css 背景渐变 图像

I’ve been working on a method to fade a page background image sequence, like the current Twitter login page. Usually, these effects are “faked” using a background and cover layer, but I was interested in manipulating true background images with blend modes.

我一直在研究一种淡化页面背景图像序列的方法,例如当前的Twitter登录页面。 通常,这些效果是使用背景和覆盖层“伪造”的,但是我对使用混合模式操纵真实的背景图像很感兴趣。

Quite by accident, I found that Webkit-derived browsers, such as Chrome, Safari and Opera, will actually cross-fade images in the background, given the right combination of CSS. In the interests of that, I’ve presented the basic code here, with more detail to come in a future article. You can also see a fullscreen version and inspect the code at CodePen.

偶然地,我发现Webkit派生的浏览器(例如Chrome,Safari和Opera)实际上会在给定CSS正确组合的情况下在后台淡入淡出图像。 为此,我在这里介绍了基本代码,在以后的文章中将介绍更多细节。 您还可以在CodePen中查看全屏版本并检查代码 。

Technically you don’t need any HTML content to make this example work, as the background images are applied to the <html> root element. Surprisingly, you don’t even need the blend mode, as Webkit will transition the images without it: I’ve left the property in place for the next article, which will use the feature to a greater extent.

从技术上讲,您无需任何 HTML内容即可使此示例正常工作,因为背景图片已应用于<html>根元素。 令人惊讶的是,您甚至不需要混合模式,因为Webkit会在没有它的情况下转换图像:我将属性留在了下一篇文章中,该文章将在更大程度上使用该功能。

html {background-size: cover;background: url("lone-tree.jpg") no-repeat center center fixed;background-blend-mode: darken;transition: 3s;
html * { transition: none; }

This sets up the basic background: note the transition, and the combination of universal and descendant selector and declaration, used to ensure that nothing inside the body will inherit the transition.

这就设置了基本的背景:请注意transition ,以及通用和后代选择器以及声明的组合,用于确保主体内部没有任何东西会继承该transition。

The animation is handled with a script placed at the bottom of the page. It starts with an array of the image filenames you want to use, together with an indication of where they are, relative to the page itself:

通过页面底部的脚本处理动画。 它以您要使用的图像文件名的数组开头,并指示它们相对于页面本身的位置:

var bgImageArray = ["lone-tree.jpg", "lonely.jpg", "carezza-lake.jpg", "batu-bolong-temple.jpg"],
base = "",
secs = 6;

The empty value for the base variable in this example assumes that the images are right beside the page. secs is the amount of time in seconds each background should remain on the page: in production it’s value would usually be around 12 ~ 30.

在此示例中, 基本变量的空值假定图像就在页面旁边。 是每个背景应保留在页面上的时间(以秒为单位):在生产中,其值通常在12到30之间。

Chrome does a very good job of caching the images before they are used, but other browsers do not, causing white flashes as each image is loaded and replaced. To get around that issue, we can preload the images:

Chrome可以很好地在使用图像之前对图像进行缓存,但是其他浏览器却不能,在加载和替换每个图像时会引起白色闪烁。 为了解决这个问题,我们可以预加载图像:

bgImageArray.forEach(function(img){new Image().src = base + img;

Next, the function to show the images in the background:


function backgroundSequence() {
window.clearTimeout();var k = 0;for (var i = 0; i < bgImageArray.length; i++) {setTimeout(function(){
document.documentElement.style.background = "url(" + base + bgImageArray[k] + ") no-repeat center center fixed";
document.documentElement.style.backgroundSize ="cover";if ((k + 1) === bgImageArray.length) {setTimeout(function() {backgroundSequence() }, (secs * 1000))} else { k++; }}, (secs * 1000) * i) }

Note that this script replaces the embedded or linked style from the CSS with an inline style for the <html> element.


There are a few conditions and improvements to be aware of:


  • each image should be the same aspect ratio for the cross-fade to work effectively; otherwise you’ll see a slight transitioned “stretch” as each image submits to background-size: cover.

    每个图像应具有相同的纵横比,以使交叉渐变有效地起作用; 否则,当每张图像提交到background-size: cover您会看到一个轻微的过渡“拉伸”。

  • Firefox and Internet Explorer do not yet cross-fade the background images, simply substituting one for the other.
    Firefox和Internet Explorer尚未交叉淡化背景图像,只是将其中一个替换为另一个。
  • secs needs to be higher than the transition value (an even multiple works well).


  • The script could use some optimisation and improvements, including a fade-to-black option: I’ll put it up on Github for contributions presently.

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/991/Cross-Fading-Background-Images

css 背景渐变 图像

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