dagre-d3 github 上没有文档介绍 看dagre.js的吧   基于d3.js v4以上

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基于d3 v3 和 v4 的变化


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基于demo上修改 https://dagrejs.github.io/project/dagre-d3/latest/demo/tcp-state-diagram.html

方向   rankdir: 'BT' bottom top

节点之间线的距离    ranksep: 200

节点距离   nodesep: 100

直线变为曲线  curve: d3.curveBasis

默认为矩阵 可以变为圆 椭圆 四边形

g.setNode("rect", { shape: "rect" });
g.setNode("circle", { shape: "circle" });
g.setNode("ellipse", { shape: "ellipse" });
g.setNode("diamond", { shape: "diamond" });
<!doctype html><meta charset="utf-8">
<title>dagre-v3.4x</title><script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="tipsy.css">
<script src="tipsy.js"></script>
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<!--<script src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery.tipsy/1.0.3/jquery.tipsy.js"></script>--><h1>Dagre D3 Demo: Tooltip on Hover</h1><style id="css">text {font-weight: 300;font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serf;font-size: 14px;}.node rect {stroke: #333;fill: #fff;}.edgePath path {stroke: #333;fill: #333;stroke-width: 1.5px;}.node text {pointer-events: none;}/* This styles the title of the tooltip */.tipsy .name {font-size: 1.5em;font-weight: bold;color: #60b1fc;margin: 0;}/* This styles the body of the tooltip */.tipsy .description {font-size: 1.2em;}
</style><svg width=960 height=600></svg><section><p>The TCP state diagram(<a href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc793.txt">source: RFC 793</a>) withhover support. Uses <a href="http://bl.ocks.org/ilyabo/1373263">tipsy JS and CSS</a>for the tooltip.
</section><script id="js">// Create a new directed graphvar g = new dagreD3.graphlib.Graph().setGraph({ rankdir: 'TB' });//  rankdir: 'BT'  bt是bottom 到 top//  rankdir: 'LR'  lr是left 到 right// States and transitions from RFC 793var states = {CLOSED: {description: "represents no connection state at all.",style: "fill: #f77"},LISTEN: {description: "represents waiting for a connection request from any " +"remote TCP and port."},"SYN SENT": {description: "represents waiting for a matching connection " +"request after having sent a connection request."},"SYN RCVD": {description: "represents waiting for a confirming connection " +"request acknowledgment after having both received and sent a " +"connection request."},ESTAB: {description: "represents an open connection, data received " +"can be delivered to the user.  The normal state for the data " +"transfer phase of the connection.",style: "fill: #7f7"},"FINWAIT-1": {description: "represents waiting for a connection termination " +"request from the remote TCP, or an acknowledgment of the " +"connection termination request previously sent."},"FINWAIT-2": {description: "represents waiting for a connection termination " +"request from the remote TCP."},"CLOSE WAIT": {description: "represents waiting for a connection termination " +"request from the local user."},CLOSING: {description: "represents waiting for a connection termination " +"request acknowledgment from the remote TCP."},"LAST-ACK": {description: "represents waiting for an acknowledgment of the " +"connection termination request previously sent to the remote " +"TCP (which includes an acknowledgment of its connection " +"termination request)."},"TIME WAIT": {description: "represents waiting for enough time to pass to be " +"sure the remote TCP received the acknowledgment of its " +"connection termination request."}};// Add states to the graph, set labels, and styleObject.keys(states).forEach(function(state) {var value = states[state];value.label = state;value.rx = value.ry = 5;g.setNode(state, value);});// Set up the edgesg.setEdge("CLOSED",     "LISTEN",     { label: "open", curve: d3.curveBasis });g.setEdge("LISTEN",     "SYN RCVD",   { label: "rcv SYN", curve: d3.curveBasis });g.setEdge("LISTEN",     "SYN SENT",   { label: "send", curve: d3.curveBasis });g.setEdge("LISTEN",     "CLOSED",     { label: "close" });g.setEdge("SYN RCVD",   "FINWAIT-1",  { label: "close" });g.setEdge("SYN RCVD",   "ESTAB",      { label: "rcv ACK of SYN" });g.setEdge("SYN SENT",   "SYN RCVD",   { label: "rcv SYN", curve: d3.curveBasis });g.setEdge("SYN SENT",   "ESTAB",      { label: "rcv SYN, ACK" });g.setEdge("SYN SENT",   "CLOSED",     { label: "close" });g.setEdge("ESTAB",      "FINWAIT-1",  { label: "close" });g.setEdge("ESTAB",      "CLOSE WAIT", { label: "rcv FIN" });g.setEdge("FINWAIT-1",  "FINWAIT-2",  { label: "rcv ACK of FIN" });g.setEdge("FINWAIT-1",  "CLOSING",    { label: "rcv FIN" });g.setEdge("CLOSE WAIT", "LAST-ACK",   { label: "close" });g.setEdge("FINWAIT-2",  "TIME WAIT",  { label: "rcv FIN" });g.setEdge("CLOSING",    "TIME WAIT",  { label: "rcv ACK of FIN" });g.setEdge("LAST-ACK",   "CLOSED",     { label: "rcv ACK of FIN", curve: d3.curveBasis });g.setEdge("TIME WAIT",  "CLOSED",     { label: "timeout=2MSL", curve: d3.curveBasis });// Create the renderervar render = new dagreD3.render();// Set up an SVG group so that we can translate the final graph.var svg = d3.select("svg"),inner = svg.append("g");// Set up zoom supportvar zoom = d3.zoom().on("zoom", function() {inner.attr("transform", d3.event.transform);});svg.call(zoom);// Simple function to style the tooltip for the given node.var styleTooltip = function(name, description) {return "<p class='name'>" + name + "</p><p class='description'>" + description + "</p>";};// Run the renderer. This is what draws the final graph.render(inner, g);inner.selectAll("g.node").attr("title", function(v) { return styleTooltip(v, g.node(v).description) }).each(function(v) { $(this).tipsy({ gravity: "w", opacity: 1, html: true }); });// Center the graphvar initialScale = 0.75;svg.call(zoom.transform, d3.zoomIdentity.translate((svg.attr("width") - g.graph().width * initialScale) / 2, 20).scale(initialScale));svg.attr('height', g.graph().height * initialScale + 40);

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