
  • Word Preparation
    • transfer to: 转到;转移给
    • put down: 记下
    • account number: 账号
    • withdraw:取出
    • assist:帮助
  • Grammar
    • suggest表建议

Word Preparation

transfer to: 转到;转移给

to move something from one place to another

I will transfer that money to you later.

He was transferred to another football team.

put down: 记下

write some information on something

I need to put down your phone number before you go.

Could you put down your name, please?

account number: 账号

the number on your bank card which you use to take money out

Could I have your account number, please?

You will need your account number if you want to take money out.


to take out or remove from something

I need to withdraw my money from the bank.

She withdrew all her savings and went travelling to Australia with her family.


to help someone with something

He needed to be assisted by some personnel at the shops.

I don’t need to be assisted. I’m fine by myself.



  1. suggest + n./pron.,表示 “建议 …”
  2. suggest sth. to sb.,表示 “向某人建议 …”。
    注意:不可用 suggest sb. sth,即 suggest不接双宾语结构
  3. suggest + 动名词 (gerund),表示 “建议 …”。
  4. suggest + (that) + 主语(subject) + (should) do sth.,其中that, should可以省略,表示 “建议某人做某事” (其实是一个虚拟语气 subjunctive mood)。
  • She suggested a white wine with this dash.
  • We suggested the plan to Alice, but she rejected it.
  • He suggested going out for a walk.
  • He suggested that you should go to see your doctor tomorrow. (= He suggested you go to see your doctor tomorrow.)

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