., Canada, India, Germany, and the UK develop solutions using agile practices in industries including Communications, Health Care, Energy, and Financial Services. Donovan is an avid programmer, often finding ways to integrate software into his other hobbies and activities.

Beth Massi

Senior Product Marketing Manager, .NET

Beth is a Senior Product Marketing Manager for .NET and a long-time community champion for .NET developers. She joined Microsoft as an engineer on the Visual Studio team in 2007. Prior to joining the company, Beth was a Microsoft MVP with extensive technical experience building business apps for both small businesses and large enterprises. She is passionate about helping developers build amazing things.

Miguel de Icaza

Distinguished Engineer, Mobile Developer Tools

Miguel is a Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft focused on the mobile platform where his team’s goal is to create delightful developer tools. With Nat Friedman, he co-founded both Xamarin in 2011 and Ximian in 1999. Before that, Miguel co-founded the GNOME project in 1997 and has directed the Mono project since its creation in 2001, including multiple Mono releases at Novell.

Miguel has received the Free Software Foundation 1999 Free Software Award, the MIT Technology Review Innovator of the Year Award in 1999, and was named one of Time Magazine’s 100 innovators for the new century in September 2000.

Maria Naggaga

Program Manager, .NET and Visual Studio

Maria is a Program Manager on the Visual Studio and .NET team where she explores different ways to engage and teach new developers about the .NET platform, especially ASP.NET Core. Earlier in her career, Maria served as a Technical Evangelist in New York where she worked with a variety of developers on multiple Microsoft technologies.

Lara Rubbelke

Principal SDE Manager, Azure Developer Experience

Lara leads an Azure developer evangelism team that helps customers build applications on the Microsoft Cloud. She has more than 20 years of experience across a wide range of technologies including big data, analytics, OLTP and data warehouse systems. Lara is passionate about using data to design and implement intelligent apps. She has delivered many technical presentations at conferences including Microsoft Connect(), Build, Ignite, and PASS Summit.

星期三晚上23:00,让M姐在B站的 Connect 2016 白话脱口秀直播中看到你的精彩弹幕吧……


直播地址请务必收藏好~~ 直接访问“阅读原文”~~~





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