select * ,count(*)as count from app_cash_trans_log group by app_cash_trans_log.tran_code having count(*)>=(select pla_config.cfg_value from pla_config where pla_config.cfg_name='tranMaxContinuity') order by app_cash_trans_log.id desc limit 5
> 1055 - Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'atmp_service.app_cash_trans_log.id' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
> 时间: 0.001s
以SQL语句select columes from table group by list为例:columns必须是聚集函数或者在group by后的表达式list中,并且list中必须包含主键,否则也会报错。
SELECT count(1) FROM customer GROUP BY `name`;该SQL执行成功,因为count是聚集函数;
SELECT * FROM customer GROUP BY `name`;该SQL执行失败,因为*中包含主键id,而group by后的表达式中并没有包含id
SELECT name FROM customer GROUP BY `name`;该SQL执行成功,因为name包含在group by后的表达式中
SELECT name, contact FROM customer GROUP BY `name`;该SQL执行失败,因为contact没有包含在group by后的表达式中

select @@sql_mode

select tran_code,any_value(tran_name)as tran_name ,any_value(tran_date) as tran_date ,any_value(tran_time) as tran_time,any_value(id) as id,count(tran_code)as count 
from app_cash_trans_log 
group by tran_code
having count >=(select pla_config.cfg_value from pla_config where pla_config.cfg_name='tranMaxContinuity') 
order by id desc limit 5;

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