Sara 老友记 第一季第六集


  • Sara 老友记 第一季第六集
  • 前言
  • 精选台词
  • 地道小词
  • 高频搭配
  • 黄金句型
  • 总结
    • 1. 重点
    • 2. 难点



  1. 大好机会?
  2. 搞砸了?


Joey: I told everybody about this. Now everyone’s gonna go to the theater, expecting to see me.
Rachel: you know what? No one is gonna be able to tell.
Joey: my mom will.
Chandler: there’s something so sweet and disturbing about that.
Joey: Y’know, I’ve done nothing but crappy plays for six years. And I finally get my shot, and I blow it!



  1. Sorry to disturb you.
  2. Do no disturb
  3. Could you please try no to disturb everyone else when you get up early?
  4. S3E6 You are disturb>ing my oboe practice
    S2E10 [Joey is reading a paper]: The only thing worse than the mindless adolescent direction was Joseph Tribbiani’s disturbingly unskilled protrayal of the king

人生经历: have done

  1. S1E17 Ross: You scare the crap out of me
  2. S10E5 Joey: She has a lot of crap
  3. S1E11 Chandler: No one know the crap I go through with my mother more than you
  4. S2E11 Rachel: I didn’t marry Barry, my life is total crap / mess
  1. S2E16 What a load / pile of crap!
  2. S1E9 A crappy happy
  3. S1E14 Chandler: What a crappy night


Ross: She took everything away but this blue one.

Rachel’s sister:That’s the best one



搞砸机会blow it


I told everybody about this

No one is gonna be able to tell

I’ve done nothing but……
S10E05 You’v been nothing but negative


1. 重点

2. 难点

2.1 theater ['θiətɚ]

这个摘选自Sara老友记 第一季第6课 Joey天天演 烂片

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