
  • Word Preparation
    • instead of: 代替;而不是
    • thanks to: 多亏
    • dozens of: 许多
    • overbook: 超额预订(多指酒店或飞机票)
    • immediately:立即,马上
  • Grammar
    • 定冠词 The Article 'the'

Word Preparation

instead of: 代替;而不是

in place of something

We should try to fix the problems instead of complaining.

You should go out for a walk once in a while instead of working all the time.

thanks to: 多亏

Thanks to Lily, we won the football game easily.

Thanks to my good friend Ellen, I got to the airport on time.

dozens of: 许多

I have heard this story dozens of times before.

Dozens of people have already visited this famous history museum.

overbook: 超额预订(多指酒店或飞机票)

to sell more tickets or places for an aircraft, holiday, etc. than are available

Hotels always get overbooked during holidays.

She told us that the airline is allowed to overbook by 10 percent.


do something now without waiting; at once; right away; right now

I suggest you look into the matter immediately.

They worked out a new plan and decided to carry it out immeidately.


定冠词 The Article ‘the’

  1. 当表达唯一的时候,例如,The Internet has changed the way we live.
  2. 用来指代已知的事物或人物,例如,I had a sandwich and an apple this morning, but the sandwich wasn’t good and the apple was nice.

— Hi, Steve. Have you watched the move Fast and Furious 7 recently?
— No, I haven’t watched it yet.

  • I love to look at the stars in the sky.
  • Beijing is the capital of China.
  • I always buy clothes on the Internet.

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