
归航return:(Trivial)LeetCode 1354——多次求和构造目标数组​zhuanlan.zhihu.com

归航return:(Trivial) LeetCode 84—柱状图中最大的矩形​zhuanlan.zhihu.com


力扣决定给一个刷题团队发 LeetCoin 作为奖励。同时,为了监控给大家发了多少 LeetCoin,力扣有时候也会进行查询。


  1. 团队只有一个负责人,编号为 1。除了该负责人外,每个人有且仅有一个领导(负责人没有领导);
  2. 不存在循环管理的情况,如 A 管理 B,B 管理 C,C 管理 A。


  1. 给团队的一个成员(也可以是负责人)发一定数量的 LeetCoin
  2. 给团队的一个成员(也可以是负责人),以及他/她管理的所有人(即他/她的下属、他/她下属的下属,……),发一定数量的LeetCoin
  3. 查询某一个成员(也可以是负责人),以及他/她管理的所有人被发到的 LeetCoin 之和。


  1. N表示团队成员的个数(编号为1~N,负责人为1);
  2. leadership是大小为(N - 1) * 2的二维数组,其中每个元素[a, b]代表ba的下属;
  3. operations 是一个长度为Q的二维数组,代表以时间排序的操作,格式如下:

operations[i][0] = 1: 代表第一种操作,operations[i][1] 代表成员的编号,operations[i][2] 代表 LeetCoin 的数量;

operations[i][0] = 2: 代表第二种操作,operations[i][1]代表成员的编号,operations[i][2] 代表 LeetCoin 的数量;

operations[i][0] = 3: 代表第三种操作,operations[i][1] 代表成员的编号;


返回一个数组,数组里是每次查询的返回值(发 LeetCoin 的操作不需要任何返回值)。由于发的 LeetCoin 很多,请把每次查询的结果模 1e9+7 (1000000007)

示例 1:

输入:N = 6, leadership = [[1, 2], [1, 6], [2, 3], [2, 5], [1, 4]], operations = [[1, 1, 500], [2, 2, 50], [3, 1], [2, 6, 15], [3, 1]]
输出:[650, 665]
第一次查询时,每个成员得到的LeetCoin的数量分别为(按编号顺序):500, 50, 50, 0, 50, 0;
第二次查询时,每个成员得到的LeetCoin的数量分别为(按编号顺序):500, 50, 50, 0, 50, 15.


  1. 1 <= N <= 50000
  2. 1 <= Q <= 50000
  3. operations[i][0] != 3 时,1 <= operations[i][2] <= 5000

LCP 05. 发 LeetCoin - 力扣(LeetCode)​leetcode-cn.com


这里的问题就是区间修改,单点查询,区间查询,这类问题的正确解答,就是线段树。但是我们还需要正确地确定一个节点和其后续的所有节点的正确编号,保证节点和其后代在线段树的下标都是连续的。这个问题的解决方案就是利用树的遍历的先序遍历来进行求解。为此,我们需要维护一个 dfs 时间戳,当我们第一次访问到这个节点的时候,就对应的是节点的开始时间,完成先序遍历的递归算法完毕返回之后的时间戳,就刚好是节点的对应时间。这种算法称作 DFS 序

C++ 风格的伪代码如下:

void dfs(int idx, int& timeStamp){from[idx] = timeStamp;for (int next : adj[idx]){++timeStamp;dfs(next, timeStamp);}to[idx] = timeStamp;

当然,这里需要考虑下标问题,因此实际的实现中,我是将所有的坐标都减去 1,这样就可以映射到

中,使用一个大小为 n 的数组即可。在这么处理之后,操作 1 对应的就是在

[from[people], from[people]] 单点修改,2 对应的就是 [from[people], to[people]] 上区间修改,操作 3 对应的就是在 [from[people], to[people]] 上区间查询。起始时间点设定为 0,这样可以方便处理后续线段树的代码问题。

上述 test case 中,from 和 to 数组就是:

from: [0,1,2,5,3,4]to: [5,3,2,5,3,4]

这么做之前,我们还需要维护一个临接表,用于这个 dfs 操作:

vector<vector<int>> generateAdj(const vector<vector<int>>& leadership, int n){vector<vector<int>> adj(n);for (const auto & x : leadership){int src = x[0] - 1;int dst = x[1] - 1;adj[src].emplace_back(dst);}return adj;


class Solution {private int[] from;private int[] to;private List<Integer>[] adj;private int cnt;private static final int mod = (int)(1e9 + 7);public int[] bonus(int n, int[][] leadership, int[][] operations) {from = new int[n];to = new int[n];adj = new List[n];cnt = 0;int people = 0;int money = 0;for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i){adj[i] = new ArrayList<>();}for (int[] x : leadership){int src = x[0] - 1;int dst = x[1] - 1;adj[src].add(dst);}dfs(0);List<Integer> ans = new ArrayList<>();SegmentTree segmentTree = new SegmentTree(n);for (int[] operation : operations){switch (operation[0]){case (1):{people = operation[1] - 1;money = operation[2];segmentTree.update(from[people], from[people], money);break;}case (2):{people = operation[1] - 1;money = operation[2];segmentTree.update(from[people], to[people], money);break;}case (3):{people = operation[1] - 1;ans.add((int)(segmentTree.query(from[people], to[people]) % mod));break;}}}return ans.stream().mapToInt(i -> i).toArray();}private void dfs(int idx){from[idx] = cnt;for (int next : adj[idx]){++cnt;dfs(next);}to[idx] = cnt;}
class SegmentTree{private static class SegmentTreeSupport{private SegmentTreeSupport(){}public static int getLeftSon(int x){return x << 1;}public static int getRightSon(int x){return (x << 1) + 1;}public static int getFather(int x){if (x == 0){throw new IllegalArgumentException();}return x >> 1;}public final static int SEGMENT_TREE_FACTOR = 4;}private long[] tree, lazy;private final int length;private void rangeCheck(int index){if (index < 0 || index >= length){throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(index);}}public SegmentTree(final int[] arr){if (arr == null || arr.length == 0){throw new IllegalArgumentException();}length = arr.length;tree = new long[SegmentTreeSupport.SEGMENT_TREE_FACTOR * length];lazy = new long[SegmentTreeSupport.SEGMENT_TREE_FACTOR * length];buildTree(arr, 0, length - 1, 1);}public SegmentTree(int n){this(new int[n]);}private void buildTree(final int[] arr, int fromIndex, int toIndex, int treeIndex){if (fromIndex == toIndex){tree[treeIndex] = arr[fromIndex];return;}int midIndex = (fromIndex + toIndex) >>> 1;buildTree(arr, fromIndex, midIndex, SegmentTreeSupport.getLeftSon(treeIndex));buildTree(arr, midIndex + 1, toIndex, SegmentTreeSupport.getRightSon(treeIndex));collectSubMsgTo(treeIndex);}private void collectSubMsgTo(int treeIndex){//this line should be replaced by the function we want to maintain//that is: tree[treeIndex] = f(tree[leftIndex], tree[rightIndex])//if we want to maintain the range sumtree[treeIndex] = tree[SegmentTreeSupport.getLeftSon(treeIndex)] + tree[SegmentTreeSupport.getRightSon(treeIndex)];//if we want to maintain the minimum value
//        tree[treeIndex] = Math.min(tree[SegmentTreeSupport.getLeftSon(treeIndex)], tree[SegmentTreeSupport.getRightSon(treeIndex)]);//if we want to maintain the maximum value
//        tree[treeIndex] = Math.max(tree[SegmentTreeSupport.getLeftSon(treeIndex)], tree[SegmentTreeSupport.getRightSon(treeIndex)]);}private void getLazyStatus(int fromIndex, int toIndex, int treeIndex, long diff){//this line should be replaced by the function we want to maintain//now, we set the value to diff
//        lazy[treeIndex] = diff;
//        tree[treeIndex] = (long)(toIndex - fromIndex + 1) * diff;//if we want to add the value by diff, then code is:tree[treeIndex] += diff * (toIndex - fromIndex + 1);lazy[treeIndex] += diff;//if we want to set the value and maintain the minimum/maximum value
//        tree[treeIndex] = diff;
//        lazy[treeIndex] = diff;//if we want to add the value and maintain the minimum/maximum value
//        tree[treeIndex] += diff;
//        lazy[treeIndex] += diff;}private void push_down(int fromIndex, int toIndex, int treeIndex){int midIndex = (fromIndex + toIndex) >>> 1;getLazyStatus(fromIndex, midIndex, SegmentTreeSupport.getLeftSon(treeIndex), lazy[treeIndex]);getLazyStatus(midIndex + 1, toIndex, SegmentTreeSupport.getRightSon(treeIndex), lazy[treeIndex]);lazy[treeIndex] = 0;}public void update(int updateFromIndex, int updateToIndex, long diff){rangeCheck(updateFromIndex);rangeCheck(updateToIndex);update(updateFromIndex, updateToIndex, 0, length - 1, 1, diff);}private void update(int updateFromIndex, int updateToIndex, int fromIndex, int toIndex, int treeIndex, long diff){if (updateFromIndex <= fromIndex && toIndex <= updateToIndex){getLazyStatus(fromIndex, toIndex, treeIndex, diff);return;}if (lazy[treeIndex] != 0){push_down(fromIndex, toIndex, treeIndex);}int midIndex = (fromIndex + toIndex) >>> 1;if (updateFromIndex <= midIndex){update(updateFromIndex, updateToIndex, fromIndex, midIndex, SegmentTreeSupport.getLeftSon(treeIndex), diff);}if (updateToIndex >= midIndex + 1){update(updateFromIndex, updateToIndex, midIndex + 1, toIndex, SegmentTreeSupport.getRightSon(treeIndex), diff);}collectSubMsgTo(treeIndex);}public long query(int queryFromIndex, int queryToIndex){rangeCheck(queryFromIndex);rangeCheck(queryToIndex);if (queryFromIndex > queryToIndex){throw new IllegalArgumentException();}return query(queryFromIndex, queryToIndex, 0, length - 1, 1);}private long query(int queryFromIndex, int queryToIndex, int fromIndex, int toIndex, int treeIndex){if (queryFromIndex <= fromIndex && toIndex <= queryToIndex){return tree[treeIndex];}int midIndex = (fromIndex + toIndex) >>> 1;if (lazy[treeIndex] != 0){push_down(fromIndex, toIndex, treeIndex);}//if we want to maintain the range sumreturn (queryFromIndex <= midIndex ?query(queryFromIndex, queryToIndex, fromIndex, midIndex, SegmentTreeSupport.getLeftSon(treeIndex)): 0)+ (queryToIndex >= midIndex + 1? query(queryFromIndex, queryToIndex, midIndex + 1, toIndex, SegmentTreeSupport.getRightSon(treeIndex)) :0);//if we want to maintain the minimum value
//        return Math.min(
//                (queryFromIndex <= midIndex ? query(queryFromIndex, queryToIndex, fromIndex, midIndex, SegmentTreeSupport.getLeftSon(treeIndex)) : Long.MAX_VALUE),
//                (queryToIndex >= midIndex + 1 ? query(queryFromIndex, queryToIndex, midIndex + 1, toIndex, SegmentTreeSupport.getRightSon(treeIndex)) : Long.MAX_VALUE)
//        );//if we want to maintain the maximum value
//        return Math.max(
//                (queryFromIndex <= midIndex ? query(queryFromIndex, queryToIndex, fromIndex, midIndex, SegmentTreeSupport.getLeftSon(treeIndex)) : Long.MIN_VALUE),
//                (queryToIndex >= midIndex + 1 ? query(queryFromIndex, queryToIndex, midIndex + 1, toIndex, SegmentTreeSupport.getRightSon(treeIndex)) : Long.MIN_VALUE)
//        );}@Overridepublic String toString() {return "SegmentTreen" +"tree = " + Arrays.toString(tree) +", lazy = " + Arrays.toString(lazy);}

时间复杂度上,建立线段树和 DFS 的过程:


空间复杂度上,线段树加上 lazy 标记需要 8 倍的空间,fromto 是 1 倍的空间,因此是


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