
The 2nd Artificial Intelligence on Fashion and Textile (AIFT) International Conference 2019

25-27 Nov 2019

Shanghai New International Expo Centre


Textile & Apparel Artificial Intelligence (TAAI) Research Group of Institute of Textiles and Clothing (ITC), The Hong Kong Polytechnic university (Polyu), the ShanghaiTex 2019 and Donghua University are co-organizing the Artificial Intelligence on Fashion and Textile (AFIT) Conference 2019.

Call for Papers

Over the last two decades, with the great advancement of computer technology, academic research in artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications in fashion and textile supply chain has been becoming a very hot topic and has received greater attention from both academics and industrialists. Meanwhile, large amount of data created by various mobile platforms, social media interactions, and e-commerce transactions in the emerging online fashion business provide an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to study and develop systems for understanding consumer behaviors and tailoring the services of online platforms by effective use of AI. Arising from the above, a number of AI and machine learning related techniques have been successfully employed and proven to handle the problems including fashion sales forecasting, supply chain optimization, planning and scheduling, textile material defect detection, fashion and textile image recognition, fashion image and style retrieval, human body modeling and fitting, etc. With the great success of the AIFT Conference 2018 in Hong Kong, the AIFT conference 2019 in Shanghai will bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners on the area of using AI on fashion and textiles for discussing and exploring the most promising theories and applied intelligence topics. Papers in the conference must describe original research. Topics of interest include basic theories, principles and techniques of artificial intelligence as well as their applications on fashion and textiles including, but not limited to:

AI Techniques

·  Big data capture, representation, and analytics

·  Computer human interaction

·  Computer Vision

·   Multidisciplinary AI

·   Search and optimization

·   Evolutionary computation

·   Fuzzy computation

·   Neural networks

·   Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing

·   Segmentation, grouping and shape representation

·   Image processing and retrieval

·   Deep learning

·   Web/Social media mining

AI Applications

·  Textile and apparel supply chain modelling

·  Fashion sales forecasting

·  Clothing image retrieval and parsing

·   Production planning and scheduling

·   Textile material defect detection

·   Internet of things

·   Production line-balancing

·   Wearable devices

·   Clothing parsing

·   Retail sales replenishment

·   Inventory planning and control

·   3D image modelling for fitting

·   Textile material color measurement

·   Manufacturing and retail site selection

Researchers from academia and industry are cordially invited to submit abstract or full papers (template as attached).  Each abstract or full paper will be reviewed by two reviewers. Accepted good quality full papers will be further recommended to be published in Special issue of SCI journals (Coloration Technology, and AATCC Journal of Research). The Call for Papers for this conference is now open. Please send your submission with the submission form (document as attached) via the email po-yee.pang@polyu.edu.hk. The submission deadline is 7 Sep 2019. Notification of acceptance will be no later than 30 September 2019. Conference registration will be accepted online through the conference website (https://www.aiftconference.com/AIFT19/idx/eng/home). Up-to-date information about the conference, hotel accommodations, travel, and more will be available soon on the website. For inquiries, please contact our conference secretariat Miss Boey Pang at po-yee.pang@polyu.edu.hk.

Important Dates


Abstract and Full Paper Submission Deadline   7 Sep 2019
Notification of Acceptance        30 Sep 2019
Early Bird Registration Deadline   15 Oct 2019
Online Registration Deadline     1 Nov 2019
Conference Date   25-27 Nov 2019

Artificial Intelligence on Fashion and Textile (AIFT) Conference 2019 Conference Secretariat

Miss Boey Pang

Email: po-yee.pang@polyu.edu.hk







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