

opkg update
opkg install transmission-daemon
opkg install transmission-cli
opkg install transmission-web
opkg install transmission-remote
opkg install luci-app-transmission

随系统启动/etc/init.d/transmission enable ,启动/etc/init.d/transmission start,
停止/etc/init.d/transmission stop,状态/etc/init.d/transmission status
注意,配置文件在cat /etc/config/transmission,你需要修改config_dir目录,download_dir目录,incomplete_dir目录(在文件完成之前存储文件的位置)。
有一个option enabled 0的选项,你要把它改为option enabled 1


wget https://gitee.com/culturist/transmission-web-control/raw/master/release/install-tr-control-gitee.sh

安装,执行安装脚本(如果系统不支持 bash 命令,请尝试将 bash 改为 sh ):

bash install-tr-control-cn.sh

Transmission下载出现错误的解决办法 Unable to save resume file: No such file or directory

出现这个问题的原因是配置的config文件夹权限不对,一定要指定所有者为 transmission 这个账号,如果不是的话,就算你设置成0777也未必有用。

设置的方法为 chown transmission.transmission config_dir -R ,其中的config_dir为你自己的配置路径。


“dht-enabled”: false,




There are several implementations of the BitTorrent peer-to-peer file sharing protocol. Transmission is only one of them. After installation (opkg install transmission-daemon) there should be a config file in the uci directory.

A few more details about configuration file (/etc/config/transmission) can be found here.

You’ll probably need to set up USB support and format your drives for storage first, see the articles here and here.


  1. the daemon: transmission-daemon is a daemon that runs in the background and is designed to not have any form of visual interface, consult transmission

    opkg update
    opkg install transmission-daemon
  2. a control instance:

  • transmission-cli: to control the transmission daemon via [CLI (Command-line interface)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command-line interface) on the server, consult transmissioncli

    opkg install transmission-cli
  • transmission-web to control the transmission daemon over [HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext Transfer Protocol) from a remote host machine with a web browser

    opkg install transmission-web
  • transmission-remote to control the transmission daemon over the transmission JSON-[RPC (Remote Procedure Call)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote procedure call) from a remote host machine with a GUI program, e.g. transmission-gtk/transmission-qt or a python-transmissionrpc or transmisson-remote-gui for OS other then Debian

    opkg install transmission-remote

Basic setup

To enable Transmission at all, put option enable 1 into /etc/config/transmission.

If you want to start Transmission on boot, run

/etc/init.d/transmission enable

To start Transmission, run

/etc/init.d/transmission start

If you wish to use the web server, besides installing the package (see above), you might need to whitelist your IP address (if it is not in via option rpc_whitelist ',192.168.1.*,your_ip_address’ in the transmission configuration. By default, the server listens on port 9091. ie.

To control transmission remotely via RPC, install Transmission Remote GUI and set it up just like the webserver above. The RPC interface uses the same port as the web interface.


There is only one section: /etc/config/transmission.

You’ll probably want to change the config_dir, download_dir, and incomplete_dir variables to point to locations on external storage.

config transmissionoption enable 1option config_dir '/etc/transmission'option alt_speed_down 50option alt_speed_enabled falseoption alt_speed_time_begin  540option alt_speed_time_day 127option alt_speed_time_enabled falseoption alt_speed_time_end 1020option alt_speed_up 50option bind_address_ipv4 ''option bind_address_ipv6 '::'option blocklist_enabled falseoption dht_enabled trueoption download_dir '/mnt/sda4/'option encryption 1option incomplete_dir '/mnt/sda4/incomplete'option incomplete_dir_enabled falseoption lazy_bitfield_enabled trueoption lpd_enabled falseoption message_level 2option open_file_limit 32option peer_limit_global 240option peer_limit_per_torrent 60option peer_port 51413option peer_port_random_high 65535option peer_port_random_low 49152option peer_port_random_on_start falseoption peer_socket_tos 0option pex_enabled trueoption port_forwarding_enabled falseoption preallocation 1option proxy ""option proxy_auth_enabled falseoption proxy_auth_password ''option proxy_auth_username ''option proxy_enabled falseoption proxy_port 80option proxy_type 0option ratio_limit 2.0000option ratio_limit_enabled falseoption rename_partial_files trueoption rpc_authentication_required falseoption rpc_bind_address ''option rpc_enabled trueoption rpc_password ''option rpc_port 9091option rpc_username ''option rpc_whitelist ',192.168.1.*'option rpc_whitelist_enabled trueoption script_torrent_done_enabled falseoption script_torrent_done_filename ''option speed_limit_down 100option speed_limit_down_enabled falseoption speed_limit_up 40option speed_limit_up_enabled trueoption start_added_torrents falseoption trash_original_torrent_files falseoption umask 18option upload_slots_per_torrent 14option watch_dir_enabled falseoption watch_dir ''


Name Type Required Default Option Description
config_dir path Where the configuration files are
bind_address_ipv4 IP Address
bind_address_ipv6 IPv6 Address
download_dir path Where to store you downloaded files
incomplete_dir_enabled boolean Whether to store incomplete files somewhere else
incomplete_dir path Where to store files untill they are finished
dht_enabled boolean Whether to enable dht (distributed hash tables)
blocklist_enabled boolean Whether to make use of the blocklist defined in config_dir
encryption integer Whether to use encrypted connections only (allow encryption: 0, prefer encryption: 1, require encryption: 2)
pex_enabled boolean
speed_limit_down_enabled boolean Whether transmission should limit its download speed
speed_limit_down integer in KByte/s
speed_limit_up_enabled boolean Whether transmission should limit its download speed
speed_limit_up integer in KByte/s
alt_speed_enabled boolean Whether transmission should use two speed limit settings
alt_speed_down integer in KByte/s
alt_speed_up integer in KByte/s
alt_speed_time_enabled boolean Whether to switch between the two speed-setting on a time table
alt_speed_time_day 7-bit bitmask, 0000001=sunday, 1000000=saturday
alt_speed_time_begin default = 540, in minutes from midnight, 9am
alt_speed_time_end default = 1020, in minutes from midnight, 5pm
upload_slots_per_torrent how many peers can download a torrent at a time
open_file_limit integer remember the low system memory
peer_limit_global integer the max number of peers globaly
peer_limit_per_torrent integer the max number of peers with connection per torrent
peer_port integer the fixed port transmission listens to incomming connections
peer_port_random_high integer highest port of the port range
peer_port_random_low integer lowest port of the port range
peer_port_random_on_start boolean whether to use random ports instead of a fixed one from the beginning
peer_socket_tos boolean whether type of service is enabled
port_forwarding_enabled boolean
preallocation boolean whether to fill the space for chunks not yet downloaded with “0” (helps avoiding fragmentation)
ratio_limit_enabled boolean whether to use a limit ratio
ratio_limit integer automaticaly stop seeding a torrent when it reaches this ratio (with a GUI you can enable this for every torrent separately)
rename_partial_files boolean
rpc_enabled boolean Whether transmission-daemon should be remote controlled by a GUI on a host machine
rpc_bind_address IP Address the address on which transmission-daemon listens to rpcs
rpc_port IP Port the port on which transmission-daemon listens to rpcs
rpc_authentication_required boolean whether rpc needs authentication
rpc_username string user name
rpc_password string password
rpc_whitelist_enabled boolean whether to make use of the whitelist
rpc_whitelist IP Addresses the IPs of the hosts allowed
watch_dir_enabled boolean Whether to check a directory for new torrents put there. Leave this disabled It requres inotify enabled in kernel to works, which is not enabled by default in openwrt.
watch_dir path Path to the directory
script_torrent_done_enabled boolean
start_added_torrents boolean
umask integer Sets file mode creation mask. The mask should be in base 10 due to the json markup language used by Transmission. For instance, the standard umask octal notation 022 is written as 18. If you want to save downloaded torrents to be world-writable (equivalent to chmod 777 or chmod a+rwx) set this value to 0.
lazy_bitfield_enabled boolean
lpd_enabled boolean
message_level integer
proxy_enabled boolean whether to use a proxy
proxy IP address IP adress of the proxy
proxy_port integer IP port of the proxy
proxy_type integer Type of the proxy (http: 0, socks4: 1, socks5: 2)
proxy_auth_enabled boolean Whether proxy needs authentication
proxy_auth_username string username for the proxy
proxy_auth_password string password for the proxy


  • Transmission performs much better when swap is mounted.


A video demonstration of how Transmission 2.84 can be installed on OpenWrt 14.07 Barrier Breaker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_R1Kcpy4pj4 (video removed)


A script for adding alternative trackers to the select torrent searching it from its name or number. Source

# Source: https://github.com/oilervoss/openwrt/tree/transmissionTRANSMISSION_REMOTE='/usr/bin/transmission-remote'# Below is a command that will generate a tracker list with one tracker per line. Using live updated https://github.com/ngosang/trackerslist
# You can use /some/path/trackers.txt for a static listLIVE_TRACKERS_LIST_CMD='curl -s --url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ngosang/trackerslist/master/trackers_best_ip.txt' TORRENTS=`$TRANSMISSION_REMOTE -l 2>/dev/null`
PARAMETER=$1if [ $? -ne 0 ]; thenecho -e "\n\e[0;91;1mFail on transmission. Aborting.\n\e[0m"exit 1
fiif [ $# -eq 0 ]; thenecho -e "\n\e[31mThis script expects one parameter\e[0m"echo -e "\e[0;36maddtracker \t\t- list current torrents "echo -e "addtracker \$number\t- add trackers to torrent of number \$number"echo -e "addtracker \$name\t- add trackers to first torrent with part of name \$name"    echo -e "\n\e[0;32;1mCurrent torrents:\e[0;32m"echo "$TORRENTS" | sed -n 's/\(^.\{4\}\).\{64\}/\1/p'echo -e "\n\e[0m"exit 1
fi# return number by searching
# transmission-remote -l | grep -i "Blueray" | sed -n 's/ *\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/p'if [ "${PARAMETER//[0-9]}" != "" ] ; thenPARAMETER=`echo "$TORRENTS" | grep -i "$PARAMETER" | sed -n 's/\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/p'`if [ "${PARAMETER//[ ]}" != "" -a "${PARAMETER//[0-9 ]}" = "" ] ; thenecho -e "\n\e[0;32;1mI found the following torrent:\e[0;32m"echo "$TORRENTS" | sed -n 's/\(^.\{4\}\).\{64\}/\1/p' | grep -i "$1"fifiNUMBERCHECK=`echo "$TORRENTS" | sed -n '1d;s/\(^.\{4\}\).*/\1/;/Sum/!p'|grep "$PARAMETER"`if [ "${PARAMETER//[0-9 ]}" != "" -o "${NUMBERCHECK//[ ]}" = "" ] ; thenecho -e "\n\e[0;31;1mI didn't find a torrent with text/number: \e[21m$1"echo -e "\n\e[0;32;1mCurrent torrents:\e[0;32m"echo "$TORRENTS" | sed -n 's/\(^.\{4\}\).\{64\}/\1/p' echo -e "\e[0m"exit 1
doif [ "$TRACKER" != "" ]; thenecho -ne "\e[0;36;1mAdding $TRACKER\e[0;36m"$TRANSMISSION_REMOTE -t $PARAMETER-td $TRACKER 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; thenecho -e " -> \e[32mSuccess! "elseecho -e " - \e[31m< Failed > "fifi
echo -e "\e[0m"


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