
Vue.D3.tree (Vue.D3.tree)

Update documentationVue components to display graphics based on D3.js layout.


树 (Tree)

用法 (Usage)

<tree :data="tree" :node-text="name" layoutType="circular">
import {tree} from 'vued3tree'export default {components: {tree},data() {return {tree: {name: "father",children:[{name: "son1",children:[ {name: "grandson"}, {name: "grandson2"}]},{name: "son2",children:[ {name: "grandson3"}, {name: "grandson4"}]}]}}}

物产 (Properties)

Name Required Type/Value Default Description
data no Object null Data representing tree structure, children nodes are represented by children property
duration no Number 750 Animation duration in milliseconds
layoutType no 'circular' or 'euclidean' 'euclidean' Circular or euclidean layout
marginX no Number 20 margin for X axis in pixel
marginY no Number 20 margin for Y axis in pixel
nodeText yes String null name of the property of the node to be used as a display name
type no 'tree' or 'cluster' 'tree' kind of layout: tree or cluster
radius no Number 3 node circle radius in pixel
zoomable no Boolean true If true tree can be zoomed in using mouse wheel and drag-and-drop
名称 需要 类型/值 默认 描述
数据 没有 Object 空值 表示树结构的数据,子节点由children属性表示
持续时间 没有 Number 750 动画持续时间(以毫秒为单位)
layoutType 没有 “圆形”或“欧几里得” '欧几里得' 圆形或欧式布局
marginX 没有 Number 20 X轴的边距(以像素为单位)
边际 没有 Number 20 Y轴的边距(以像素为单位)
nodeText String 空值 用作显示名称的节点的属性名称
类型 没有 “树”或“集群” '树' 布局类型: 树或群集
半径 没有 Number 3 节点圆半径(以像素为单位)
可缩放 没有 Boolean 真正 如果可以使用鼠标滚轮和拖放操作放大真实的树

大事记 (Events)

  • clicked


Sent when the node name is clicked


  • expand


Sent when the node is clicked and the node children are expanded


  • retract


Sent when the node is clicked and the node children are retracted


For all these events, the argument passed is {element, data} where element represents the node build by D3.js and data is the node raw data.

对于所有这些事件,传递的参数为{element, data} ,其中element表示由D3.js构建的节点,而data是节点原始数据。

  • zoom


Sent when the tree is zoomed. Argument: {transform} where transform is d3.zoom transform object

缩放树时发送。 参数: {transform}其中transform是d3.zoom变换对象

方法 (methods)

Name Argument return Description
expand D3.js node a promise which resolve when animation is over Expand the given node.
expandAll D3.js node a promise which resolve when animation is over Expand the given node and all its children.
collapse D3.js node a promise which resolve when animation is over Collapse the given node.
collapseAll D3.js node a promise which resolve when animation is over Collapse the given node and all its children.
resetZoom - a promise which resolve when animation is over Set zoom matrix to identity
show D3.js node a promise which resolve when animation is over Expand nodes if needed in order to show the given node.
showOnly D3.js node a promise which resolve when animation is over Retract all node that are not in the path of the given node.
名称 论据 返回 描述
扩大 D3.js node 当动画结束时解决的诺言 展开给定的节点。
展开全部 D3.js node 当动画结束时解决的诺言 展开给定的节点及其所有子节点。
坍方 D3.js node 当动画结束时解决的诺言 折叠给定的节点。
全部收缩 D3.js node 当动画结束时解决的诺言 折叠给定的节点及其所有子节点。
resetZoom -- 当动画结束时解决的诺言 将缩放矩阵设置为恒等
表演 D3.js node 当动画结束时解决的诺言 如果需要,请展开节点以显示给定的节点。
只显示 D3.js node 当动画结束时解决的诺言 撤回不在给定节点路径中的所有节点。

分层边缘捆绑 (Hierarchical Edge Bundling)

用法 (Usage)

<hierarchical-edge-bundling identifier="id" :data="tree" :links="links" node-text="name"/>
import {hierarchicalEdgeBundling} from 'vued3tree'export default {components: {hierarchicalEdgeBundling},data() {return {tree: {name: "father",children:[{name: "son1",children:[ {name: "grandson", id: 1}, {name: "grandson2", id: 2}]},{name: "son2",children:[ {name: "grandson3", id: 3}, {name: "grandson4", id: 4}]}]},links: [{source: 3, target: 1, type: 1},{source: 3, target: 4, type: 2}],linkTypes: [{id: 1, name: 'depends', symmetric: true},{id: 2, name: 'implement', inName: 'implements', outName: 'is implemented by'},{id: 3, name: 'uses', inName: 'uses', outName: 'is used by'},]}}

物产 (Properties)

Name Required Type/Value Default Description
data no Object null Data representing tree structure, children nodes are represented by children property
links no Array null Data representing links between the nodes, having source and target properties referencing node identifiers
identifier yes String or Function - name of the property of the node to be used as a identifier or function taking a node and returning its identifier
nodeText yes String - name of the property of the node to be used as a display name
duration no Number 750 Animation duration in milliseconds
marginX no Number 20 margin for X axis in pixel
marginY no Number 20 margin for Y axis in pixel
maxTextWidth no Number -1 Max node text width (in pixel) to be displayed, if -1 text is not truncated.
nodeClass no String 'graph' class to be applied to the root div. Useful when custom CSS rules have to be applied.
名称 需要 类型/值 默认 描述
数据 没有 Object 空值 表示树结构的数据,子节点由children属性表示
链接 没有 Array 空值 表示节点之间链接的数据,具有引用节点标识符的source属性和target属性
识别码 StringFunction -- 要用作标识符或接受节点并返回其标识符的函数的节点属性的名称
nodeText String -- 用作显示名称的节点的属性名称
持续时间 没有 Number 750 动画持续时间(以毫秒为单位)
marginX 没有 Number 20 X轴的边距(以像素为单位)
边际 没有 Number 20 Y轴的边距(以像素为单位)
maxTextWidth 没有 Number -1 如果未截断-1文本,则要显示的最大节点文本宽度(以像素为单位)。
nodeClass 没有 String '图形' 应用于根div的类。 当必须应用自定义CSS规则时很有用。

大事记 (Events)

  • mouseNodeOver


Sent when the node name is hovered by mouse


  • mouseNodeOut


Sent when mouse leaves the node name


For these events, the argument passed is {element, data} where element represents the node build by D3.js and data is the node raw data.

对于这些事件,传递的参数为{element, data} ,其中element表示由D3.js构建的节点,而data是节点原始数据。

  • clickOutsideGraph


Sent when mouse is clicked outside any geometry or text of the hierarchical edge bundling


  • nodesComputed


Sent when D3.js nodes are computed using data props. Called with D3.js hierarchy node

使用data道具计算D3.js节点时发送。 用D3.js层次结构节点调用

  • highlightedNodeChanged


Sent when highlighted node has changed.


数据 (data)

  • highlightedNode


Highlighted node: when set to a node data, the corresponding node and its related links will be highlighted. If null standard display is showing.

高亮显示的节点:当设置为节点数据时,相应的节点及其相关链接将被高亮显示。 如果为空,则显示标准显示。

安装 (Installation)

  • Available through:


npm install vued3tree

构建设置 (Build Setup)

# install dependencies
npm install# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev# build for production with minification
npm run build

翻译自: https://vuejsexamples.com/vue-component-to-display-tree-based-on-d3-js-layout/



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