
  • 1.1 基础的图像处理
  • 1.2 图像展示
  • 1.3 写入图像及压缩
  • 1.4 图像数据类型及转换
  • Tutorial Activity 1: Basic Image Operations
  • Tutorial Activity 2: Spot the Difference !
  • 参考资料:


  • 1.1 基础的图像处理
  • 1.2 图像展示
  • 1.3 写入图像及压缩
  • 1.4 图像数据类型及转换
  • Tutorial Activity 1: Basic Image Operations
  • Tutorial Activity 2: Spot the Difference !
  • 参考资料:

1.1 基础的图像处理

1.1.1 函数列表

  • cat
    C = cat(dim,A1,A2,…,An) concatenates A1, A2, … , An along dimension dim.You can use the square bracket operator [] to concatenate. For example, [A,B] or [A B] concatenates arrays A and B horizontally, and [A; B] concatenates them vertically.

1.1.2 代码及仿真结果

1.   im = imread('apples.jpg');
2.  imr = im(:,:,1); % get red channel
3.  img = im(:,:,2); % get green channel
4.  imb = im(:,:,3); % get blue channel
5.  % crop 50 x 50 pixel region starting at (100,120)
6.  im_crop = im(100:150,120:170,:);
7.  figure
8.  imshow(im_crop);


9.   % swap the red and blue image channels
10. im2 = cat(3,im(:,:,3),im(:,:,2),im(:,:,1));
11. figure
12. imshow(im2);


13.  % sub-sample every 2nd pixel in vertical direction and 5rd pixel in horizontal direction
14. im_subsamp = im(1:2:end,1:5:end,:);
15. figure
16. imshow(im_subsamp);


17.  im_flipped = im(end:-1:1,:,:); % flip image (vertical)
18. figure
19. imshow(im_flipped);


1.2 图像展示

1.2.1 函数列表

  • imshow(f, [low high])
    all values in the image which are less than or equal to low are displayed as black, and all values greater than or equal to high are displayed as white. Values in between are displayed as intermediate intensity values using the default number of levels.

  • impixelinfo
    create a Pixel Information tool,(x coordinate,y coordinate) pixel value

  • imdistline(gca,[a b],[c d])
    sets the first endpoint at the (x,y) coordinate (a, c) and the second endpoint at the coordinate (b, d).
     Impixelinfo

  • impixelinfo
    create a Pixel Information tool,(x coordinate,y coordinate) pixel value , always stands after function imshow()

  • h = imdistline(gca,[a b],[c d])
    sets the first endpoint at the (x,y) coordinate (a, c) and the second endpoint at the coordinate (b, d)

1.2.2 代码及运行结果

1.   clear all;close all;
2.  f = imread('apples.jpg');
3.  imshow(rgb2gray(f), [50 150])
4.  % works even if all 3 channels are not identical, but then the original image is not greyscale
5.  % imshow with a RGB image appears to ignore the 'DisplayRange' argument.
6.  % imshow(f)
7.  impixelinfo;
8.  %create a Pixel Information tool,(x coordinate,y coordinate) pixel value
9.  h = imdistline(gca,[1 100],[400 400])
10. % h = imdistline(gca,[a b],[c d])
11. % sets the first endpoint at the (x,y) coordinate (a, c) and the second endpoint at the coordinate (b, d).
12. % also can use imdistline directly;

1.3 写入图像及压缩

1.   f = imread('apples.jpg');
2.  imwrite(f,'C:\Users\yf\Documents\course\图像处理\week1\apples_copy.jpg','quality',20)
3.  % K = imfinfo('apples_copy.jpg')
4.  % imwrite(f,filename,'quality',q),q is an integer between 0 and 100 whicn indicate compression degree


1.4 图像数据类型及转换

1.4.1 函数列表

1.4.2 数据类型解析


详细来说imread把灰度图像存入一个8位矩阵,当为RGB图像时,就存入8位RGB矩阵中。例如,彩色图像像素大小是400*300( 高 * 宽 ),则保存的数据矩阵为400*300*3,其中每个颜色通道值是处于0~255之间。


matlab读入图像的数据是uint8,而matlab中数值一般采用double型(64位)存储和运算。所以要先将图像转为double格式的才能运算 1. I1 = im2double(img); % 把图像转换成double精度类型(0~1) 2. I2 = double(img)/255; % uint8转换成double,作用同im2double 补充说明一下,im2double( )和double( )的区别。double( img)就是简单的数据类型转换,将无符号整型转换为双精度浮点型double,但是数据大小没有变化,原本数据是0~255之间,转化后还是0~255。例如原来是255,那么转换后为255.0,小数位0个数是由double数据长度决定,实际数据大小还是255,只不过这个255已经是double类型空间存储了,再增加不会发生溢出情况。而im2double(img)则不仅仅是将uint8转换到double类型,而且把数据大小从0~255映射到0~1区间。 ## 1.5 Image histograms 1.函数列表

  • Z = imlincomb(K1,A1,K2,A2,…,Kn,An)
    computes the linear combination of images, A1, A2, … , An, with weights K1, K2, … , Kn according to: Z = K1A1 + K2A2 + … + Kn*An
  • imhist(im_gray)
    plot a histogram for a single channel.


1.   clear all;close all;
2.  im = imread('apples.jpg');
3.  im_gray = imlincomb(0.1,im(:,:,1), 0.1,im(:,:,2), 0.8,im(:,:,3));
4.  % Z = imlincomb(K1,A1,K2,A2,...,Kn,An)
5.  % computes the linear combination of images, A1, A2, … , An, with weights K1, K2, … , Kn according to:
6.  % Z = K1*A1 + K2*A2 + ... + Kn*An
7.  imhist(im_gray)

8.   im = imread('apples.jpg');
9.  figure;
10. subplot(3,1,1)
11. imhist(im(:,:,1)) % red channel
12. ylabel('red')
13. subplot(3,1,2)
14. imhist(im(:,:,2)) % green channel
15. ylabel('green')
16. subplot(3,1,3)
17. imhist(im(:,:,3)) % blue channel
18. ylabel('blue')

Tutorial Activity 1: Basic Image Operations

1. 思路分析:
a) 给棋盘分成均匀的8×8块区域,对应的行、列取值范围皆为0到7间的整数(包括端点值)
b) 判断某块棋盘内的棋子是黑棋、白棋,或是空白。
c) 画出对应棋盘的棋子



2. 代码与解析如下所示:

1.   function im = board_position(row,col)
2.      % Load Image
3.      im = imread('chess.png');
4.      % Obtain the size of the image
5.      [rows, columns] = size(im);
7.      % Calculate the board size
8.      board_size = rows/8;
9.      %divide the board into 64 area
11.     % Calculate the require position
12.     row_start = row * board_size + 1;
13.     col_start = col * board_size + 1;
15.     row_end = row_start + board_size - 1;
16.     col_end = col_start + board_size - 1;
18.     % Crop region starting at (100,120)
19.     im_crop = im(row_start : row_end,col_start:col_end,:);
21.        % convert unit8 into double to do matrix operation.
22.     im_gray = rgb2gray(im_crop);
23.     % 在原棋盘上显示选中的区域
24.     sig = zeros(size(im));
25.     sig(row_start : row_end,col_start:col_end,:,1) = 255;
26.     sig = uint8(sig);
27.     %虽然上面赋值是在0~255,但在设sig数组时的默认类型为double,所以要用uint8函数转为uint8type
28.     pos = imlincomb(0.5,im,0.5,sig,'uint8');
29.     figure
30.     imshow(pos)
31.     xlabel('column')
32.     ylabel('row')
33.     impixelinfo;
34.     % Detemien how many zero(white) values in the image
35.     n = nnz(im_gray)
36.     % returns the number of nonzero elements in matrix X.
37.     m = numel(im_gray)
38.     % returns the number of elements, n, in array A, equivalent to prod(size(A)).
40.     if all(im_gray(:) == im_gray(1))
41.         disp('Empty board');
42.     else
43.         white_pixel = (n/m) * 100%value in (0,1]
45.         if white_pixel > 85
46.             disp('white piece');%当非白区占大多数,则认为为白棋
47.         else
48.             disp('black piece');
49.         end
50.     end
52.     % Display the croped image
53.     figure
54.     imshow(im_gray)
55. end
1.  row = 5;
2.  column = 6;
3.  im_board = board_position(row,column);



Tutorial Activity 2: Spot the Difference !


  • bwlabel
    L = bwlabel(BW,conn) returns a label matrix, where conn specifies the connectivity.

  • imbinarize
    BW = imbinarize(I,T):creates a binary image from image I using the threshold value T. T can be a global image threshold, specified as a scalar luminance value, or a locally adaptive threshold, specified as a matrix of luminance values.

  • imshowpair
    obj = imshowpair(___,method):uses the visualization method specified by method.method ’montage’ means that places A and B next to each other in the same image.

  • rectangle(‘Position’,pos)
    creates a rectangle in 2-D coordinates. Specify pos as a four-element vector of the form [x y w h] in data units. The x and y elements determine the location and the w and h elements determine the size. The function plots into the current axes without clearing existing content from the axes.

  • regionprops
    Measure properties of image regions, properties we use is list as follow.
    ‘BoundingBox’ Position and size of the smallest box containing the region, returned as a 1-by-(2*Q) vector. The first Q elements are the coordinates of the minimum corner of the box. The second Q elements are the size of the box along each dimension. For example, a 2-D bounding box with value [5.5 8.5 11 14] indicates that the (x,y) coordinate of the top-left corner of the box is (5.5, 8.5), the horizontal width of the box is 11 pixels, and the vertical height of the box is 14 pixels.



1.   %% Tutorial Activity 2: Spot the Difference !
2.  clc;close all;clear all;
3.  f = imread('spot_the_difference.png');
4.  [M,N,D] = size(f);
5.  im1 = f(:,1:N/2,:);
6.  im2 = f(:,N/2+1:end,:);
8.  im_diff=im1-im2;
9.  im_diff=rgb2gray(im_diff);%change into grayscale,(in range double[0,255])
10. im_diff=im_diff>40;%要转换为double类型进行计算,如用uint8,可能数据溢出
11. im_diff=cat(3,im_diff*255,zeros(size(im_diff)),zeros(size(im_diff)));
13. %Concatenate arrays,which 3 is number of dimension.
14. im_diff = uint8(im_diff);%change into uint8scale
15. im_diff1 = im_diff;
16. im_diff = imlincomb(0.5,im1,10,im_diff,'uint8');
17. figure;
18. subplot(1,3,1);imshow(im1);
19. subplot(1,3,2);imshow(im2);
20. subplot(1,3,3);imshow(im_diff)
21. % figure;imshow(im_diff1)
22. % d =  bwconncomp(im_diff1)



1.   clc;close all;clear all;
2.  f = imread('spot_the_difference.png');
3.  [M,N,D] = size(f);
4.  img1 = f(:,1:N/2,:);
5.  img2 = f(:,N/2+1:end,:);
7.  % calculate the size
8.  img1_size = size(img1);
9.  img2_size = size(img2);
11. % 防止图像不匹配
12. if(~isequal(img1_size, img2_size))
13.     error('The two images must be the same size and shade of colour.');
14. end
16. % %计算图像差值
17. % kep_kulonbseg1 = img2 - img1;
18. % kep_kulonbseg2 = img1 - img2;
19. % %比如图像a和b,做a(3,3,2)-b(3,3,1),如果相减是个负数的话matla会自动处理为0,
20. % kep_kulonbseg = kep_kulonbseg1 + kep_kulonbseg2;
22. % 计算图像差值
23. im_diff = img1 - img2;
24. figure;imshow(im_diff)
25. % 转换为灰度值
26. gray_diff = rgb2gray(im_diff);
28. %使用 graythresh 计算阈值。阈值归一化至范围 [0, 1]。
29. treshold = graythresh(gray_diff);
30. % treshold = 0.4;%也可以自己设定阈值
31. %使用阈值将图像转换为二值图像。
32. BW = imbinarize(gray_diff,treshold);
33. figure;imshow(BW)
34. %在二值图像旁边显示原始图像。
35. figure;imshowpair(gray_diff,BW,'montage')
36. connect_area = bwlabel(BW,8);
37. connect_num =  bwconncomp(BW)
38. %对二维二值图像中的连通分量进行标注
39. %详见参考资料:https://ww2.mathworks.cn/help/images/ref/bwlabel.html?searchHighlight=bwlabel&s_tid=srchtitle#bupqqy6-1-n
40. stat = regionprops(connect_area, 'BoundingBox');
41. % 获取连通区域的属性
42. figure
43. subplot(1,2,1),
44. imshow(img1);
45. title('image 1');
47. %用矩形框出连通区域
48. subplot(1,2,2),
49. imshow(img2);
50. title('image 2');
51. for k = 1:size(stat)
52.     rectangle('Position', stat(k).BoundingBox, 'EdgeColor','r','LineWidth',2);
53. end




  • imdilate
    J = imdilate(I,SE) dilates the grayscale, binary, or packed binary image I, returning the dilated image, J. SE is a structuring element object or array of structuring element objects, returned by the strel or offsetstrel functions.
  • strel
    SE = strel(‘disk’,r,n) creates a disk-shaped structuring element, where r specifies the radius and n specifies the number of line structuring elements used to approximate the disk shape. Morphological operations using disk approximations run much faster when the structuring element uses approximations.





1.   %用imdilate函数对二值图进行膨胀,修正连通区域。
2.  BW_inflation= imdilate(BW,strel('disk',7));
3.  figure;imshow(BW_inflation);
4.  connect_area = bwlabel(BW_inflation,8);
5.  connect_num =  bwconncomp(BW_inflation)
6.  %对二维二值图像中的连通分量进行标注
7.  %详见参考资料:https://ww2.mathworks.cn/help/images/ref/bwlabel.html?searchHighlight=bwlabel&s_tid=srchtitle#bupqqy6-1-n
8.  stat = regionprops(connect_area, 'BoundingBox');
9.  % 获取连通区域的属性
10. figure
11. subplot(1,2,1),
12. imshow(img1);
13. title('image 1');
15. %用矩形框出连通区域
16. subplot(1,2,2),
17. imshow(img2);
18. title('image 2');
19. for k = 1:size(stat)
20.     rectangle('Position', stat(k).BoundingBox, 'EdgeColor','r','LineWidth',1);
21. end




Matlab 中 imregionalmax函数 和 bwconncomp函数的使用_学生的博客-CSDN博客


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